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What is it exactly? I've read thusfar in Mechanicum and Titanicus that it is like a chorus of voices everywhere and no where, bestial growls with mixes of static, random squels and bizarre static. Is this the same static as tv static or radio static? Is there any real life combination of things to simulate it to get a better feel for it?









1. In mechanicum when Juilun (SP) is acting as the conduit to the aether he mentions the Emperor slaying the Dragon. I assume this is the Void Dragon?


2. Zeth, ruler of Magma City, is trying to use the warp to discover the knowledge of the universe. This sounds a lot like the man mentioned a few chapters earlier named Marovac (SP). I think she is on the same path as he. Is this a reasonable assumption or does the novel lay it down later?


3. Wouldn't the Emperor have noticed the massive psychic action going on on Mars?


4. When Kelbor opened the vault with Regelus and discovered the warp-science technology and algorithms, is it fair to assume that the things found inside would have been the pre-cursor to the Defiler, techno-virus, and perhaps even demonic possession on vehicles?


5. The machine that attacked Maximal's reactor that was engaged by the 3 knight titans as far as I can tell is an A.I. Sentient machines were outlawed milennia earlier weren't they? Why are Adepts going so wrong? Is it the power grabs? AFAIK the Admech in Mechanicum is so blinded by their dogma that they are actually doing exactly what the humans on terra did during the unification wars or even before that.


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Firstly, maybe the Emperor did notice all this activity, after all he is supposed to have planned it all.


And the entire point of the Heresy is people going wrong. Sure A.I is outlawed, but so is inter-legionary war. Didn't stop Horus.


Lastly sorry, no clue off the top of my head about scrapcode


Hope I helped :o

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Scrapcode, from the point of view of someone in communications, is a line of coding that has no reference yet may contain information. In the case of Mechanicus and Titanicus, I believe scrapcode is referencing snippets of data without sending or ending protocols, which is functionally noise to the receiver as there is no way of telling were the data begins or ends.


I can assume that the reference to scrapcode in the novels is a form of communications used by the Dark Mechanicus. From my own experience in electronics, I know that white noise can be used as a carrier for data. In this case, those in the Adeptus Mechanicus with Noospheres are able to "see" free streaming data, and would "see" scrapcode as chunks of useless data that disrupts normal communications, which would most likely put them on edge. For those in the Dark Mechanicus, these bits a scrapcode act like bagpipes in battle, producing eerie strains of noise that mean something to them but not to others.


At least, that is what I got out of it when I read Titanicus.



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Hmmm, thankyou for the replies. I think I'll try playing numerous sounds that all of you have suggested at the same time and see if my ears bleed. If I can find a microphone I'll record it.


Jeffersonian000, I didn't consider that aspect of it. So random bits of a message could come across as noise? I'll refrain from asking how the DM is able to make use of snippets and warp noise.


Aphex Twin was a new experience.

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I dont know,...I figured it would be more raw and less synthesized,...a little like Neurotic Waste or some such madness.



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In the same way as chaos whispers into the mind and soul it whispers into every piece of software, hardware and remaining wetware of the mechanicum, by any means possible and all at once. digital, visual, aural all at the same time spreading through every network, carrier, circuit and mind on Mars.
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  • 4 weeks later...
What I got from the book about Scrapcode is that is that is the way the warp talks to those whose minds dont care about fleshy matters or that their brain is more mechanical than flesh. With Librarians you have a constant talking to them, while the warp talks to everyone in voices and growls. To the Mechanicum it would sound like "dirty" code or disruptive code. For noise I have no idea but might sound like everyone else is doing.
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