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Just getting started *fluff and a bit of rules*


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I'm just getting into 40k, and Space Wolves sound like the coolest list in the game to me.

I've read up on the Space Marines background a bit, so I know most of the SW idiosyncrasies when it comes to chapter organization, but I was wondering how to go about standardizing my troops under one symbol. I'd like to stick to the warhammer lore as much as possible, but I also want a degree of customization to shine through. I absolutely love the degree of depth this game's setting has.


Would it be appropriate to select one of the twelve great chapters as my army standard? Are there any important lore aspects that should aid in this decision? I was eyeballing this site particularly: http://www.gobiel.com/sonsofruss/warlord.htm and Erik Morkai's company looked pretty fun.



The great company symbol should be emblazoned on the right-shoulder of all my marines right?

As for other symbolism, I could adopt the runes of my chosen chapter to put on guns and such, but I'm still looking for more resources to aid me there.

Apart from that, I'm more or less free to concoct my own squad flavor and be as flamboyant as I want to be, right?

Basically I'm still trying to feel out where the line between the setting and the player's imagination is typically drawn. (i'll be gearing up to play in tourneys and other functions at my local GW sometime in the future.)


I realize these questions are pretty vague, but I feel like i'm still too new to the game to have specific inquiries.

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The wolves can be customized -heavily- and still be really fluffy; canonically, they take lots of trophies and such, usually in the form of pelts taken during ritualistic hunts. They also use runic letters for their writing, so you can inscribe banners/armor/weapons as appropriate. I personally have a land raider crusader with gilded runes depicting space wolf heroes all over (Njal Stormcaller, Bjorn the Fel-Handed, Ragnar Blackmane, Logan Grimnar, Ranulf, Ulrik, Freki, Geri, and then 'For Russ, For the Wolftime' written across the assault doors). For extra flavor, green stuff and dwarf sprues are handy. With regards to selecting a great company, you can, or you can create your own; alot of great companies have gone missing over the millenia due to their high degree of independence within the chapter).



Edit: And how could I forget! Serfs, get the newest brother an ale!

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The Ragnar series of books is great for info.


I called my unit a "lesser company" (I wanted the freedom to do what I want, without having to make up a non-official great company), a test the Great Wolf has to see if more specialized units could work. Thus, the binding symbol was that on each of their left shoulder pads (the company shoulder pad) is painted Space Wolf Grey (the baby blue) with their 'home' company symbol. Some from the Great Wolfs company, some from Ragnars, etc. Meant I could use all the transfers I had on hand.

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Up above on the main forum, I think in the SW FAQ from Depthcharge, I wrote an article on the different pack markings and such.


If you were the marine in question, on your left shoulder would be the company marking, on your right would be the pack marking. Depending on what you are is the color you use. That article has what we know for sure (BC - Red/Yellow, GH - Red/Black, LF - Black/White, WG - Yellow/Black, etc) and what seems to be standard. Of course, being Space Wolves, nothing is set in stone.. thats just what seems to be most common or traditional.


As for icons, some symbols are reserved for certain units, but I dont use those on mine. Just the two colors in different patterns.


As for Great Company, that varies too.. though the most common seems to be a yellow background with the company symbol in black.

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welcome to the Fang brother,have an ale.


With regards to your warriors its totally upto you how your great company markings go,chose whatever colours you think best suites your brave fenrisian's, as has been metioned already there is no set markings/colours for our packs (the benefit of being non-codex :)) just make sure your armour is grey,you have a bolter in one hand,an axe in the other and your enemies to your front and your sorted mate. good luck with your wolves as they are difficult but ultimately rewarding army to collect both for modelling opportunities and gaming.

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Well, after lots of thought and foruming around, I think i'm going to start off by buying the Assault on Black Reach box...

I know, I know, there are loads of reasons why I shouldn't, especially if i'm going to be building space wolves.


But here's why I think it would behoove me to do so:


1) I'll use the ork side to try and lure some of my friends to start playing.


2) I can use the painting experience


3) Eventually, i'll be wanting to make a large enough force that the AOBR marines can be absorbed into my total army without really standing out too much.


4) I want to master the rudimentary strategy of the game, and starting off with a basic tactical squad is, i think, the best way to do this.




That said, anyone think i'm crazy for doing this?

