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"oh no!" armies

Inq. Rok

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As it says in the topic description, was just wondering if you have turned up to crush some witch scum, and the fella on the other side of the table opened up his box and took out an army tht made u cry "oh no! not them" in your head?


in other words armies that you hate playing with your WH against? i, myself, tend to have an slightly unfortunate record playing agianst nurgle chaos...

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Nurgle isn't that scary - just don't leave your flamers, multimeltas, or Exorcists at home.


What scares me is fast fast fast assault armies. Blood Angels, Biker Orks, Biker Marines, etc. You get close and get one round of shooting, but then you're hosed. Enemies come in from all sides... eep.

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I simply hate Necrons. They refuse to die and annihilate anything they seem to be pointed at, and the Monolith is at an awkward point.. too powerful IMO for regular games, too undertoned for Apocalypse. Living Metal seems too strong a rule.


Other than that.. I run into the problem really of being an elite Inquisition list suffering from the regular outnumbered syndrome.. too many models and I run into issues (I'm looking at you, Tyrannids!), but no other army gives me nightmares quite like Necrons.

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I agree with inq. Nicole on monothiths, they really are stuck somewhere.


hmmm i dunno, i recon its just bad luck, although i swear it must just be a curse lol


fast assult? im not so worried by, my army is often quite assault heavy for WH so thts prob why.


and tau? only ever played one tau with my WH, i won, but it was close...

i got the feeling on here tho ppl thort that sob eat FW's and such for breakfast no?

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I played Necrons for the first time yesterday and I don't know what the complaints are all about. I decimated my opponent losing only my squad of Seraphim and Canoness. I still had 3 full squads of Battle Sisters, and a fourth squad down to 6 girls, all my Rhinos, plus 3 Exorcists. I just ignored the Monolith, or I use it to my advantage. I actually brought my Seraphim close to it and encouraged him to warp some of his units closer to it, after which I decimated them with a single squad of Sisters and divinely guided ammunition. Don't even look at the Monolith, it's just there to distract you. Phase your opponent out by killing his troops. Even the Nightbringer isn't that scary... he's too slow and Exorcists rip him apart.


I think Tau and Space Marines are the two armies I have the most difficulty with.


Tau aren't so bad if it is Dawn of War deployment, but Pitched Battle and Spearhead can really decimate Sisters, especially if the terrain is sparse on the board. Those two scenarios can give Tau at least two turns of shooting before they have to worry about Sister's being too close. Only our Exorcists can help us early on, and not really that much except to wrench on the Hammerheads or Suits. Kroot are easy enough to manage, especially if your opponent is actually naive enough to infiltrate them close to pyromaniacs, but Stealth Suits and Broadsides can wreck our day on the first turn.


Space Marines have access to the second most feared vehicle the Sister's face... the Land Raider. They also have access to units with Storm Shields making our AP1 Divine Guidances fairly moot, whether it be Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield Assault Termies, or a squad of Vanguard Vets with Jump Packs, Power Weapons, and Storm Shields. On top of this, their special characters create some very difficult times for our girls. Shrike infiltrating a Bike Squad or Termies, Vulkan making some very devastating weapons twinlinked can destroy Exorcists and Transports with ease. Even a Master of the Forge list with 6 Dreadnoughts in Drop Pods will own our army.



My record with Sisters is pretty impressive over the last 5 months (since 'Ard Boyz). I have won every game I have played except 2 which were draws (once against Blood Angels, once against Orcs, both were Command and Control Missions). I have also played almost every army in the game, and my opponents know I am (mostly) undefeated and they are trying to break down my lists, so my confidence is pretty high that these armies will be the first two to record a loss on my end.

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wow, serious?


Nids are at a serious disadvantage against Sisters. I have played Multifex lists, Endless swarms, Multi-Lictor, Nidzilla, and Genestealer swarm multiple times, and I have never lost against any of them. In fact most of the time, its a straight up Massacre or Tabling. The closest fight Ive had was against Multi-Lictor, and that is only because my opponent pretty much wrecked 3 vehicles with 3 Lictors the turns they came into play, but I still beat him.


Orks I can see, especially non-traditional Orks, Shooty Orks are fairly easy to whoop as are Multi-wagon. Biker Nobz and Multi-Nobz are a little tougher due to multiple wounds.

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wow, serious?


yep. might be the point limits though, we generally played smaller matches (500-1000). we only recently started really playing 1500 pts, hopefully 2000 by the summer.


but yeah, nids kick my rear all over the table. i've read your tactics on them, i understand the concepts, the theories are sound, but my execution of those methods simply never results in success. dunno. then again my friend who plays nids also used to act like a praying mantis back in school, had ALL the mannerisms down, he's got a special affinity for his bugs.

