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'In the end, it was quite simple really,' said Grandfather nurgle, surrounded by his servants and younglings. The stench of decay was in the diseased air, the smell of something that had been dead too long. 'They were corrupt from the beginning, and not even their worthless psykers could save them. The rot was not just in their mind, but in their hearts. They had lost all faith when I found them.' The Nurgling crowded round their father, eager to hear of the fall of the Decaying Warriors Space Marine Chapter. The chattering and gibbering sounds emitted by the Nurglings filled the air. They were crowding round their master. 'It had begun in the 37th mellenium of the mortal realm...'


The plague zombies crowded round the fortress, the heavy pangs and blows of bolter shells echoing over the area. The Plague Breakers Space marine chapter were surrounded, cut off from the planetary defense force, their fighters and battle barges shot down by the Death Guards mighty pre-Heresy ships. All but 400 were dead, and the majority of them had come back to life, joining the oncoming hordes of zombies. The chapters captians had, to their peril, learnt only too late that the enemy could not be defeated in combat with blade and pistol, for they were armed with the will of the Dark Gods and could not be killed. Only the rightous guns of the remaining marines could hold off this menace, and they were killing hundreds by the hour.

And yet still they came.

Unrellenting, unstopping, unending. They were undefeatable. Chapter Master Styx knew this, and yet still fought agianst them. The planet had once been a haven, a place of beauty in a savage galaxy. It was like a flower in a dead field, and had been known for its beauty all the way from the Halo Stars to Holy Terra itself. That was before Typhus came. That was before the Destroyer Plague touched the hearts of the population. That was before...

The Planetary Defense force had crippled in a matter of weeks, many falling to the unstoppable touch of the plague.

'Master Styx, this is Captian Cerberus. The walls have been breached, repeat, the walls have been breached. A large number of our men have been corrupted by Chaos and allowed the enemy into our fortress, over,' came a vox transmission. Captian cerberus had been commanding 100 men on the west wing. Now he was faced with a choice. Move more men over to the west wing and stretch his forces more, or retreat to the inner keep where they would have less defences but less area to defend.

'All men, retreat to the inner keep. Abandon all posts, we are overrun,' Leeving his post in the northern tower, he fell back with his plasma pistol ready and his sword drawn. When he arrived at the keep, there were 260 men left and just Captian Cerberus. 'Captian,' he said, nodding his head. Cerberus nodded back. Before he could say another word, the zombies and traitor marines burst into the keep. Waves of bolter fire hit them, and many died, but the wave of undead soldiers fell on them as quick as they had arrived. Cries of death and pain filled the keep, and within seconds the fighting stopped. The zombies dissapeared, and the Traitor Marines stood over the loyalists, laughing.


Styx was in a dark place, surrounded flies, all buzzing, hitting him with strength that they was unnatural. 'Where am I?' he said.

'You are in my realm,' as he heard the vice, Styx grabbd for his Pistol, but when he brought it up, it dissapeared. 'In this realm, things go as I wish. And I wish you be unnarmed,' the voice was strange, gurgling and muffled in places.

'Who are you?' cried Styx.

'I am the rot, and the disease, and the decay in all things. But, in time, you will come to embrace me. It is the way things must be,' came the voice.

'What do you mean?'

'You pathetic mortals. You value life, existence, and when the choice comes, you would rather save your own weak skin than sacrifice your life for your friends,' he said. As the words came to Styx, he tried to defy it, but he knew that, despite himself, the voice was right. 'Even now, your mortal body is dieing. Join me, leave your Emperor, and I will give you a meaningfull existence, one that will last forever. Your men are dead or dieing, and you could save them all. Just join me!'

'YES!' cried Styx, tears welling in his eyes.

'You will be reborn, more powerfull than ever,' said the voice, and with that, he returned to the realm of the living.


Styx awoke, and the first thing he felt was that his skin was tougher. Looking around him, his men were rising, but they didn't look like his men, for one thing the symbol of his chapter, a black Skull, was replaced with three green skulls in a triangular layout. Then, he saw that those without helmets had horns growing out of their heads, and when he looked at his right hand, it had merged with his pistol and his sword hand had become one loong bone-coloured weapon that was hinged at the elbow.

But more than anything else, he felt the htred growing inside him. A burning hatred for all those alive. And the idea that he had been abandoned in his hour of need fueled his hatred even more.

'I promised you power, and here it is,' came the dissembodied voice that had caused him to see the light of Chaos.

'Thank you, Master. But I have one question,' his voice was bubbly and gurgling, like the voice, ' Who are you, and what are you?'

'Wise questions. I am Nurgle, Lord of Decay. But as for your second question, if I where to show you, you would surely go mad,'


And with that, the Decaying Warriors Renegade Chapter joined the Death Guards quest to wipe all life from the galaxy.


'In the end, it was quite simple, really,' said Nurgle, amongst his children.

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Well, not a bad story, though I don't find that a space marine captain (you misspelled it multiple times throughout the story) would give up so easily.

If you want it to be more dramatic, maybe add a small conflict in the conversation between Captain Cebers and Papa Nurgle.


Also, I liked your use of Styx and Cerberus. Very nice allusion to Grecian Mythology of death.



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Also, I liked your use of Styx and Cerberus. Very nice allusion to Grecian Mythology of death.
Thanks, was aiming for that. Did I misspell it? :)
Well, not a bad story, though I don't find that a space marine captain (you misspelled it multiple times throughout the story) would give up so easily.

If you want it to be more dramatic, maybe add a small conflict in the conversation between Captain Cebers and Papa Nurgle.

Thanks, I basically wanted to do a story of a chapter turning to chaos, but I don't know how you would put it to words? if someone could right a could suggestion for that part then I edit it in, That would be much appreciated.
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