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Modelling objective marker


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Once I get all my packs together and painted I am thinking of building a few campaign markers from spare chaos parts I have(Brother gave me the box for the unique weapons) and paint the parts up as 1k sons. Probably a dead marine or a pile of armour from killed/captured 1k sons.


Anyway in the chaos box there is a big spike with a marine helmet on it and I'm wondering if Space wolves would perhaps behead a 1k son and display it on a spike like that?

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I don't think sticking a head on a spike is something we would regularly do, but suspect many of the fenrisian tribes would have used this as a tactic to strike fear into the hearts of their enemies and I can see us making an exception for Thousand Sons. I think it's a fine idea and my 13th co runepriest has this head on a spike (painted as 1k) on his back.


Presumably won't be too messy as being 1k's all but the helmet would have turned to dust.

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Could you explain why people need objective markers? I'm a newbie!


Many people make their own objective markers to give flavor to the battlefield, a game would be very boring if EVERYTHING was represented by little plastic buttons all the time.


Personally I took a few Marines from the Assault on Black Reach box, painted them with a few coats of Shining Gold, then washed them with 2 or 3 layers of Badab Black and they are now bronzed statues! I currently have them all on a big base but I am thining of popping them off and putting them each on a base by themselves...the big objective is well BIG and splitting them up gives me more markers.

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i think its a great idea for a more savage army, though not for the average wolf army. then again its just a marker, and i can't say i haven't thought of doing it, seeing as how my wife plays 1k sons, and it would drive her nuts (especially with how bad she usually looses :jaw:). so go for it man, why not.
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GunnarRedsun has it - particularly for Tsons - as it would seem unusual but would be beautiful fluff for individual cases (as well as being a great oppotunity for a simple and very characterful piece of modeling).


My objective markers (I probably have too many, if thats possible!) are mostly based around various remains of my regular opponents force... 'unfortunate' World Eaters. Having finally killed Khârn the betrayer at the weekend (that has taken me far too long...) I am trying to resist the idea of making an 'objective marker' which represents his demise/last moments!


I suppose my point is really that if you army background/character is fairly brutal and sticking a head on a spike fits in with that then go for it. Beware the slippery slope to the path of chaos however... :D

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Oooh! Oooh! Frow da stikk, frow da stikk boss! *jumps up and down repeatedly*


My objective markers are very WIP- a couple of old drums from the Battlefield Accessories sprues being done up as ale kegs for the Wolves, and one that's a Chaos Marine being impaled bodily with a spear. At least that's how I plan it, results may vary.


Now will you frow da stikk boss? Please, please? Frow it, you know you wanna!



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My son plays Blood Angels and we often team up against his friend who plays Chaos Space Marines and my wife who plays Chaos Daemons. We seem to get "Capture and Control" missions a lot and my son and I always take the fight to their objective while a squad of my Grey Hunters sits around and doesn't fire a shot the entire game. My son said he was going to model a table with a bunch of ale steins on it to use as our objective marker since "all my guys do the entire game is sit aorund and drink beer."


Do you guys use a standard infantry base for objective markers? I would hate to give my opponent an edge by using too large of a base...





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Terminator or Fantasy Ogre bases. Those give me more room to work with, and they look more impressive.


I'm thinking of having this made into a little flag to use as a marker. I find it Wolfy enough, even if it is OOTS.



It's Number 10.



To quote Durkon, "So deadly... but so tasty!" ;)

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