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The Emperor's Green Dragons


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Welcome, honoured visitor...

If you like what you see, have tips, ideas, critique or commets or perhaps paint metallics yourself, then feel free to leave a comment or two! I'm always eager to develop my technique or lend a hand as needed.


I first joined the hobby back in the days when 3rd ed was released. Most of the time since, I've not participated in the hobby. Now I live in a larger town, with a respectably large wargaming society. I decided it was time to dust off my modelling hobby. And what better way to start fresh than with a brand new


In order to kickstart my new chapter, I joined the Librarium painting challenge.

The vow I took was a small one, a test batch of 5 marines to try out a colour scheme for them.

Here is an update, as promised.






The colour scheme of choice is a metallic green, with golden chest eagle and shoulder pad trim.

For now, I have to come up with a good looking red for the pads, eyes and weapons. Something bright laquerlike is what I have in mind.

If you have advice for this, feel free to share, and I'll give it a shot.


I am by no standards a good painter. This is the first time in 10 years that I pick up a model brush.

But everyone can scale the learning curve...


Kudos to
for his most excellent

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Good work on the green, painting matt evenly over metalics to get that metalic sheen is always tricky, I agree, the orange looks too off for the green, I like the red on the pad in the first picture, the arm with the chainsword, thats a good contrast without being overpowering.


Also silver may be better for the trim, but I would try a wash with chestnut ink first (or a couple of washes with ogryn flesh), that should darken the gold just enough to give it more depth.

Thank you!

I've had similar input from friends of mine I've asked.

Seems I'll me experimenting with deeper reds, rather rhan brigh ones.

The orange one was just a test for how orange would work as a base colour, with additional red (not showing on the pics) painted over it.

i like the green you used. how did you get it to look metallic? did you use a met green enamel paint, or did you coat a normal green with something? i was thinking of doing a metallic red on some of my minis and i've been trying to think how i want to do the paint, so that would be helpful to know.
i like the green you used. how did you get it to look metallic? did you use a met green enamel paint, or did you coat a normal green with something? i was thinking of doing a metallic red on some of my minis and i've been trying to think how i want to do the paint, so that would be helpful to know.



See this link for a tutorial on the method.

Only difference is the colour of the wash.

Things are coming along nicely, the groundwork on the models is done, and I have learned much in the process.

I'm not too happy about my ability to paint gold... it seems as a hard metal to get good colour gradients from.


I decided to go with a carnelian red, instead of the laquer one. I had trouble getting good cover from Blood Red over Merchide foundation. Instead, Merc + Red Gore + wash worked wonders.


To be done now are the bases, purity seals, transfers and some general cleanup.


Anyway, here are the pics of the mean, green marines, as promised.




  • 3 weeks later...

Finally, I got my shipment of modelling gravel I ordered a while back.


The chapter will have some relation to a red planet, so the gravel was painted with Baal Red wash.

With that, the bases are finished and the vow for the LPC is complete!

(Not that it was a big one, but still...)


Here's the result:





chapter the Green Dragons are now officially underway!

I have lots of fluff ideas for Liber Astartes article about them, and more importantly, lots of more models to paint!


2 sets of AoBR stuff and a few odd marines on top of that.


Here's a light conversion of my first Tac squad's Vet sarge.

Since I hate bare heads (c'mon, if you wear great armour, why leave your head exposed?!) I decided to add
to my sarges and higher-ups.




Those shoulderpads look alot better then the orange. Good Job!


Also a Space Marine's head is probably just as hard as any Helmet. A helmet does help, but when a sargeant needs to inspire and lead his men its harder when all they see is a pair of lenses and a cracckily voice over a comm system.

I do have a helmet on my Termi sarge though (except I put an iron halo thing and a bare head on another and I always get the two confused <_<)


Looking really nice, keep it up!

Ideas, ideas. I'm brimful of ideas of how to build this chapter...

Besides finishing up the models I own, I've given some serious thought into creating 2 multi-purpose dreads out of the AoBR variety.


Idealy, the chassis will be the same on both Vanillas/Ironclads/Venerables. The difference will be in the arms I field them with.


I've ordered a few arms from Forgeworld, with the intention of having the assault drill work as a seismic hammer.

Sadly, right handed dreadnought weapons are few and far between... at least if you are a loyalist. In fact, the only right handed DCCW I've found availible as a single bit is the Mk IV variety. Oh well. It'll do until I figure how to convert it. Or perhaps I'll grow to like it with a few games under the belt...




  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you!


Paintwise, I've been laying low, mainly because I've run into a major roadbump; custom GS-suplted shouldepad icons. *sigh*

I didn' want to take the easy way out and steal the Sallies dragonhead from the ubiquitous transfer sheets, instead I've contemplated buying Alpha Legion badges or make my own dragon icons, using this guide.


Metal badges are expensive, and to my frustration I discovered that I'm not an artist when it comes to sculpting GS.

Fortunately, the good samaritarian TaintedBrush took pity on me and made me an icon.




Also, I've got the most wonderful idea of how to create a stupidly easy, yet good looking banner in line with my theme! The Dark Elves iconography!

I'll shamelessly rip this off, as soon as I can lay my hands on some plastic banners or bannerpoles. The dragon icons themselves are already secured from friends!

Aside from banners, these dragons will find their way onto my stormshields, dreads, rhinos and landraiders in the future.

Furthermore, I've found that some Chaos vehicles have dragons heads for muzzles. I'll try to incorporate those as well, the Inquisition be damned! :)





These are ideas that eventually will find their way into the ranks of my army, in no particular order


  • 2 multi-purpose dreads. The Forgeworld arms have arrived so I cold start the assembly anytime.
  • A metallic coloured Chaplain using Tin Bitz and Badab Black. If he turns out well, he'll get a count-as-Death Company or Vanguard Tin Bitz marine escort.
  • A Venerable Dreadnaught, using the Throne of Judgement as a model, but replacing the Inquisitor sitting on it with my Chapter Master. (can't let the kingpin die on his battle brothers, they need his guidance!)
  • A second-in-command Captain with the Chaos Sorcerer's backpack (the vents have dragonheads fashioned like those on norse longboats!) and a winged Night Lords helmet. With luck I can add a DE scaly cloak to him, if I can locate the bit.
  • Death himself! Well... Almost. This will be count-as-Emperor's Champion. To re-create the Grim Reaper in power armour, I'll nick one of the robed Dark Angels bodies, add one of the Eversor Assasins skull helmet for head, along with the Eversor's severed trophy head. He'll be wielding Typhus schyte and wear Helbrecht's backpack with very gothic candles and skulls on it.
    Can't wait to build this model!

I wouldn't publish this if I was jealous about the ideas and schemes. :)

I hang around here in order to leech what ideas I can from my betters. If I happen to inspire someone in the community, all the better!


Feel free to loot away, and send me a link or two of the results!

Who knows, perhaps you'll try something new and improve the process?

  • 2 weeks later...

A slight update; I've been busy dabbling around with greenstuff moulding and finally produced some results worth keeping! With the casting process past the trial and error phase, it's time to start producing squads assembly line style.

Batches of 5 at a time seems like a reasonable quick pace.


I have what it takes for proper production now, a tested paint scheme, a custom badge and last but not least some 20 odd marines sitting around waiting for some primer. Next point of interest will be when I start painting the custom HQs, scouts, dreads and termies.




A little green in your red will change the tone I used to do this back when I first started. I haven't tried it and I don' have my paints at hand but I m sure a brown would give it a lacquer look if youdescde on a paint mixture remember your mixture ie 2:1 3:1 etc and I use old bottles when wanting to make a consistant color.


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