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[LPC] Project Raven Guard - WIP


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Alright, so after mulling it over and looking at the mass of marine projects I've got going, I've decided that I'd join in the fun that is the Librarium challenge.


To that end, I've pledged to do the following:


Captain w/ Command Squad

Jump Pack Chaplain

2 Tactical Squads


I've assembled the better part of a full squad of Tactical Marines (almost all beakies none the less) out of spare parts, half assembled bodies, and a couple re-purposed marines. They will not all be in the same squad, but rather split amongst the 2 squads. I've also primed and did the base color work and washes on the chaplain. Pics below.


Tactical Marines:






New Vet Sgts for the new squads, based of the Mk II vets




Jump Pack Chaplain:


With Flash




Without Flash





The WIP picks of the Command Squad and Captain are un-usable unfortunatly, so no updates on them yet. I'll see about getting some more of them tomorrow.


Feed back welcomed as always!

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Not much love for Raven Guard stuff round here huh?


Oh well, pressing on... after 2 days I've got a little more complete. I've based coated and got a good deal done on the command squad, as well as started and finished the Captain.


First a little background on my paint scheme choices though.


When I originally started this army it was the 3rd company and the only published scheme was Insignium Astartes and a small image in the codex. Showing their all black with white markings color scheme. I need a way to denote veteran sgts from regular sgts, so the bone face plate was added. Shortly after this the Index Astartes was released with what I call the "Traffic Signal" scheme showing the different types of troops -ala the Blood Angels, but on the shoulder pad or markings. At this point, I experimented with the color changes, never really liked it and left it the way I had done it. The only other part was the inclusion of white for veterans. I did this on a couple models and it looked ok, but it kept reminding me of a Black Templar Apothecary with the way the colors got laid out.


The army went into retirement rather quickly after this when the 4th ed. Marine Dex was released. All the Razorbacks had las/twin plas, and my dreds had ONE lascannon between the 4 of them. Everything else was plasma, autocannon, or heavy bolters.



When the 5th ed rumors started flying I looked at the army again, dug out a spare marine and started playing around with the scheme again. This time, i did bone colored vet markings, like the vet's faceplate, and with the black I really liked it. I did add a little extra white to my standard bone recipe to make it look a little more polished. I also changed the company to the 5th Company, since Shrike came out and took over the 3rd, and with him the color markings changed again.


Alright, enough rambling, some new photos below. Again, sorry for the horrid quality, but this is what I get for taking photos at 2 am and having to use the flash. I'll see about some natural light photos this weekend.


Command Squad, With WAY to much flash but its the best one of them:



and the nearly finished Captain Guntram of the Raven Guard 5th Company (Guntram - "War raven." German name composed of the elements gund "war" and hrman "raven."):




I know the capts a little dark but the flash shot just kills all the highlighting.


Again, feedback, comments, and questions always welcome!

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Thanks everyone for the comments, I really appreciate it :)


The captain is awesome. Can you give us a parts list for him?


Sure thing. Master of Recruits from the Master of the chapters set, Studded pad from the Tactical Squad box, mk iv helmet from the Black Templar bitz set, long sword and back back from the commander set. All in all, 5 bitz.


Great work!


Where did you find those helmets?


Which helmets are you referring to? the Beakies are from the Tac Squad sets, capt is from the Templar Bitz pack. The ones in the command squad are modified. The sensor on the top has been filed off, then the beak has been shaved a little along the bottom to give it a curve, making it more like a birds beak.

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