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Oblits vs. Predators


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Hey guys, what do you think is better - 4 Obliterators or 2 fully equipped Lascannon Predators?


I'm asking in general, but more specifically I run in 1500 pts 3 units of Zerkers in Rhinos plus a DP and two units or deepstriking terminators, so I'm trying to decide which of the above units would best compliment my army.


It seems to me that on the one hand the obliterators have a lot more flexibility, can lay down 4 plasma cannon blasts (which can ruin anyone's day) and can more easily take advantage or cover, whereas the two Predators have more Lascannons for the points and would possibly divert AT fire from my precious Rhinos.


I'd really appreciate any ideas/input - I'm at that stage where I want to purchase one or the other but can't make my mind up.


Thanks in advance!

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I think it comes down to personal preference.


You say that the versatility of the Oblits is better: True.

You say you need AT diversion to protect your Rhinos: True.


I think that the second statement is the weaker of the two, and that the Oblits are a better choice. They are slower, but can fire everything on the move. They can be as many as 3 heavy support options, forcing your opponent to go after multiple units (a liability in Kill Point games, but amazing in Objective Based). They can be deployed via Deep Strike in support of your terminators, they are effective anti-horde in addition to being anti-vehicle.


But if you were to say, "I want the durability of AV13, and immunity to bolter fire", then the Predator is the only choice. I personally like the flexibility of the Obliterators better than the Lascannon Predator from both a game standpoint and an army building standpoint.


Of course, I like defilers as much or better than I like Obliterators too. But that wasn't what you asked me to choose between.

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LasCannon Predators should only be picked if you really need to be spamming LasCannons. At 55 points apiece, (1 TL'd) they're a cheaper way to get more total LasCannons in your army than Obliterators.

Obliterators are alot more flexible but the mobility thing is really a toss up. People seem to forget you can move your Predator 6" and fire a TL'd LasCannon, thats better than moving 1-6" and firing a normal LasCannon.

The durability of the units is about the same as well. Predator is immune to S6 in the front and S4 on the sides while the Obliterator will have a 2+ save, 5++ save and probably atleast a 4+ cover save.


For mean its simply down to Lots of LasCannons vs LasCannons and Plasma Cannons


Of course I'm with Warp Angel and say go with Defilers

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To be fair, 4 lascannons on the move is more effective than 2 TL lascannons on the move. Yes, you can move them and shoot, but it's only 1 shot, and at most 1 dead enemy model (barring explosions of dying vehicles).


I figure if I'm going to take tanks in Chaos, it's going to be a Vindicator or a Dakka Predator. Both are better anti-horde than Oblits, and less expensive than 2 of them to boot.


I still like defilers best. Pie plate AND great CC. Where do I sign?

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To be fair, 4 lascannons on the move is more effective than 2 TL lascannons on the move. Yes, you can move them and shoot, but it's only 1 shot, and at most 1 dead enemy model (barring explosions of dying vehicles).


Good point, for some reason I was thinking 1v1 ^_^ Sill you are mobile and have some shooting.

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Thanks for the advice, looks like obliterators are the best bet, but do you think they will leave my Rhinos too vulnerable? Has anyone played 1500pts games with just 3 Rhinos? I imagine if the opponent gets first turn you're gonna get shot to hell and then have to footslog... Not fantastic.


Defilers on the other hand... I'm not wonderfully keen on the model but the Scorpions look good and would be fluffy for my army. How do they perform? They don't have the anti-tank capabilities of the other two options but I imagine the Battlecannons would be more effective vs infantry and they are of course great in combat as well, expecially if you give them DCCW which I probably would. I've never actually used a battlecannon, I've generally found when people use them against me they tend to scatter and not do particularly well, how have your experiences been?

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I've generally found when people use them against me they tend to scatter and not do particularly well, how have your experiences been?


Defilers, and all Ordnance weapons tend to work better in pairs. 1 shot might scatter totally out of range, but if you fire 2 or 3, one of them should hit and should do enough damage to really kill that squad. They're riskier but more deadly weapons on average.


Defilers work well if you have something else to take out the heavy armor. Meltaguns are a great tool for this. Fire the Battle Cannon at infantry or light vehicles where you're likely to hit something. Against AV13+, either have your Melta squads kill it or charge into it.


As for only 3 Rhinos, I'm not sure, that seems rather small to me. You know what might be the best of all worlds for you?


With Daemonic Possession (almost mandatory) you're slightly cheaper than the Obliterators and much cheaper than the Predators. You'll present 2 AV13 bullet sponges for your Rhinos that get to ignore most glancing shots thanks to Possession. You also have a weapon thats basically a LasCannon and BattleCannon's love child. :huh:

The drawback is the 24" range (30" with moving) and the fact that if you lose the Demolisher, you're only good for ramming, tank shocking and blocking LOS

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