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Got a pic of the "finished" model. There's a lot that needs tweaking, mainly the details.


Quick Q: I need recommendations for my yellow to make it much better. CUrrently I do an undercoat of white, then two layes of Golden Yellow, followed by two layers of Sunshine Yellow. Any idea's on improving the quality of it? Same with the lighter minty green parts.

Good Evening Mr.Hubernator :HQ:


t'has been a while ;) nice to see youve entered the Phantoms into the Call, i've just joined it too!


nice to see the colours on the sternguard ;) going well!


regarding the yellow, try starting off with a brown like..Calthan brown, and work your way up to your final yellow...should give a better shaded effect but who knows...give it a try on a test mini :FA:


i may sound like im echoing what everyone else is saying, but try picking up some washes :) they work wonders :)


Ciao, ill be sure to comment regularily :HS:



i like to use ogryn flesh and a little gryphonne sepia on my yellows / nmm golds...


in your case, i'd be looking to buy those two, and maybe the green one...Thraka green is it?


i supose Badab black would be a wise move too...


oh look i just picked half the range XD



lol I do have thraka green, been using it on the darker green of the models. Wasn't sure on ogryn flesh, doesn't seem fitting.



EDIT: Here's the pic of the latest version. He'll be on standby with the others until I can fix that cursed yellow :)



Lack of update is my fault, kinda forgot. Ah well, here's a large-ish update.


Now, on the CotI3 thread I put up this:



And he's now "done":






And onto the next fella:



And my order hasn't arrived yet...

Another taster. In a random spree I partially glued together the tactical squad. Currently they don't have arms, I'll put those on once the body is done on them :)




I really do like the sarge that I've done :)



Man I'm falling behind in updates. But model wise it's getting there. Done the third Vanguard marine. He's the worst one I've done so far - the paint job is horrid and the jump-pack wouldn't actually lie flat.






Also did the sarge (through boredom and the nagging feeling that he had no paint on him)




  • 3 weeks later...

Just to prove I am still in this, I've taken a pic to show some small progress. The 4th Vanguard is nearing completion (finally). Meanwhile I've been blu-tacing the other tacticals together to give me an idea of how they're gonna look. The bodies, heads and backpacks are glued together (minus the last 2 as the heads fell off :)). Opinions reqired for this as I don't wanna mess these up when I get going again next.





{as you can see I've painted the weapons for the end guy}

Vanguard are done :)






I think I can say I have good reason with the metal ones. The darn paint keeps coming off :lol: I've tried thinning now and I've managed a way of getting it relatively right. I'll be trying it on my next models.


As for the scout sarge, he's been glossed so I can't really change that. Besides I'm gonna tryn something new for the faces when I get round to painting one :D

  • 2 weeks later...

An update for me. Made progress on the tactical marines, course they still need tidying up. C&C welcome




  • 3 weeks later...

And just to shake this thread into life once more, I have an update for my Tactical marines.




If you can make it out, I've painted the bases brown and assembled them all, fully painted too. Gonna work on the chapter symbols for all of them this week as well as neaten up the arms. Then I'll get a groupshot :D

Finished my Call today, so here's all the tacticals :lol:






And as a treat, the 2 units completed



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