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IG rumor that might affect SWs . . .

Battle-Brother Wags

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Ok, head to BOLS or Warseer and you can get a huge list of rumors for IG. One of those is detailing a Leman Russ Exterminator. It has a Twin-Linked Heavy 4 Autocannon. That's pretty sweet. My question is this: if the rumor of the LRE being in the new IG codex is true, which seems plausible to say the least, would that have any bearing on the chances of it staying in the Space Wolf codex when it is made new? Follow up questions would be: If it does, would it make the most sense if it was exactly the same between the IG and SW codex? If it is the same, would that be overkill and too powerful for the BS 4 of the Space Wolves?


Personally, if the IG are really getting the LRE, then I'd almost see that we'd HAVE to have it . . . I mean, for heaven's sake, the 3rd edition fluff says that we have it as the namesake of our primarch! I have a hard time believing they would take it away from us but leave it with the IG, especially now that it would actually be worth the 185 + points it costs to field one!


Here's hoping.

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The thing is that, as long as we uses our old ´dex, we have only the old LRE cause we have a seperate entry for it in C:SW. We would not profite from a new version in a new C:IG like we had with our other vehicles from C:SM. And there is still no guarantee that we will keep our LRE.
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Beyond it staying in the dex, my only concern regarding it would be the effectiveness if fielding one as anything more than an immobile fire base, as that would be the only real way of making use of all the weaponry...of course LRE's may get some sort of relentless rule to back it up and make it sacry effective...we shall have to wait and see!
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A lot of old IG tanks are returning, look at the various weapon loadouts for the Leman Russ, Bassilisk and Hellhound chasis. I wouldn't be surprised if there were new plastic recuts to allow all these vehicles to be used as I doubt GW will just put all those old, expensive and shoddy metal kits that they had before. A new kit with options for an Exterminator would likely make it a much more popular choice as it wouldn't require conversion and so it makes some sense that it would remain in the Space Wolves army so people will buy the tank named after the Primarch. Most SW players I know that don't have a LRE don't have it because they don't feel up to converting it. I know I'd be tempted to buy a new Leman Russ kit if it had an exterminator option.
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The thing is that, as long as we uses our old ´dex, we have only the old LRE cause we have a seperate entry for it in C:SW. We would not profite from a new version in a new C:IG like we had with our other vehicles from C:SM. And there is still no guarantee that we will keep our LRE.


Of course we won't be able to use it straight from the IG dex, but it seems like good news for us regardless. I really doubt that we won't have it available to use in our new dex. What would be the point in denying it? If we take a look at the new SM dex and the rumors for the new IG dex and one thing is clear - GW is not being stingy on the variants and the options. I see no reason, fluffwise, ruleswise, or ecnoomywise, not to include the LRE in the SW codex, especialy because they're already going to have a model for it. It just wouldn't make any sense.

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well i have heard a lot about that IG (they are my other army). a lot of things are really iffy. most of the older versions of the LRBT are coming back and i have heard that the base cost of one is 115 points (then the mandatory hull weapon, turret and other weapons) and that it might get some special rule to let i move and shoot more guns. as for it being heavy 4, i heard that that will be a quad cannon kind of thing, and only have heard it to be for a chimera for an officer. but things might of change.


as for the wolves getting it... i don't know. i would like to think we would get some thing named after our leader, but i think it might go. i would like to see some thing like what the IG can do, i would even be happy if it stays the way it is. i own one and would like to keep it for my wolves, but if i have to i will paint it for my IG.

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they took basilisks away from players who spent ages converting them for there iron warriors, I have no trouble believing they'll take the exterminator away from wolf players who spent ages converting theres.
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Thats because they took away their Iron Hands.


As for space wolves, Its up in the air. I could see them letting us keep a leman russ, I could see them yanking it.


Heres a really scary thought for some players.... letting us have a normal leman russ, and removing vindicators



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they took basilisks away from players who spent ages converting them for there iron warriors, I have no trouble believing they'll take the exterminator away from wolf players who spent ages converting theres.


But than again the Primarch of the Iron Warriors wasn't called Basilisk.

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Ok, head to BOLS or Warseer and you can get a huge list of rumors for IG. One of those is detailing a Leman Russ Exterminator. It has a Twin-Linked Heavy 4 Autocannon. That's pretty sweet. My question is this: if the rumor of the LRE being in the new IG codex is true, which seems plausible to say the least, would that have any bearing on the chances of it staying in the Space Wolf codex when it is made new? Follow up questions would be: If it does, would it make the most sense if it was exactly the same between the IG and SW codex? If it is the same, would that be overkill and too powerful for the BS 4 of the Space Wolves?


