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Here's why you should take cc scouts.


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...Because you could have a day like I just had today and wipe an entire stormtrooper squad, a defiler and a Leman Russ off the table in 2 turns with a lowly 10 man 50/50 bp/ccw and shotty scout squad. I outflanked with them, they came in off a table edge close to a stormtrooper squad in a ruin. I jumped in, swept the squad up and then a defiler decided to come in and get some vengeance for his teammate. Little did the player know, I got to go first at I4 vs. his I3. Turns out I equipping my serg with melta bombs was the choice of the game. I rolled a 6 to hit, penetrated and then rolled a 5...wrecking the thing. I hide behind the wreckage and jumped out right behind a Russ sitting there shelling my teammates as they advanced. I charged, got a penetrate and immobilized the thing as well as stunned it. I lost a grand total of 2 scouts from the squad. They EASILY made back 3x their points and have done this for me the past 2 games I've used them.


I remember there being some debate as to whether or not the 50/50 cc scout mix was a good idea or not. Here is something I think is worth weighing in on: Not only does that loadout give you the best option of shoot/attacks, but you don't feel like a total goob if you're playing a smart opponent who knows to remove casualties from the front to avoid the charge. By doing the 50/50 setup, you're still getting 5 guys with 3 attacks on the charge plus the shotguns on the charge. All in all, I say this squad is lethal if used correctly. I know my opponents are starting to watch their table edges more carefully.

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Are you using bolters or shotguns.


I run 5 Bolt Pistol and Combat Knife and 5 shot guns.

First line of his post. ;)


I run 8 man squad, 6x CCW/Bolt Pistol, with a heavy bolter and a veteran sergeant with a powersword. Can do wonderful things, and if I don't get the flank I want can throw a pretty dangerous template around. They have taken on 2 firewarrior squads at a time, and overran both.


Mind you, I am thinking of swapping out the sword for a fist. S4 just doesn't do much these days against anything you need the power weapon for. If a lightning claw was an option... :lol:



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That needs added to the luckiest break thread without doubt! Anyway, that sorta luck (and I mean luck of the highest order) is rare. Thats he sorta thing also that will fall face first when used in spearhead and when you realise that your opponent has clear shots at the flanks (after all, you have to declare out-flanking, something that sorta defeats the purpose of said move). CC scouts can mop up guardsman easy (even their elite ones) without hassle and then melta bomb a leman russ with little hassle. Your luck was with a melta bomb, a power fist would be what i would take after such an event. Like I said, lucky man!
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I wouldnt call it extremely lucky, scouts are still space marines and are more than a match in CC for imperial guard (even storm troopers), the meltabombs roll S8+2D6 pen, more than enough to worry even a land raider...


Im glad to see youve had some success with scouts, im still playtesting alot of stuff. I did however in my last game wipe out 2 of 3 land speeders from a squadron in the first turn using 3 scout bikers on a suicude run....the sergeant even survived to try a meltabomb attack on a dreadnought, but i rolled poor on the pen table and he got squished..


50/50 ccw to shotties seems to be the best way to run scouts, especially against low armoured opponents, it wouldnt have really effected you against imp guard as they have lower initiative, and your attacks would have got in first anyway. But against eldar the shotties would have come into thier own...

I have found so far that MEQ are probably the hardest opponents for scouts...


Keep on scoutin'


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I like it ! added to my list for fast and furious games.. but what fittings would you recommend for Marine v Chaos Marine .. me being marine ?


But just one question .. Im looking at the army builder which I bought only last night and Scouts dont seem to have an option for Melts.. srry .. edit * I noticed if you upgrade to Scout Sarg in the codex you get the melts option.. I assume you you only get one lot of bombs to throw ? ( Forgive me I'm new )


Would it be worth adding a beacon to the squad so you could infiltrate and then drop in troops as a flanking move ?

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Actually, I found one of the posts above funny when the writer said basically "this won't work in spearhead games"...because this happened in a spearhead game...


Granted, it was a 4v4 2k points a piece game (hence why there was a Russ and Defiler on the same side), but regardless, it was effective.


I really am loving scouts. They are a CHEAP squad that are still quite effective and you don't want to pull your hair out when they fall to the dice gods. On the flip side, when you have a game like I did with them, you can do nothing but laugh.



Still not the biggest single point-stealer I have ever seen. In my 3rd or 4th game ever, I played with a ccw/heavy flamer and assault cannon regular dread...and watched it take 725 points of my opponent's army. It was a "capture the center" type game with heavy terrain. Brutal.

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