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So many Greenskins, such little time...


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Well I made a little different list to see how it'd perform against orks, as someone made a good point in the army list section of my army (while competitive against others) it lacked against orks more than anything, and they are common, so I tweaked my list, played 4 games with them so far, (eldar, sisters, and two ork players) and the list is 4-0-0 so I'd like to share my list and receive comments and suggestions on it or whatever.


1 Venerable Dreadnought (HQ) @ 155 Pts

Assault Cannon; DCCW


1 Wolf Lord (HQ) @ 106 Pts

Frost Blade (x1); Storm Shield (x1); Frag Grenades


1 Rune Priest (HQ) @ 120 Pts

Frost Blade (x1); Storm Shield (x1)

Chooser of the Slain


4 Wolf Scouts (Elites) @ 86 Pts

Bolt Pistol & CCWep. (x1); Plasma Pistol / CCW (x2); Meltagun (x1)


8 Grey Hunter Pack (Troops) @ 252 Pts

Bolter / CCW (x5); Plasma Pistol / CCW (x2); Meltagun (x1)


1 Wolf Guard Leader @ [46] Pts

Power Fist (x1); Bolter

Rhino @ 35 Pts


8 Grey Hunter Pack (Troops) @ 252 Pts

Bolter / CCW (x5); Plasma Pistol / CCW (x2); Meltagun (x1)


1 Wolf Guard Leader @ [46] Pts

Power Fist (x1); Bolter

Rhino @ 35 Pts


8 Blood Claws Pack (Troops) @ 163 Pts I'm thinking of taking out the power weapons, and trying one flamer and one power fist... but I didn't really see the need for them thus far...

Bolt Pistol & CCWep. (x6); Bolt Pistol / Power Wep. (x2); Frag Grenades

Rhino @ 35 Pts


6 Grey Hunter Pack (Troops) @ 201 Pts

Bolter / CCW (x4); Plasma Pistol / CCW (x1); Meltagun (x1)

Razorback @ 75 Pts

TL Assault Cannon


2x 1 Vindicator Assault Tank (Heavy Support) @ 125 Pts

-Siege Shield


1 Whirlwind Battery (Heavy Support) @ 85 Pts


3x 1 Land Speeder #1 @ 60 Pts all separate squads



Total Army Cost: 1850


The most notable changes are:

-adding in a ven. dread and taking out the wolf priest

-putting in blood claws

-adding a 4th troop in a razorback


Against the first ork player, he had a speed freaks list (or what he called speed freaks). Basically one unit of bikes, 1 wagon, 2 trucks, shock attack gun, warboss, some buggies with rokkits, lots of orks here and there, and a unit of special shooty boyz (like flash gits but they are S7, roll for how many shots, the name eludes me so).


I didn't OBEL my scouts, instead they infiltrated, and took care of the buggies (shot first turn blew one up destroyed weapon of another, then assaulted them the following turn. My vindi's played the least amount of the game (between the two of them, they got the wagon by turn 3 (got assaulted and stunned for a while) and took out a trukk. The whirlwind was the possibly the best (of course, pinned the shock attack gun unit for first 2 turns, all killed by turn 3). The ven. dread was untouchable and his biggest unit felt the wrath of my blood claws (with rune priest attached) and my ven. dread (none got to attack back after some shooting and then a good ol' charge). Overall I was quite pleased with this outcome, however the mission was objectives, and lets face it, orks trying to get through walls of AV11 and higher is tough. He had no objectives (rhino's contesting on tops), and I had 3 of 5 controlled for a big win. Biggest highlight of this game was the bikers being tied up in combat with blood claws from top of turn 2 until end of turn 5 (BC's won, got the charge, but both sides failed to hit with power fists/claw so we were rolling armour saves and we never failed so it was stalemate until my WGPL swung and hit big and hurt big and made the bikes run).


Against the other ork player, he had a similar list, but a few things different (I guess all orks look alike for the most part). He had 2 wagons, 2 trucks, kommandos, deffkoptas (kommandos and koptas outflanked), a wierdboy or whatever (psycher) with a unit of a bunch of burnas (flamer/power weapon things), and lots of orks. I did OBEL my scouts in this one... my opponent decided to hold his guys in reserve (capture and control) to try to minimize his casualties since I gave him first turn (re-roll ven. dread is always nice as all 4 games I won the rolls) and he wanted first turn charge... The scouts were funny, as they come on the board, behind a battlewagon and trukk (sadly a wave of orks behind those so no chance to charge or anything) so they just shot and charged a 30-man mob with warboss (who was on other side of squad so no chance for him to get into BtB), only about 12 orks could swing back at me, I kill a few, he kills 3, we tie combat, next turn my one scout died of course, but it kept those orks there until top of turn 4 (in his own deployment zone was a huge thing in an objective mission so I like to think they got their points worth (killed 3 to shooting, 3 first round of combat, 1 in second round, for 7 dead orks in 30 mob, and tied them up). His biggest mistake was deep striking his psycher unit with burnas (trying to get the backs of my vehicles (which he scattered just shy of anything they could hurt and right next to the ven. dread... The deffkoptas took care of the whirlwind by turn 3 (it didn't do much, it killed about 5 orks in the game, not so fun this one) but my core troops took out a lot, always charging and always doing amazing as a Wolf lord leading his men should do. The speeders were decent, took out both battlewagons early on (back and side armour does that) but the wagons were already empty and had unloaded their cargo so it was just purely stoping the deffrolla at this point. This game was won with me holding my objective, and me contesting his objective for him not to take it. It was a closer match, but rolling was really below average on this one for me, as every scatter die I rolled was a big scatter, and out of like 7 scatters, 3 were box cars, and none were under 10".


Against Eldar I probably had the toughest time, but he was probably the best player out of the 4, and knew my army and my list extremely well so it was a lot harder to pull out a victor. It was capture and control, and a fortuned avatar is a very tough nut to crack without all my WTN's I used to have.


The sister's battle wasn't difficult, I've played against the army many times, know how their faith works, how to play against them, target priority, ect.


Well this list is what my adepticon "pre-convention" list will be and I hope to do well. The biggest thing that makes the orks even less of a fear for me, is that we played without the adepticon FAQ so the ork players could use their deffrollas on vehicles as well which the adepticon says

+ORK.55D.01 – Q: Does a Deff Rolla affect enemy vehicles that are rammed?

A: A Deff Rolla only affects enemy non-vehicle units that are ‘Tank Shocked’ [clarification].

Which I don't agree with, but adepticon is following two other tournaments that GW is sponsoring that are using this rule, so to keep things the same, they went with it. So it would mean the ork players facing me would have done less damage (first game deffrolla crushed a vindi, same thing in game 2, etc.)
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I take it your pack costs for GH's includes their transports and WGPLs?


Yes, and thanks, they were lootas.


I'm trying to re-think the TL assault cannon... If I go with TL plasma and las it's the same cost, but weapon destroyed at least I still have 1 weapon... I'll have to look into it, compliments of the "new and improved... yea right" SM FAQ.

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