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Eagle's Eternal

War Angel

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seeing as im getting back into painting... might need to start putting some pictures back up.


this first guy you may have seen early last year, i have not added to him but heres a refresher for ya.






wait... i lied, originaly i didnt have him on a base... here is said base.




before painting






after painting/adding the model.

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heres some pics of my 2nd model next to the first. He is much less compleeted then the first, as i droped his backpack down below my deck after spraying it, so that along with his shoulders are waiting to be painted... also theres my stryker in the background. (links to that in my sig)







and a picture with flash... for comparison i suppose.






gota say... not sure i like the white kneecap. the black one i plan on putting ranks on... however i dont know so much about the white one.... seems outa place.

heres the squads flamer... hasnt got any paint on him yet.


quick note. ive noticed that alot of space marines are right handed... infact all of them. its only CCW and pistols that offer a difernce.


ALSO, the right hands NEVER extend out, this is again something only left hands do. (aside from thoes carrying the colors.)


so, i would like to point out. this is a LEFT handed flame thrower....I took an axe from my bloodclaw set (it has a skull on the hand) cut of the axe (i kept it some where, it will go to good use) and put the flamer in hands.





as a note about the greenstuff... that was tricky. alot of things didnt work, but the idea of useing bits of a paperclip as a frame if you will, came to mind, after that i just wraped it around and picked at it to give it a good flamey look with an old brush. i then drilled a hole into the flamer and stuck the blast in there. (if any one wants i can give them more detail on how i worked the fire)


i like it considering thats the first greenstuff work ive ever done (yes the base was my first, but that was simple... VERY simple) i feel like it should look good once painted.


i wanted to do some sort of conversion where i attached his flamer to a tank on his back, but im still wondering if i have any parts to pull this off.


because theres no head for comparision... i used a box of 4th ed. space marines for him, and used the intended sarg's chest plate (the one with the extended neck peice) im decideing weather or not to give him my converted helm work (as seen on the first two SM's, that is not a peice that you can buy, i made the first one a year or more ago)

Yeah...I was debating about posting..I'm not that great of a painter, so I'm not comfortable with giving advice about it. That base too, looks good, kinda like mushrooms. =-D


I'm happy to hear that you're watching me (kinda creepy=-D ) and that you might seek my advice sometime, because thats great news! =-D

you dont have to be good at painting to notice when somethings messed up. Im no picaso, but i can point out that he put that face on a little crooked lol.


by all means, C&C if you see something. i plan on doing a good bit of converting and ive seen youre LR Exterminus...


i also plan on making some land speeders (planing on closeing the cockpit's) and im pondering (very strongly) converting some attack bikes to look like jeeps with the turrets on top... thats going to be tricky and im hoping for some good advice on this. they cant be as big as the tank chasis... but they gota be jeeps...


lol, this failure has only begun to begin.

Well, if you need anything specific, instead of just ideas, PM me.


The Jeep sounds like a good idea, but a lot of people have been making jeeps out of land speeders, not attack bikes (because you already have a chasis)


Psst, Join Rogue-market. (its in my signature)

i may use the Speeder model for a jeep... but its going to be representing an AB. idk, i dont have any speeders on me at the moment.


im going to be needing to make a chapter master, and he might have to be a bit bigger then my other marines.idk, i'll see what happens.


aside from that, as im sure youve seen my styker (i already know you have) im going to do some numbers and see if i cant make it more strykerish. (wheels sopposed to be compleetly shown/ body more like that of boat for some reason even though its not a AAV)


ill keep you posted, for the mean time, what would you think a flamer back pack should look like?

thanks for the C&C. some of the paint on the first model (and second) where a bit older and thus thicker. i hope to have this problem fixed when i try some more this weekend.


That white isnt even... well, lets say i found some of my moms old "paint by number" stuff, and....yeah... is my biggst shame to date :Troops:


that flamer... it took some crazy ideas before i thought of the one that got me that... thanks for likeing it, i hope i can paint it justice.


@forge: take the normal non beaky helm's, on the side they have vents. Cut thos off, shave it down a bit more, add greenstuff and smooth it out. i like the first one better, because its got a real bird of pray to it. I know every one calls the GW models Beaky helms, But there more of a Tocan Sam type beak, not something powerful like an eagle.

quick question here. is there like a crafting kit or somthing some way to which i can print out transfers? i feel like it could have a better look then hand painting the chapter symble on them. more so that i want to have i think about 500 of these guys....

Okay , I gotta 'fess up. I saw your Marine a few months back and totally ran with it. I'm former Army and live in Kaneohe Hi. near the Marine Corps base. My kid who also plays 40k is in Marine Corps JROTC .

