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First Daemonic battle!

Brother Pariah

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Well, I finally took my Daemons out for a small 40K outing. It was my 7 year-old's first 40K game. He brought a Terminator Captain and a sort of bastard Space Marine squad (just a random selection of weapons from the Tactical Squad box, nothing from the army list) worth about 300 points altogether, and I took four bases of Nurglings and a flying Daemon Prince for a total of around 200 points.


Henry opted to keep his Captain in reserve. My Nurglings came down first, followed by the Daemon Prince. The DP took a couple of wounds from the Marines' guns. The Daemon Prince and the Nurglings hit the Space Marines' line at the same time, and the DP cleaned up, slaying six marines in one turn and killing the other two the next. Then the Captain teleported into a ruin on the other side of the board. My forces slogged (and flew) across the board braving storm bolter fire, until finally the Prince flew in, only to be impaled on the Captain's power sword. The Captain kept climbing higher and firing down at my Nurglings, but I was eventually able to catch him. Alas, his was too powerful for my little scrabrous mites to defeat, and Henry was declared the victor some time around turn eight.


A good time was had by all, and Henry declared that he really wanted to put together some Sniper Scouts before the next battle, so I guess it was a success all around (except that I lost, of course! :) )

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Yeah, I've actually been a pawn of the Dark Gods for a lot longer than I've been a Scion of Guilliman. I just don't care for Chaos Space Marines, so it didn't really come up until I got ahold of the Daemon Codex recently.
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