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he's got a special affinity for his bugs.


haha, all the more reason to burn them all no? as long as u dont let the cc fex's close enough, i find most nids piece of cake :)

however in 500 pt - 1000 pt games there often isnt that many fex's to worry about...

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I think Tau and Space Marines are the two armies I have the most difficulty with.


Tau aren't so bad if it is Dawn of War deployment, but Pitched Battle and Spearhead can really decimate Sisters, especially if the terrain is sparse on the board. Those two scenarios can give Tau at least two turns of shooting before they have to worry about Sister's being too close. Only our Exorcists can help us early on, and not really that much except to wrench on the Hammerheads or Suits. Kroot are easy enough to manage, especially if your opponent is actually naive enough to infiltrate them close to pyromaniacs, but Stealth Suits and Broadsides can wreck our day on the first turn.


Damn Broadsides...how do you deal with them?

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he's got a special affinity for his bugs.


haha, all the more reason to burn them all no? as long as u dont let the cc fex's close enough, i find most nids piece of cake :nuke:

however in 500 pt - 1000 pt games there often isnt that many fex's to worry about...


he's never really used CC fexs actually, usually sticks to sniper fexs with venom cannons and barbed stranglers. why go for a CC-fex when you have a flying hive tyrant that can do the same?


what i have hard time dealing with are his gaunts that move and fleet AND leap. i know i 'should' just pack all my troops into transports for this, but i don't own that many and it's not like the venom cannon doesn't melt tanks (then pie plate the troops) from across the table either.

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PlasCan spam. Or really, any army with lots of AP3 or better blast/large blast attacks.


i.e. imperial guard? battle cannons, demolisher cannon, plasma cannon sponsoons, hvy wpn teams (rockets), earthshaker etc...


i've not played a ig army with my sob yet, (relatively new WH army) so not entirely sure how it would go, i would just stack up on faith :D

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I think Tau and Space Marines are the two armies I have the most difficulty with.


Tau aren't so bad if it is Dawn of War deployment, but Pitched Battle and Spearhead can really decimate Sisters, especially if the terrain is sparse on the board. Those two scenarios can give Tau at least two turns of shooting before they have to worry about Sister's being too close. Only our Exorcists can help us early on, and not really that much except to wrench on the Hammerheads or Suits. Kroot are easy enough to manage, especially if your opponent is actually naive enough to infiltrate them close to pyromaniacs, but Stealth Suits and Broadsides can wreck our day on the first turn.


Damn Broadsides...how do you deal with them?


Exorchists for me.

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Eldar, 4th AND 5th eds.


hehe yer eldar r tough, still makes me laugh at WITCH hunters failing to easily crush eldar, a race primarily made of witches! lol



Well, if my usual Eldar adversary used farseers, maybe I would fare better... What mess with me big time are his striking scorpions and Wraithlord with brightlance, that puts all my rhino/immolator force to lose.

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When I play versus my friend's sisters for tourney training, I use a horde ork list to give the sisters a run for their money... at 1750 it was 180 shoota boyz, KFF big mek, and ghazghul. That army is the one I use to put a beatstick on potential tourney lists, and it simply crushed the mech sisters, and he is a good player that very nearly one the last GT (lost to orks in the final rounds, go figure)


Basicly, the orks just run up on the sisters, and by turn 3 he is getting assaulted no matter what he does. With almost a hundred attacks per mob, and 6 mobs, rhinos die no matter how fast they move. With hundreds more st4 shots, anything out of a rhino and within 18 inches dies to massed fire. I remember not even bothering to space out the orks, getting like 15 hits per flamer when he double taped the orks, and then popping ghaz's fearless and just shooting/assaulting with the remaining orks, handidly beating the sisters in that round, and cleaning up the stragglers in turn 4 and 5.


Also, in the GT the sister player most greatly feared nob bikers, as with turbo boost you only get 1-2 shooting phases before he assaults and the triple exo's, over 2 turns, will only kill 4 nobs and put some useless wounds on the warboss.

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Well, tell the player to exit their rhinos early . Try and tank-shock the Orks, and then go for shooting up the Orks instead of hiding in the rhinos. The longer the Sisters player spends shooting, the better things will end up being. Mechanized Sisters need to carefullly position themselves correctly to win.


If all else fails, he can go massed groundpounding Sisters, which though not necessarilly a competative army, it can definitely give your Orks a run for their money too. At 1750 points, one can easilly have 120 Sisters on the field, which is 240 S4 AP5 shots at BS4 if he positions himself correctly. Reduce it by a bit for each special weapon you buy, but flamers and heavy flamers can do a lot of damage too. Add in a cheap canoness and a retributor squad, and voila.

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