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Nastiest Daemon Units


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I thought it would be fun to just toss out the nastiest units in the codex. The really scary, powerful ones that end up crushing the opponent and making them cry. I'll go first!


1) Soulgrinder w/Phlegm: basically a super Defiler. perfect for killing horde, MEQs or tanks. Even the mighty Monolith fears it.


2) Tzeentch Herald: Chariot, Bolt of Tzeentch, We Are Legion, Master of Sorcery: a super fast gun platform. able to snipe MEQs with one shot and take out a tank with another. All for a price less than most ICs.


3) Slaaneshi Fiends: ultra fast, S5 and Rending. hit most anything and it will go down.

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8 bloodcrushers with Skulltaker on a jugger leading it. Way to expensive to ever actually use, but if it makes it to the enemy, they will die, painfully.


It would be interesting to run the numbers on this fighting an equal point value of the new SS/TH Terminators.


May be not the most killy squad, but 20 Plague Bearers camping an objective, going to ground.

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On average you get 3.5 attacks per beast, for the same price you can get twice as many plaguebearers, who can score and have icons, and don't compete with bloodcrushers, fiends and flamers, now I know a pure Nurgle list won't have to worry about that but the point remains. Besides, the point of Nurgle is to hold ground, not to kill things, so why take a unit that can't do either amazingly well? You might by now be getting the feeling I don't like beasts, and frankly you'd be right :D
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Except each wound inflicted loses you an attack, while Beasts keep on trucking until 2 wounds are suffered. I don't like PBs in combat ever, even with the Tally. They are best sitting on objectives while Beasts/Nurglings run around killing stuff with the tally.


2 Beasts = roughly 5 PBs, so on average the Beasts will produce more attacks and have greater potential for damage than the little rotters.


Beasts suck unless Epi is in play, but when he hits the table they are awesome.

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Beasts are pretty bad without the Tally, but in a pure Nurgle list I find them essential as they benefit so much. Once your DPs and GUO have raised it up they will be hurt or dead, so Beasts and Nurglings come in to finish the job.


Plus, who doesn't just love the fluff behind those adorable slugs?

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I concur with the assessment of beasts.


If you're not running the Tally? There's really no reason to run them. The other elites choices are so much better for the points.


If you're running the tally? Daemon Princes will get it up for you, but you need to take advantage of it. Plaguebearers really have nothing for melee (...seriously. Even WITH the tally, they sjut don't have the volume of attacks.)


Beasts give you a beater unit that can crank out a voulme of attacks. Nurglings are ok, but highly allergic to flamers, and those are fairly popular. There's a chance that you might not have 'em around, but they are a source of it.

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The really scary, powerful ones that end up crushing the opponent and making them cry.


I would say Nurgling for me :D


My army has Skull Taker but I can't make a save for him & rarely see combat, I have 3x Soul Grinders who do alright but more for fire support. But it the Nurgling & I am not even joking about this :P


So far in my games a unit of 5x Nurgling base have taken down a Hive Tyrant (sp) down in two diffrent games (did I say the Hve Nid had a 2+ save). They wipe out a unit of 5 Termies in one round of combat. They took on a Carnifex (well with a little help near the end with Bloodcrusher). I only included a unit of Nurgling to fill in while I try to buy more bloodcrusher, but they proven to be really funny & really good taken on my oppent most powerful unit & make it through the day.


Just all my oppent tend to ignore the Nurgling perffering to shot my Blood letters/Bloodcrusher/Horrors/Grinder, etc.., but as soon as the Nurgling in combat they do slaughter & they do win, not being able to be instand death, 3 wound each :D I'm now looking that way to include more in possible making my army 2x 4 Blood crusher, 2x unit horror (one with changling), 2x Unit of Nurgling, 2x Bloodletter, 3x Grinder.


I think this unit make me & my oppent cry in laughter.


Other than that 3x Soul Grinder for me :D


But a unit of Nurgling is the way of the future for daemon with Soul Grinder ;)

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Fateweaver for me. Not close combat, but shooting and the amazing reroll all saves ability. I just laugh when my pink horrors kill a squad of shooty marines and only lose 2 horrors from tons of bolter fire because of Fateweaver. Not to mention the three shots fateweaver gets a three separate units. Key is to position him with that flight every time so he does not get charged or he will most likely die then or take that blasted leadership test (only failed it once in all my games so far)
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As a prospective new C:Daemon player, I find this really interesting. Since I have yet to buy a Daemon model (will probably get a Soul Grinder today, even if it doesn't go in my list, just to drool over it), I wanted to ask about my impression of a mononurgle army getting sick powerful when led by the Tallyman. I mean, even your Nurglings would mess people up pretty hard. Does anyone run mononurgle and find S&P to be crippling? I mean, I figure a couple DPs with wings helps get the tally up early, but I played Thousand Sons back in the day, and know what a PITA slow and purposeful can be.
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Pure Nurgle works pretty well, you just need 4 MCs to get the tally up as nothing else in the Nurgle list is capable of killing things reliably without the tally. S&P can be a hindrance for Beasts, but the GUO rolls 3 dice thanks to being a MC and PBs shouldn't be in combat anyway.
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Pure Nurgle works pretty well, you just need 4 MCs to get the tally up as nothing else in the Nurgle list is capable of killing things reliably without the tally. S&P can be a hindrance for Beasts, but the GUO rolls 3 dice thanks to being a MC and PBs shouldn't be in combat anyway.


Ok. Basically what I had heard is that the Tallyman is freaking amazing in mononurgle (sounds like a virus, appropriately enough), but not worth it in a mix. I think I want to take some Nurgle, but want to have some mixes in there, too. I think right now I am leaning Khorne/Tzeentch, because my 2nd/3rd edition self won't let me play Tzeentch/Nurgle or Khorne/Slaanesh.

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The nastiest deamon units have to be the deamon lords though, I mean in a 2000 point normal game you can for like 800 points gargantuan creature, with all the killyness that comes with being capable of killing titans with ease. I have been debating how well a mono khorne list would work with angrath, a unit or 2 of crushers, and as many bloodletters you can fit in with the remaining points.
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Epidemius is useful for hte tally and the tally alone in mono-Nurgle.


I'd take Beasts in Mono-Nurgle only for the random attacks. Well-tuned armies can probably KO the 3 Daemon PRinces you've got, and the Great Unclean One will take a turn or two to get into combat on a good deep strike.


The beasts are useful in that build largely for their ability to crank out the attacks, in that conext.


Otherwise, I'd go like this

HQ: Heralds on Chariots (minus the Nurgle herald), Keeper of Secrets (cheap AND deadly, for the greater daemons)



Flamers, bloodcrushers and fiends for raw killy potential.


Heavy Support:

Soul Grinders

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The best unit in that entire book I could ever imagine is a unit (after the tallyman has reached his full potential) full to the brim of nurglings. That many attacks a base wounding on 2s with no armor saves is pretty BA (not blood angels, the other one). That and for what they do they cost next to nothing and who in their right mind is going to target nurglings when there are 3-4 MCs on the table?
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