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Everything in that set is usuable, sept maybe the commander. Instead you get: 1 squad of Grey Hunters, 1 Wolf Gaurd Pack Leader, 1 WGBL in TDA, 4 WGBG in TDA, and a Venerable Dreadnaught with multimelta. Grab yourself a box of Grey Hunters or Blood Claws and you have about 1000 points of Wulfy Death.
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We are particular in maintaining who we are and the fact we are nothing like "Codex Marines"


We operate in packs, which are organized in Great Companies...if you have any questions about the Wolves feel free to ask, but please only after you have tried searching. Welcome to the Fang fellow Blood Claw.


As for your original post, for the most part you can paint and indentify your packs however you see fit. Generally, I try to put the Great Company marking on the left shoulder and the pack type marking (i.e. Blood Claw, Grey Hunter, etc) on the right. Space Wolves love talismans and wolf tails, it makes us look almost as tough as we are =)

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I on the other hand put the GC marking on left shoulder and then a Rune on the right shoulder.... wich is done in black over red for Grey Hunters and Yellow over red for Bloodclaws. Long fangs are in White over black... ie the rune is white and the background is black. Wolf Lords are White with company and/or special markings and WGBL's are white or Black with company and/or special markings. Scouts dont have pack markings... there isnt enough room really IMHO.
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That's a good idea GM, do you do individual runes or a rune for the whole pack?


The coloring I do the same if I can....its hard though with the boxes only coming with 5 of the same markings each =( =P


I agree on the Scouts as well....the WGPL I got for the Scouts has a blackened Great Company marking but there are no other markings on the WGPL or the Scouts

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Lol five? all my transfer sheets came with 10. Your getting jipped. As for the runes, I do one of the Elder Futhark for each pack. Should I ever for whatever reason go beyond 24 packs.... well I suppose I might go to the younger futhark then.


Ill note that I do WGPLs a little different. I give them the Wolf Head backpacks and theyre red on one side and black on the other. The black shoulder receives the rune "Tyr" wich looks something like an upward facing arrow. Symbolizes justice, honorable combat, vengeance, and of course the God Tyr who was one of the leadership oriented Aseir.

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I would suggest you go ahead and buy the Assault on Black Reach box, great way to get the rules and like you said slit the cost with a buddy how likes the look at orcs.


However, before you build up your packs, buy a Blood claw box and a GH box, this should give you enough bits to "wolf out" the Black Reach basic Space Marine models fairly easily.


WG Vrox.

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If you have the bits and the skill, wolfing out AoBR is not hard. I ended up sawing the backs off the TDA and using the FW SW TDA kit on them. A craft knife is useful for the Tactical Arrows which need shifting, and the Wolf Plate from the sprue can replace the Dread sarcoughaus in a pinch.
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I very much do like the rune idea though, I will have to use it for my WGBG and other big names.

This is how I was planning to customize my packs inside of a more standardized Great Company, i'll just make a big showy rune over each pack marking(right shoulder) and any banners that pack wields. Then etch it into the armor elsewhere too. I'm thinking backpacks, guns, and knees/ankles. Sparsely distributed so as to refrain from becoming hokey.


As far as color scheme goes, I was thinking of the standard grey with just a hint of Hawk Turquoise. I found this pic on a random google search for Space Wolves, and really dig the way the armor looks.



I'm thinking of experimenting with the Metallica-style paintjob from this thread, but change it to reflect the wolves color scheme:http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.php?showtopic=151098


If I do a good coat of Space Wolves Grey, and then a wash of Hawk Turquoise I might achieve a decent look.

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If you are going to go pack marking plus rune I would say put the rune on first then the pack marking. I think that might look better, although of course it is your work.

I might just be confused, but that sounds like alot of work painting around the rune when you could just lay the rune on top of the pack colors. I'd love to clarify what you meant as i'm sure there's some valid advice in it.


That color almost looks like the Space Wolf Grey color.


"Almost" being the operative word, I think once I nail the technique I want, they will be mostly normal SW, but look just a bit unique. Thus the quick-glance opponents can see what they are, and the paint-addicts can look closer and see something fun.

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Well I am thinking that maybe GM uses decals from the Eldar sets (although he may not as he hasn't stated so =P) but if he does then I would put the rune decal on first then the SW transfer....however you could paint the rune on easily enough and then apply the SW decal after it dries. Either way I think having the look of the run underneath might look better but that is of course my opinion.


Great idea on the color. I am personally a fan a less teal color....I use Fenris Grey myself. I think it has an excellent dark color agaisnt the lights of Sunburst Yellow and Blood Red of my shoulder pads (although my Blood Claws have both in Sunburst).

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