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Space wolf battle company¿?


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so I've finally decided to come back to 40k and continue collecting my space wolves. I was reading the Apocalypse book and i found this part about battle companies and the special rules,etc and it was inspirational to set a goal for my collection, to get something like a battle company. But we dont organize like regular marines so anyone know how is a battle company for space wolves?? or might know where I can look for that info? I know blood claws are initiates, scouts are no novices, grey hunters form the main part of the army although i never recall having used more of them than bloodclaws on my list :P, so some hints i have but maybe someone has a more accurate idea of this, maybe numbers?.


I don't seem to understand very well the search feature on the forum but I tried, and didnt find nothing that could answer my question.


thx in advance.




P.S. Sorry for my english not my first language.

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i believe, i am not sure but believe, a great company is a battle company. numbers are about the same, there are just more companies. also most of the command structure and dreadnoughts are not included in the company. this is all from the top of my head, so i am not 100% sure on it all.
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Unfortunately there really is no indication of how big a Great Company is, it could be anywhere from the normal codex size of 100, to 300+ or more. IMO most likely there is no "average" that like Black Templar Fighting Companies and Crusades each Great Company of Space Wolves varies depending on rates of attrition and recruitment anywhere from 50 to 300 or so.


My Great Company currently numbers about 95 individuals, I'm hoping to expand it to about 120 or so by the time I'm done. A good way to get an idea of size is to compare Vets. A usual Codex Chapter will have a single Company of Vets, so roughly 100/1000 or 10% of the total. Space Wolves are allowed as many as 20 Wolf Guard in a single Company. If we take the ratio of Vets to Non-Vets as the same then your looking at 200 marines average in a Great Company so that the number of Wolf Guard balances at 10% the total. Course that's all strictly hypothetical.

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Its an old argument.... and tends to get meltagunned btw. Some people say as few as 70 marines, others as many as a thousand. I feel the average great company probly holds around 500 souls, including borrowed priests and awakened dreadnaughts.


Youll note that the battle company cannot be a company in an of itself, it must be more. Why? Because their are 100 marine models on the board. Add in rhino drivers, a command squad, librarian, chaplain, and atleast one techmarine... and your sitting at a bare minimum of 120. Thats with no thunderhawk pilots, no one on crew for the strike cruiser, nothing.


1000 marines is a myth.


That being said its a wonderful formation and with a bit of adaptation it can be readily used by space wolves. Just subtract tactical squads in favor of grey hunters, devastators in place of long fangs, and assault marines in place of more grey hunters or some blood claws.


Feel free to mod it to hell and then show it to your friends. It can be a hell of alot of fun.

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