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High Marshal Helbrecht

Von Richthofen

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I posted these in the BT forums and HQ Showcase as well, but I'm quite happy with this model (even though in the picture his face turned out darker than 'in the flesh') so I'll share them here as well.

High Marshal Helbrecht





I opted to paint his armour black rather than the GW-suggested Gold, since I really don't like the look of it. I wanted him to stand out from his troops, but not by looking like he belongs to another Chapter!

I also painted the top of his head to look like a Helmet. To be honest, I'm convinced that's how it was meant to be painted. It makes the "Cross" on his face look like the rim of his helmet rather than some kind of "face-circlet", and the studs on the top of his head make more sense if they were a helmet. Also, is the top was meant to be his bare head, then our High Marshal has a very strangely shaped cranium!

Hope you like it.

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:ph34r: So true!




Oops, I thought that you were saying that Helbrecht looked like Bill. Now I can see you mean that his "soccer ball" does! Well, what can I say, the High Marshal doesn't like comedians!

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He looks good VR.


I have him unpainted at home, and was also looking to paint him black. I have some variation in mind compared to your theme, but I think you have hit a nice balance of colors on him.


Also good to see that you havent fallen in the "Tiara of Doom" trap :D


He is largely unconverted yea?

- T14

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He is largely unconverted yea?

- T14


Yeah, he's pretty much stock, other than the base. I probably would have given him a regular base too, except that the model, when glued with his flat-foot, well, flat, looked like he was capitulating forward. I didn't want the High Marshal looking like he'd been out for a few rounds with some Space Wolves and couldn't hold his own, so I modeled the rock on the front to give him a slope of sorts. This corrected his 'posture' without my having to break off and fix his foot.


I'm not by any means opposed to conversions... two of my other characters (Chaplain and Marshal in Terminator Armour) are pretty significant hack-jobs of the metal Chaos Lord and Abaddon the Despoiler models, respectively. However, with a model like Helbrecht, I wasn't sure there was much I could do to alter the model that was really necessary. He already has a rather unique appearance, his pose looks quite menacing (like he's coming at you and means business, rather than standing in some heroic stance) and he's a special Character; even though I wanted to change his colour scheme, I didn't think any other changes would be necessary. They would just detract from his Helbrecht-ed-ness.


However, I do look forward to seeing what you have planned... can we get a teaser?


looks good. i like your painting style to its unique, :D

but the next thing you could try (if you wanted to) was put some highlights on, but i dont know if youve already done some :lol:


Thanks! I did do a very slight amount of highlights... to be honest, I'm a fairly minimalist painter when it comes to highlights. I used to not do them at all, but now I just use one or two colours lighter at maximum. The Black Armour parts are just trimmed with a line of Codex Grey. The Scab Red cape had some drybrushed highlights of a mix with blood red, then just blood red, and then a bit of white mixed in. It probably took about 5 minutes. I probably put the most work into the robes, starting with bestial brown and then mixing colours in (bleached bone and white) to get the effect I did... but that's not really highlighting I guess. I don't enter painting competitons, so as long as it's 'table-top quality', then it's usually good enough for me! :lol:

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Definatly prefer your Black colour scheme to the Gold in the Codex.

He looks like a proper Templar not a 'mincie" Marine.

Also Sigismond's personal heraldry was Black & White according to the Fluff & you would expect later High Marshalls would continue the Tradition of the Founding Colours based on Sigismond's colours.

Yes before anyone points it out I know Sig was an Imperial Fist in Yellow Armour but presume he changes to his B & W Heraldry when the Templars were first formed.

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However, I do look forward to seeing what you have planned... can we get a teaser?


not much work done yet:

He is getting a new sword arm and sword rebuilt, a headwap (a correct helmet for his armour) and a backpack mod.

He will be black armoured, with both pads white, and all his clothy bits a deep red.


its still some time away, as I really need to relearn painting from scratch before tackling anything but rank and file ;)


sword rebuild teaser here:



cheers and keep up the great work :)


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  • 3 weeks later...

I like the Sword, T14! It looks very impressive.


Well, I finished Helbrecht's banner-bearing Neophyte last night, so rather than start a new thread, I'll resurrect this one.


New Pics!


Helbrecht with his Command Squad:



Helbrecht with his Neophyte Standard Bearer:



More shots of the Neophyte:







C&C Welcome!

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