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Rhino/razorback Styker Variant

War Angel

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lets see if i remember how to do a picture....forgive me if i have to edit this alot... shouldnt mater its 0033 so most of you are sleeping


because none of the pictures let you see how many wheels there are, theres 4 per side, there standard marine biker wheels. and in the first picture you can see some of the destroyed treds.


yes, i had to take the treds off because this WAS a finished model, before i decided i did not want the treds.


the left over treds will make nice addition to the base's of my marines. give em that homely feel




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took me 4 tries to get that picture to work, but now i know its secrets






tell me what you think... ive already got a nice black spray on it and some damage done to the right side

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Very nice.

I like the Idea. Could be a good theme for the chapter vehicles.



i plan on doing this to an entire company's dedicated transports. the heavyer tanks need more stability to fire there guns and require less mobility (and its 4 bike's worth of wheels for thoes things... i cant even imagin doing a LR like that)

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Thats pretty cool, I thought it looked kind of funny at first, but then I remembered playing Gears of War (for the first time) and all the vehicles had wheels too.


Though, for actual practicality, wheels on tanks aren't as effective as treads, because they don't get as much traction. Only 4 wheels per side, vs. a whole long "wheel". It'll be a cool theme, but some fluff nazi might hurt you.


It looks pretty good, but I have to ask, did you put the bike wheels over the normal tank wheels, or are they just glued there? And good work on the spacing job. And battle damage. You can see the stuff on the doors, all of it, but the others are so spread apart, its hard to tell. Maybe if you put little lines of bullet holes.. like O0o.. for example, it'll look like the vehicle was moving, and the enemy used an automatic gun on it. Making smaller holes as it goes in one direction.

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ill add some more bullet holes. i think i had not wanted to do so originaly due to not wanting to have issues putting the chapter symble there, but i was looking at some of thoes grimy war torn things, and yeah... this thing needs more bullets.


its going to be the command vehical for my 5th company.


Fluff nazi's, please go to wiki.com and type in stryker. you'll find in mobility that it is quite good at transportation. its computers allow it to adjust pressure in the wheels so it can travel across a wide varity of landscape. :)


if by tank wheels you mean the parts that you use to stick the treads on, no. thoes where removed (while removing the treds. i also shaved thoes parts down and used them as a guide to placing the bike wheels, putting a wheel at each of the spots, slightly displaced abit though. the only tank wheel that didnot get replaced was the center one under the door.


the hardst part was getting the wheels in/ lvl. with out an actual fitting, some wheels had to be trimed, and because it wasnt desinged to be placed there, it wasnt going to be lvl. after alot of altering and such, i managed to get it pretty much flat. for people who wish to try this as well, an idea ive had is to change the lvls of the wheels and put it on a base which has verying lvls of landscape (such as a downword slope) along with large logs or stones (or just the stones/logs on there own) to show the susspension keeping the vehichle lvl.


i plan to make 6 of these for tac squads, 2 of them for devs and this one for my command squad. so in the event that i want to play apoc, my stryker brigade can roll out.


(could some one clerify some rules to me. in apoc. if i want the battle company, do the transports need to be rhinos, or can they be RB's also? and does my CS need one too?)

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Nice model. I like the wheels instead of the tracks. I may have to do some of them myself. Any chance of putting up a tutorial on it?


Also you don't need any transports for a battle company if you don't want them. The only rules is that you have to have the 10 squads plus the commander and the command squad. Anyone who says otherwise should be shot for stupidity. It's the same thing as claiming that because in the picture squad 3 has a plasma cannon and meltagun, that your models must have it.


So yes you can have razorbacks or drop pods instead of rhinos.


Random Guy

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as to tracks being superior to wheels.


it depends exactly the terrain its being used on.


if you have a fast reaction force being used on a populated planet, it would move hell of alot faster on roads/highways. also wheels wouldnt cause as much road damge say if they were used to patrol an area thats urban or has an extensive road network like forge worlds,hive worlds, and civilised worlds.


and yes its a sweet mod and makes it unique, if your armys theme is to use these then all ahead full!

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My only question is how does it turn? The wheels are locked forward at all points. Reminds me of Battlestar the 1st one (How did hitting an after burner make you trun in space again?)


Anyway just a thought: You could extend out the sides a bit and make enough room for the wheel to turn left and right. If mot just have the troops pile out and push it in line with the target then GO GO GO full speed ahead!!!!


Edit: Changed run into Turn

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i am going to be putting up a tutorial (i suppose here?) over the weekend. im going to use a new tank for it, and will show what i did. however i do NOT have any wheels so i will not be making said tank, i will have to insted rely on photoshop.


Yes, i thought of the issue of turning. a real styker dosnt have that plate covering the wheels and turns as a car would (with 8 wheels insted of two) however, when the Marine's made this first variant, they only had the ability to adapt it from treds to wheels, So it works as there normal tanks. (future versons will be made in the tech shops, and will be more advanced then this one)


thanks for the C%C

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Nice idea and conversion.

And as far as realism goes, it -should- be able to turn more or less normally. Tho might suffer some extra wear on the tires if it turns allot.


Also: Real life 8 wheelers turn with the front -and- back set of wheels iirc, not 100% sure. (leaving the two mid sets stationary)

But if you're planning on more of those. You might want to have that in the back of your mind when you start hacking away on the plastic.

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When I read the title of this thread my main thought was "Man this is going to look silly but lets see what a mess has been made of a good tank." Im happy to say Im very dissapointed. The wheels look great, and like the wheeled APC's that get deployed in cities (cos you dont need tracks there and they'd chew up the pavement). I also believe they can get faster and use less fuel (these are going off what someone else has told me in the past and I cant verify so take with salt).


Anyways, as marines in my mind would be more likely to be deploys in cities than out in the open (to suit their close and brutal combat style) I think this suits that roll perfectly. Good on you.


I personally think the front and back wheels will make it look cool and more unique (not just a rhino thats got wheels in place of tracks but one that has been built ebhind the idea of it havinng wheels. Maybe for the future tanks you build if this one was the prototype and the chapter then made more.

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seems like the concensus is that i should make the next ones with open wheels.


i need more wheels. any idea if GW lets you order bits online?


i hope im not bitting more then i can chew, i kinda want to finish my 2nd company first, then work on the 5th. but well see what happns.


btw, this will be painted a gray color, such as the curent marine helicopters are painted.

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  • 3 weeks later...

No offense to you intended but I personally think this looks ridiculous. The wheels are far, FAR too small., and it literally looks looks liek someone just lost the tracks and thought "I'll just put some littel wheels on instead". it doesn't look purpose built for the wheels. It just doesn't look right in any way. Sorry to be harsh but you did ask for critcism.


it's kindof like those hovering rhinos people used to do. they allways just looks like rhinos with the tracks ripped off, the holeswhere they used to be covered over and tin y whiongs stuck on. They never looks like flying transports, just rhinos with wings and no tracks. They were always stupid looking.


i guess it's kinda hard to put into words exactly what i mean.


Next time, give it bigger wheels. , and cut away soem of teh side panel, so they don't jsut stick out the bottom. Build the chassis aroujfn the wheels, rather than shoving wheels on. i'm all for different vehicles, but only if theyn are done right and, sorry, this one just isn't yet.

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yeah, i literaly riped of the tracks on a prebuilt rhino/razorback. and actualy did shove wheels in there (it took a bit more then that). my next one will be with the wheels open (cuting around the frame).


i dont think theres really any thing wrong with the wheels size, though i may make them thicker to match the frame.


i used SM bike wheels, so if you have any better idea for wheels or where to get them, lemme know

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