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Command Squad


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What should a Command squad be made up of? Other than an Apothecary... What's your preference? I think it should be used as a Close Combat team..


Brazen Claws 5th Company



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Given that the command squad will be accompanying your most assault-capable character in the army, I think it's a waste to kit them out for anti-vehicle duty. Do you really want to pay 100 points for a captain and then have him stand around and bust rhinos?


Now, that's not to say you shouldn't take a meltagun or two in a command squad, but building them specifically to be anti-vehicle is a waste to me. I would use them to crack hard assault targets, and build them in such a way as to distract attacks from my captain, which would mean:


- At least 1 thunder hammer or power fist to make them instant-death capable.

- At least a few spare wounds so that the first hit or two doesn't kill high point models.

- Probably a few power weapons beyond that, if you are feeling punchy.


Maybe give a guy or two a meltagun instead of a power weapon if you want to crack vehicles. Son of Macragge's squad is similar to what I would do with it. I'd probably aim for Champ, Fist, Apothecary, and two bone stock guys to take casualties from.

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my command squad either looks like a tactical squad, assault squad, or terminator squad, cus honestly, the proper command squad is a big waste of points.


BUT IF I was to take one by force, then I would only take an apothecary

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I keep mine cheap but functional. In short, they are there to see my captain safetly into combat. The squad, and my captain, will take a lot of heat since they'll come down in a drop pod.


Here's what mine look like:

1 Apothecary

2 Veterans with bolt pistols and chainswords

1 Veteran with boltpistol, chainsword and stormshield

1 Company Veteran with Power weapon, bolt pistol and combat shield


The stormshield is there to soak up AP3 (and lower) shots. The other guys are meatshields for the Captain and the Company Veteran. :P I don't expect these guys to love long with all the battle cannons I keep facing! With drop pods flamers are a pretty good idea, but I just couldn't make it look good on my guys. Flamers have a drawback as well, they sometimes kill too much so my captain can't get into close combat, a bit no no! :P


Simple and cheap. That's what I like!

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I am planning on kitting out two seperate command squads, one on bikes w power weapons/fists (at least 2) and a melta or two to ride along with my captain with a relic blade. The other one will be for my rather shooty footslogger, and for that one I am planning on loading up with shooty goodness, SB's melta's and plasma. A fist in the squad to make sure that it...deters people from getting too frisky. I might even go all assault weapons so he can advance, shoot, and charge to support my combat squads. One good thing about starting to work on Purity Above All, you have a lot of apothecaries laying around!
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@ stormtag: command squads can't take plasma cannons, do you mean plasma guns?


Yeah, sorry. 4 Vets w/ Plasmaguns and an Apoth, rolling around in a Razorback sounds rather fun to me.


It's good for monster hunting, very useful against Marines and Terminators, and can pop light vehicles.

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Given that the command squad will be accompanying your most assault-capable character in the army, I think it's a waste to kit them out for anti-vehicle duty. Do you really want to pay 100 points for a captain and then have him stand around and bust rhinos?


Now, that's not to say you shouldn't take a meltagun or two in a command squad, but building them specifically to be anti-vehicle is a waste to me. I would use them to crack hard assault targets, and build them in such a way as to distract attacks from my captain, which would mean:



who says the captain has to stay with them? Or even deploy with them for that matter? I find that I will often split the captain off into another assault element and use the CS as a FnP shooty squad. 4 plasguns is an obvious choice and the FnP lets you minimize gets hot losses.

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Given that the command squad will be accompanying your most assault-capable character in the army, I think it's a waste to kit them out for anti-vehicle duty. Do you really want to pay 100 points for a captain and then have him stand around and bust rhinos?


Now, that's not to say you shouldn't take a meltagun or two in a command squad, but building them specifically to be anti-vehicle is a waste to me. I would use them to crack hard assault targets, and build them in such a way as to distract attacks from my captain, which would mean:



who says the captain has to stay with them? Or even deploy with them for that matter? I find that I will often split the captain off into another assault element and use the CS as a FnP shooty squad. 4 plasguns is an obvious choice and the FnP lets you minimize gets hot losses.


There are some debates about whether Honor Guard or Command Squads are Retinues as per the Retinue rule in the BRB. That being said, more people are of the opinion that the HG/CS are NOT retinue than otherwise. Especially since Calgar would give you 3 Retinues (lolwut?)

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Here is what I would do:


Captain with Relic blade, accompanying a full Tactical squad with flamer and power fist on the Sergeant, in a Landraider. Along side that, a command squad with 4 plasma guns in a Rhino (or Razorback if you are that way inclined), accompaied by a Master of the Forge with plasma pistol. That is alot of plasma shot in a single attack.

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I put together my command squad out of spare mark II vets, but ill probably never use them:


captain: Relic blade/storm shield


Company champ

Vet: power sword/pistol

Vet: Lightening claw/ flamer X2


tooled for CC with flamers for template mayhem and for assaults into cover



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how does the LC guy even hold the flamer? Getting Edward Scissorhands flashbacks here (j/k) ;)


I believe the claws can be retracted


When I get my command squad, I want to have:


1x apothecary

1x champion

3x veteran with flamer


most likely they will ride to battle in a razorback with TLHF or in a droppod,

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