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Only tech marines have servo arms, chronus has a servo arm


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So my question is can chronus fix an armament destroyed or immobilised effect on the tank he is commanding? it is the servo arm rule not the tech marines rule which allows models to fix vehicles so he is deffinently within 2 inches of the vehicle. Discuss.

Sorry, mate, I think you may have mixed things up a bit.

I'm looking at the Techmarine entry on p.71 of the C:SM; it is the 'Blessing of the Omnissiah' rule that allows vehicle repair. 'Servo arm' just allows an attack with a powerfist. This would mean that Chronus, in CC, has powerfist attacks. He can't repair vehicles.

Hope that helped.



Also, even if he could, he would be rather hindered by the fact that in order to repair a vehicle, you must be outside of it. I may be getting my editions mixed up, but Im fairly confident that a techmarine is allowed to disembark a transport as a free move in order to start repairs in the shooting phase. Chronus cannot deliberately leave the vehicle he is in, so even if he could fix it, he cant get out of it to do so. And he cant fix it.

Not a techmarine.

Doesn't have blessing of the omnissiah.

Fluff-wise I'd say the servo-arm is primarily for loading demolisher shells. Should the unthinkable happen and he be assaulted he can unload a whole lot of power to the enemy's face.

hmm. fair enough pays to quadruple check the rules. but since he has a servo arm he is a tech marine? so can he fix it. please can he?


Does it say in his rules that he can fix things like a tech-marine? No? Then he can't.


Does it say "Chronos is a tech-marine and has all thier rules"? No? Then he isn't.


The fact he has a servo arm doesn't make him the same as other units with servo arms just cause you want him to be. If it did, you could just go adding servo arms to Tac sargeants or an entire tactical squad, so they could continuosly repair their own rhinos.


Codexes work by telling you want models can/are allowed to do. You cannot assume a model can do something just because the codex does not say you can't.


/Rant over

I like your logic! generations of philosophers would be proud ;)


Servitors have servo arms, Chronus has a servo arm, therefor chronus is a servitor. Cheeky servitor, who the hell does he think he is hijacking our tanks!

I like your logic! generations of philosophers would be proud <_<


Servitors have servo arms, Chronus has a servo arm, therefor chronus is a servitor. Cheeky servitor, who the hell does he think he is hijacking our tanks!


That's a cheeky smurf servitor hijacking your tanks. Besides, What is the rule with techmarines and repairs. I thought since he is technically in base contact with the tank when being transported he can repair it (if not then thats rubbish, ork meks are better!!!)

Chronus has a power armour, sister of battle have power armour. therefor chronus is a sister of battle.


sisters of battle are girls, chronus is a sister of battle. therefor chronus is a girl.


damn smurf girl servitors getting above their station >_<

Guest Gordofski
The fact he has a servo arm doesn't make him the same as other units with servo arms just cause you want him to be. If it did, you could just go adding servo arms to Tac sargeants or an entire tactical squad, so they could continuosly repair their own rhinos.


They cannot take servo arms as wargear options.

Marnues Calgar wears Terminator armour, Abbadon wears Terminator Armour, therefore Abbadon is Chapter Master of the Ultramarines. ;)


Well you never see them in the same picture together.


Anyway, on topic, Servo-arm does not a mechaic make. I have spanners, the local smash-repair place has spanners bu I can't do anything but change the oil to save my life and I wouldn't want to even try. (least of all in the middle of a battlefield)


Maybe he just likes the arm or it is needed for tank crews but their skills do exceed as far as middle of battlefield repairs.

Just had an idea. Fluff states that tank commanders require the aid of a Techmarine to plug their armour into the tank they are commanding/driving. Chronus has an ejector option, therefore his servo-arm is part of the fluff explaining that he can plug/unplug his own armour, explaining how he can escape his tank where other Marines can't.


Any one else with me? ;)

Chronus has a power armour, sister of battle have power armour. therefor chronus is a sister of battle.


sisters of battle are girls, chronus is a sister of battle. therefor chronus is a girl.


damn smurf girl servitors getting above their station >_<


Chaos Space Marines wear power armour, Sisters of battle wear power armour, therefore sisters of battle (and thus Chronus) are Chaos Marines.


Damn Alpha Leigon female servitor infiltrators. ;)

I bought the Chronus model, mostly because I liked the idea of him. I tried to use him in an Apoc game recently, and he suffered an ignoble death from an Eldar super tornado of some sort. The indignity of losing him and the Terminus that he was commanding in one attack...gah!


The standing model could definitely count as a Techmarine on the cheap, if you were so inclined. I never really thought he was one though. By the way, the model looks awesome painted up in Iron Fists colors!

Since this is more of a rules based question I'm drop podding it over to Rules...


+Launch bay activated+

++Restraints in lock off position++

+++Emperor be praised+++


BOOOOM! Away we got to Rules! :P


Corpus ;)


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