Personally, if the IG are really getting the LRE, then I'd almost see that we'd HAVE to have it . . . I mean, for heaven's sake, the 3rd edition fluff says that we have it as the namesake of our primarch! I have a hard time believing they would take it away from us but leave it with the IG, especially now that it would actually be worth the 185 + points it costs to field one!


Here's hoping.


It is plausible to say the least that we Wolves may get to keep our Exterminator.. at least I'm hopeful for it. It should make sense if it were to be the same stats as the IG, but I believe the only way to balance out the BS4 for us Wolves would be limiting the Exterminator to one per army err something like that or higher point cost.

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Oh but GW's been saying that it doesnt matter whos using it, X peice of equipment always should cost Y points. Thus a bolter should always cost 1 pt and a powerweapon always 15pts and it doesnt matter whos crewing that tank.... it always costs ____pts.



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It is worth bearing in mind that even if all these shiney rumours do happen (along with the plastic Thunderhawk, FW Warlord and a decently written FAQ... pfft.) then:


1. Our LRE will remain an overpriced, underperforming fluff-only option in our Codex

2. What GW release in one Codex apparently has no impact whatsoever on any other codex.


On the other hand, if above rumours are true, I might add one for Apocalypse anyway. Ya know, just cause.

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I can't see them keeping it, much as i would love them to (i included one for about 3 years... can't quite fit it in points wise at the mo). The main reason being its an i.g tank, its not been designed to fit marines... unless they kept the bs at 3 and claimed it was crewed by serfs then i really can't see it, but hey, since when have g.w ever thought about the basics like could 4 marines actually manage to crew it?
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I can't see them keeping it, much as i would love them to (i included one for about 3 years... can't quite fit it in points wise at the mo). The main reason being its an i.g tank, its not been designed to fit marines... unless they kept the bs at 3 and claimed it was crewed by serfs then i really can't see it, but hey, since when have g.w ever thought about the basics like could 4 marines actually manage to crew it?


Actually if I recall correctly the reason the SW have the Exterminator and not the regular Leman Russ is that there was not enough room in the standard variant of the LR to fit a marine crew. So there's no fluff or logical reason for the SW NOT to have the LRE.

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they took basilisks away from players who spent ages converting them for there iron warriors, I have no trouble believing they'll take the exterminator away from wolf players who spent ages converting theres.


But than again the Primarch of the Iron Warriors wasn't called Basilisk.

do you really think GW care about that?, they'd probably change the fluff saying the space wolf primarch was named bob

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Well, I guess the further logic issuing here is this: Why SHOULDN'T SW keep the LRE? Is there some reason why it is so impractical, imbalanced, or some other reason to keep it? Before the the new C:SM came out, I was agreeing that it would probably go, but that was with the mindset that GW was streamlining, simplifying, and reducing the total number of divergences from the mainstream. I think that whole idea has now been nixxed to death.


So the question remains, why is it so hard to believe that it will be kept?


All this, of course, assuming that it is included in the IG codex:


It will have its own model already.

It will already have characteristics/statistics.


The only thing I can see that *might* need to be changed to account for a higher BS is point cost.


So why the doom and gloom that it won't be included when there really isn't any reason to think they'll take it away except for the mentality that GW loves ruining people's day?

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There is absolutely no way imho that GW would ever take the Leman Russ away from the Wolves, it's intertwined with the Wolves, the Primarch, it was even in one of the SW fluff books I read the other day. I just can't see them taking it away, it'll never happen.
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It will have its own model already.

It will already have characteristics/statistics.


Their are rumours that all variants will be in 1 box.


There is absolutely no way imho that GW would ever take the Leman Russ away from the Wolves, it's intertwined with the Wolves, the Primarch, it was even in one of the SW fluff books I read the other day. I just can't see them taking it away, it'll never happen.



Gw seems to be handy in changing fluff every now and than.

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It is worth bearing in mind that even if all these shiney rumours do happen (along with the plastic Thunderhawk, FW Warlord and a decently written FAQ... pfft.) then:


1. Our LRE will remain an overpriced, underperforming fluff-only option in our Codex

2. What GW release in one Codex apparently has no impact whatsoever on any other codex.


On the other hand, if above rumours are true, I might add one for Apocalypse anyway. Ya know, just cause.



Vassakov, I agree that the LRE as it is now is overpriced and with the changes to defensive weaponry has been diminished in its current form. However if the changes on BOLS are true and GW issues an FAQ to make them roll over to our tank I think it'd become a very viable tool in our arsenal. 4 twin linked autocannon shots is nothing to blush at, as is the boost to side armor 13. The only part of the rumor that sounds wrong to me is the ability to move and fire everything.


I'd like to see the LR stay in the wolves codex but I'd also like to see us get access to other variants.

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