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Inquisition retinue?


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I want everyones advice. How would you set up your Inquisition Lords, and your inquisitors (elite section)?


Would you take the Judgment Throne with his routine?

Going back to a previous thread, if you took 2-4 inquisitors, how would you take your main inquisitor compared to your others?

Would you set your inquisitors up with range or close hand combat?

What are some ideas for set ups? For ranged combat, and for close combat?

Would you take an Inquisitor with 12 henchmen in a Landraider?

Would you take an Inquisitor with 11 henchmen in a Chimera?

Would you take a rhino with it?

Would you take rhinos or chimeras for your regular inquisitors?

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And I thought this might be some kind of dance thread. :P


I guess you mean 'retinue'.


Depends on what I can afford. Generallly I only take an DH Inquisitor Lord as a 2nd HQ to my GK army, so at that point I have plenty of points to splash out on.

My 3 Acolytes are tooled up with Bolters and Power Armour, my 3 Warriors all retain the Hellgun they start with, and I throw in a Sage, Mystic and Familiar just to spice things up. This is primarily due to my fluff though.

If I was writing a list for list's sake I would be tempted by the 3 Acolytes with Artificer Armour selection.

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Unless I have a bunch of extra points (which GK generally don't have) I will keep it simple ~200-225 points. Typical DH shooty, but it definitely gets the job done against infantry and light armor. Here is what I typically run:


- Inquisitor Lord - Psychic Hood, Auspex, Psycannon

- 2 sages (=BS5 with one reroll to hit per turn)

- 1 mystic (Free shot against EVERY deep strking unit, and infiltrators with the auspex)

- 2 HB Gun Servitors

- 1 Plasma Cannon Servitor

- Maybe a psychic power if you think you have an enemy that it will be effective against. Sanctuary for Daemons, Holocost if going against some horde armies where you will eventually be assaulted.


You can run this same setup for 25 points less with a regular inquisitor, but you only have LD8 (which you could improve to a LD9 for 8 points with a heirophant) but this still lowers your ability to effectively use the Hood. With the rising prevelence of Lash (or even double lash), it is well worth it to take - and it is an absolute blast to use against eldar:P But an even bigger loss is that the regular Inquisitor does not have Iron Will and that forces you to contend with LD tests. Once the enemy sees this guy and his team take out some units he will become a target priority. Iron Will means never having to say "retreat".


Plant them in some terrain. If you have extra points, acolytes are good to pawn off wounds from the =][=, and familiars are dirt cheap for ablative wounds to add more protection for your gun servitors, too. Again - if you are taking the regular inquisitor remember that you can't take more than 6 henchmen.


In real high points games, you can use either =][= to unlock another Land Raider if your HS slots are full, but if you are to that level - you probably are already in the Apoc range.

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I like using the Elite Inq with two Mystics and two Veteran Guardsman with Meltaguns; I add a Combi-Melta on the Inq and the whole group parties in a Rhino to give the Mystics an extended range since you measure from the hull. If my opponent has no DSing troops, well, the squad goes tank hunting!
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it depends on my mood. as a WH my inquisitor lord can fill out two pretty significant roles, either long range support or CC.


if i want range i'll take 3 combat servitors with 2 heavy bolters and a plasma cannon, along with a pair of sages. if i want to be nasty i'll toss in 3 acolytes with storm bolters and carapace armour.


for CC i take 3 crusaders, a familiar, and 3 acolytes with man catchers.


my fluff IL has a full retinue made to handle both types of situations. 2 heavy bolters, crusader, 2 sages, 3 acolytes with storm bolters, 2 chirurgeons, penitent, familiar. it's stupid pricey but it should be able to handle anything that comes its way.

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There's two powerful builds;


Malleus Lord, psycannon

2 x heavy bolter servitors, plasma cannon servitor

2 x Sages, 2 x Mystics

(202 points)


Thats the basic build. At 23 points a pop, you can add on up to 3 x Artificer Acolytes for absorbing damage. Another option is a psychic hood, but I usually take one on my Brother-Captain (he's not doing much else).


Hereticus Lord, eviscerator, 'His Will Be Done'

3 x Crusaders, 3 x Acolytes with power armour+man-catchers

2 x Chiurgeons, Familiar

(244 points)


This is a pretty effective tarpit for heroes and Monstrous Creatures. The trick is to get them into position to charge something or get charged; they excel at taking down the most powerful lone models in an opponents army.

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I love taking my Inqisitor with a Combi plasma, 3 vet guardsmen with plasma guns and 2-3 acolytes with combi plasma all packed in a Land Raider. It matters not that half of them usually get fried with their own plasma...
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I love taking my Inqisitor with a Combi plasma, 3 vet guardsmen with plasma guns and 2-3 acolytes with combi plasma all packed in a Land Raider. It matters not that half of them usually get fried with their own plasma...


I'm building a somewhat similar squad using Arbites/Enforcers minis: a lord with combi-plasma, 3 vets with plasma, 3 acolytes with bolters, 2 chirugeons, and a sage in a Chimera. We'll see how well it does.


I usually run a Malleus Lord and firebase squad (like GM Iapetus's). If you can set them up in cover they are awesome. They need to be supported by another squad of infantry though. They can't take CC.

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