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My first Tactical Squad


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Here is pic of my first tactical squad and all my marines so far. I noticed that they they armors are a bit darker in real. They seems to bi lighter on pic. More picture on my painting blog:


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I take it you mean the first tac squad in the army, not the first you painted, because if thats the first you painted.... well.... I really don't know what to say to that!!


Very clean paint job, all the details where they are needed without going over the top....

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I take it you mean the first tac squad in the army, not the first you painted, because if thats the first you painted.... well.... I really don't know what to say to that!!


Very clean paint job, all the details where they are needed without going over the top....


Thanks. Actually its my first squad ever, but i have seen many other "first time" squads which were much better. I guess much depends on how much you read before you start painting. Many tutorials, blogs, and thousands images helped. But there is still much to improve. I was satisfied when i finished my first marines but now im not. I have to improve highlights, and experiment a bit with different colours. Also shading and cheasteagles need more care. And my biggest problem now :) lack of time for painting and slow painter syndrome.

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Hell, if your just starting, don't worry about time, even for me, who has been painting for a very long time now, isn't really all that fast, I can paint tabletop standard, about a squad a day, but a decent centre piece standard, mabey 2 minis a day... of course by a day I mean a 16 hour painting marathon.


I'll give you a few pointers to help you clean them up a little bit...


For the highlihts, don't paint onto the surface, try to pull the brush along the edges where possible, and if you go over a bit further than you wanted, don't worry, just go back after its dry with a bit of the UM blue (or which ever you use) and clean it up. You want final highlights to be very thin if at all possible.


Now for the chest eagles... these can be a bit tricky to make spectacular when using metalics, so I try to avoid them, but if you do want to keep using them, then paint the eagle a dark gold, then grab a new(ish) brush, one that has no curling or fraying at the tip and carefully apply chestnut ink (if you can find it, if not then you'll need a few layers of ogryn flesh, but make sure its dry before applying the next layer) into the recesses in the eagle, once thats all done and dry (leave for a few hours to be sure, you don't want any seepage at this stage) apply a very fine highlight of a lighter gold colour, but only to the wing feathers.


Well I hope this helps, but remember, what you have now, is something to be proud of, espically since your just beggining.

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