I figured that the Marines weren't a founding Chapter because they'd always been a Corps. So now they're the United Space Marine Corps. My paint scheme differs from yours in that they have black upper torsos with red blood trim and a blood stripe on their legs with black sabatons. I too have been looking at using a decal for their Corps symbol. I will also put red and gold rank on the opposite pauldron. Theres enough MC jewelry pendants and earings to make great banners and vehichle symbols. I'm painting their vehicles, and bases, tan. I'm gonna include the famous 214th Black Sheep sqdn as a land speeder sqdn. too. I figure Telion Hathcock will lead the scout snipers, and a Chaplain would make a great First Sgt.

Anyway, love your idea. Thanks for the inspiration.

There is a tutorial for decals on this site under the PCA section I believe. It explains how to make transfers and even gives you transfer sheets for various chapters. Not sure if they have the Marine Corp one though.


Ok, I thought you probably did the GS on the helmets. I've toyed around with it on other helmets, not the beaky ones.


Anyway, good luck with your project.

quick update, firday my computer fried itslef, so all the pics i had taken are gone, (this is a brand new comptuer, still getting used to the keyboard)

i'll have to take new pictures next friday, and i dont think ill get any real work done that weekend as i have recall.


anyway, heres whats in store for you guys:


-Flamer has a base made, It's got a little greenstuff made crops writhing in pain from being torched. bits of bone showing. (not painted)


-one of the blisterpac vet's, modified to have the eagle helm. also modified to have his arm actualy aiming with his head. His base has been made, looks like my first base however its got a busted down light poll like fixture on it. also not painted or attached to his base.


-flamer has a right hand. its tossing a frag, or rather pulling back to toss said frag.


-took my unbased marine whos been painted (above pictures) and cut him off his base, his base now has abunch of debri and part of a tank tread.


-Base for the guy below, its made to look like hes on the part of the sidewalk that's border to the street.


-began working on a model who looked like he was pulling a pistol out from his sidearm, lemme say, it was near impossible and im not sure its anatomicly correct, but i think it will look good regardless. After having this guy sitting there, and wondering what to do with his left arm (should he have a bolter out? would that make sense if hes also drawing a pistol???) i thought about giving him a hand thats pointing sort of like "hey, there's the guy where looking for" while drawing his pistol... very MP like IMO. while thinking about a hand pointing, i thought about having seen one of thoes truescale's pointing with a powerfist. THATS what im talking about i thought. so now when i get off work im going to see if ive got one of thoes in my bits. this can only lead to one question, Is a powerfist/pistol the right choice? id no longer get +1 for 2 CCW, but i can shoot on the charge. however, with a bolter, i can shoot 2 times within 12, and all the way to 24. remember, these guys are comming in via drop pods.


i'll let you guys throw in youre two cents there. if he gets the fist then he will become second squad leader, and recive a blood stripe.


now for feedback


@brother paen: thanks, means alot. i like how you kept it USMC, im still thining of a name, but i dont want it to be quite as long. though black for the chest is what i had originaly wanted, i first tried mixing blues with it, as i've always thought of Marine dress blues as a really dark dark blue. but when i was painting i had done the chest, then added the shoulders, did the red, and before doing the blue i noticed the black and decided to keep it. as you can see in the pictures, there is a red trim around the necks, and i do plan on giving blood stripes, however ive determined that they will signifie terminator honours (for all veterans... i guess thats from 3rd edtion) also 1st company will have the white trousers.


@Captain Forge: i actualy didnt use beaky helm's to make these "Eagle" helms as i call them (ok, the metal vet i did saturday was a beaky, but hes the first, and i hope the only)


@commander sha: that is amazing. Thats actualy what i first wanted when i was doing this, but after 38thousand years i can only imagin some things do change a little.


@captain mick: Me too, i cant wait. ive got some more ideas for tac squads, only thing i dont have is how i want to run the command squad for this (these guys are second company) to run. Im trying to think of a famous marine who can relate to drop pods (which i suppose is helicopters) but im failing at that.



ok, so... sorry for not getting the pics guys, i'll run home friday and see what i can do. this week i may work on some more tactical guy's, but if i do, there not going to be as unique as these guys (no greenstuff or other required tools in my barraks.)


dont froget to vote

Really interesting conversion - looking forward to seeing the Marine drawing his pistol from his holster, that sounds pretty cool :)


For the 'Jeep', I have seen people convert Land Speeders with some pretty cool results. With a quick search on the net and I found this : (Check Feb 23rd 2007 Blog entry)


I also like your purity seals having a Campaign Medal feel to them, can't say I've ever seen that take before :(

thank you justin. i actualy think im going to do a little board of what the differnt medals are for, im not sure. perhaps if some one scrapes togeather 10 or so mock up's that look decent, ill be able to add that in (my old computer just died and i dont have photo shop to help me with things any more) it would need to happen quick because the squatmates would need to be having most of the same campaign medals....

im not sure, but youre posting of thoes three (which btw thank you) reminds me that marine #2 has 3 of them made of greenstuff on his shoulder, though they dont have 2 of them like thoes do attached per seal.


i was hoping a few colored in seal's with paterns that look good together. god knows if i start it i'll have something that just looks out of place... purple and brown? wth was i thinking


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