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can someone help me defeat horde orks ?


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Hi , i have a SW army as follows :


20 something Grey hunters , 50 something blood claws , 2 plastic dreadnoughts (magnetized) (4 more unbuilt but they are metal) , 1 whirlwind (magnetized ) , 1 vindicator (magnetized) , 1 Russ exterminator (magnetized) , 10 wolf guards in power armor , 9 wolf guard in terminator armor , all SW special characters each (yes Logan and Bjorn are in it too XD ) , around 15 wolf scouts , two ruine preist (one is 13th company mini) , one iron prest with 4 servitors (runing as thralls) , 10 long fangs , 1 predator (unbuilt) , one razor back (unbuilt)


now my friend has an ork army somewhere like this , 60 boys , 10 lottas , 1 warboss , 12 nobs , 6 defkoptas , one close combat frezny Dred , one battle wagon , one pain boy , 3 zappas gun teams (mortors) , a team of grots (12 maybe ?) , and i might have missed a unit or two


now i have never beaten the ork army beofre (but since my whirlwind and vidicator wasnt built back then) , now im trying to find a way to beat 60 boys WAARRRRRHHHHH ingish at you , any thoughts to beat that ?


my mates Ork tactic is send the dred at front to absorb fire , then the boy following mass horde (30 orcs in a squad) , then nobs mixing here and there in the horde , while boss follow last wtih some nob guards , while his wagon does harrassing with shootas boys in it (a lot of shotting stuff) , while the pain boy jsut gives the horde fearless and stuff , and the zappa guns do long range shotting , and grots taking points or fire megnets


h0w do you stop that with SW ? i cant out axe him in close combat >< and waaaaaaarrrrrgggggggg is just so hard to not get into cloe combat fast and shotting phase being too short


any ideas my wolf brothers ?

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Yeah 2 Grey Hunter packs with bolters and and a power weapon or two, with plasma gun. Runs about 210pts, does real good. Just deploy back a bit and get 2-3 turns of shooting. Throw in a whirlwind and a vendread with assaultcannon and your good to go.


In games of over 2k Im really not sure though. Ive never fought that many orks.

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I don't know how WYSIWYG you and your friend's are, but I would suggest making one Dread a VenDread and the other an IronClad.


I'd also strongly recommend getting some Landspeeders with either Heavy Bolters or Heavy Flamers. They rock so hard (For me at least...).

And get that Predator built. a dakka dakka pred can take a fair bit of low armour save troops out quickly...


Now, having said that, I haven't actually played Orks, but it has helped me against Tyranids who also have lots of troops...

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Also Droppods are fun for such a big horde. Deploy them right in front of them and drop down those ramps. Place youre Greyhunter behind it. With some luck you can create a continuesly wal of this making those orks walk alot. eg "you will be close but stil untouchable"

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Eh, true enough on the 24" charge. The key to this tactic I find is in two parts:


1) Get first turn- The venerable dreadnaught helps this part out, alot.

2) Destroy his transports. Without transports he cant get to you in less than two turns, three if you deploy back. *note, if your not deploying back your likely crazy and should probly stick to checkers.


Wipe out the majority of his transports and hell have wasted points on them and have to footslog towards you- double punishment. Remember that even a heavy bolter can take out an ork wagon, and properly placed lascannons can get side armor on battlewagons.


Even if one per 1k pts gets through you should be alright.

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Whirlwinds and rhinos.


I went up against an ork horde, used my rhinos to box myself in/ him out. Now he has to destroy the rhinos first and then move over the wreckage, this makes a great opportunity for a counter charge.


The whirlwinds will take a heavy toll on his footsloggers.


This worked great for me, eventually he was so scared of my whirlwinds he moved away out of firing range :D

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Try to make it so that you charge him, the orks are good at charging and staying in combat. But space marines are better at staying in combat, they orks main goal is to defeat the enemy on the turn they charge. Also shoot him, most orks have a horrible save, bolters tear them up.
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Take a page from the oks themselves ... dakka dakka dakka.


Heavy bolters massacre orks, so field as many as possible, Long Fangs and a Leman Russ make good Heavy choices, a Whirlwind too. Rocket launcher do double duty, frag the transports first turn, blast the hordes after that. They can handle dreds too and instakill nobs if I'm not mistaken, so you might want to include some with the Fangs.


Don't be affraid of close combat. You've got better Init than orks and with counter charge, you'll usually get your charge bonus too (don't forget the HQ in the Blood Claws ...). Even with a mediocre performance you'll kill a handful of orks which will save you a boat load of attacks. If you can get the mobs down to around 10ish you're just fine charging into them. Win the combat and then run them down in the sweeping advance.


If he's got anything in his DZ, a small pack of scouts will take care of it.


Basic strategy:

1. take out the transports.

2. work the mobs down to manageable size

3. charge into 'em.


Worked fine for me yesterday. 1700pt game. 5 truks, 1 battle wagon, 1 group kommandoes, 1 OBEL orks (special caracter thing ... copy cats) and a kopta. Weren't any orks left on the board by turn 5.


PS: if you think 60 ish orks is a horde ... a guy around here field around 180 at 1700pts. THAT'S a horde.

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They do alright... the main problem is that powerclaws are abundant with orks on five attacks on the turn they charge is enough to seriously mess you up. I throw my venerable down with an assault cannon, use him to pop transports and take on killa-kanz. Hes good at that, and if they dont have either of those things hes got a high volume of AI firepower.


A regular dreadnaught? I wouldnt bother. The reroll on the damage chart and cheap extra armor seems to be the only thing that keeps him alive. As for Ironclads? I actually havent tried them against orks... seems like the lack of Long Range firepower would be a hindrance... but then a hurricane bolter is nice... and AV13 helps against the claws.

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heavy weapons are your friend. that and a well balanced shooting and CC units. i don't really want to be the one to say it but this is one of the few moments in life where my WGBL and WGBG with 3 CMLs or 3 AssCs show up, the other two tend to have SB/PF(PW,TH, etc.) or a CCW and a SS. lots of good shots with high strength.
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