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Grey Knight Unit Size

Inquisitor =D=

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That's exactly how I think about this topic. One PAGK with PC is not worth 2 PAGK! There are many gunlines out there, the PAPC is useless against. I play a BC with retinue - 2 PC in there. I think that it would be more effktive to give these points to PAGK, bt I like the fluff more that effektivness...
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There's really three ways to go about PAGK's;


Fire support: Justicar with targeter, 7 x PAGK, 2 x psycannons (276 points)


What I use normally, and they perform really well. The extra reach with the psycannons helps when sniping at enemy infantry or disabling light vehicles, and it's still of a reasonable size for sustaining casualties or assaulting. Stick them in hard cover on an objective and laugh at enemy attempts to shift them.


Mechanised burnyness: Justicar with targeter, 9 x PAGK, 2 x incinerators (305 points)


I run these in GK Crusaders for maximum ownage against horde armies. They also don't do too poorly against MeQ's, due to the concentrated damage they outpit (tank-shock+shoot with Crusader, then disembark and double torch+storm bolter the conga line of enemy infantry, then assault).


Vanilla: Justicar with targeter, 9 x PAGK's (276 points)


Your basic load-out. Nice 20 shots on the move always, and 21 x S6 attacks in close-combat (3 x power weapon as well) should deal with infantry and even some MC's pretty well (Carnifex is a good example). I tend to camp objectives with my PAGK's however (if I'm not running my Crusader rush list), so I find the psycannons worth the trade-out of two bodies.

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