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New to 40K. Questions


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So here is the deal, I am getting to that age in my life where I really want a hobby. Something that I can enjoy for the rest of my life.


And I think 40k is that.


I played LOTR for like 5 months, 4 years ago. And then I lost interest.



So here is the the deal. I want to start a space wolves army, have ever since I read the first Space Wolf, the army suits me, I believe. Their viking, barbarian like ways are even part of my actual family lineage (Dark Forest Germanic Tribes woot woot). Anytime I think about picking another army.......well I just cant.



So here is the deal. I want to get into 40K nice and slow.



My plan is to start off buying all my necessary craft stuff (paints, brushes, modeling equipment, etc.). And turn my room into a hobby room ( I only need to sleep in there right?) and then start off buying models. And taking a good amount of time to paint and modify (I do not care about gaming until I have a great army). I want to take this slow. REALLY SLOW. Helps with money, and I can be a perfectionist with EVERYTHING I do.



The only thing is there is not a new codex for the Space Wolves, and I do not know when a new one is coming out.


So my question is do you think it is alright for me to go ahead and buy some Blood Claws (and maybe some grey hunters) or is the new Codex going to come out and render these obsolete. Is it even worth starting a Space Wolves army, or should I go ahead and buy the Assault on Black Reach, and play with the UBER BORING AND CLICHED (I believe) Ultramarines.




So get back to me to guys. I am sure I will have questions that follow.



I am really excited to get back into this game





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Welcome to the Fang, Whelp.

The rumor mill says that a new C:SW will come (maybe) end of the year. But i hear that rumor for three years now. I think you can´t do anything wrong with Blood Claws and Grey Hunters. A venerable Dreadnought as one of your HQ´s would be also a good choise.

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Welcome to the Fang whelp! Have an ale - AFTER you've served us a stein first! B)


This is the friendliest forum on the B&C - ask any question you want (try search first or the longer fangs will yell at you).


One question you're not allowed to ask: "When is the new codex coming out?" - you will get no ale and a whack with the exterminatosock.


Now set your wolves amongst the Emperor's enemies.

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So here is the the deal. I want to start a space wolves army, have ever since I read the first Space Wolf, the army suits me, I believe. Their viking, barbarian like ways are even part of my actual family lineage (Dark Forest Germanic Tribes woot woot). Anytime I think about picking another army.......well I just cant.


Well then it sounds like Space Wolves are your army, your either a wolf at heart or your not. B):D


So here is the deal. I want to get into 40K nice and slow.


You've said that three times now. :D


My plan is to start off buying all my necessary craft stuff (paints, brushes, modeling equipment, etc.). And turn my room into a hobby room ( I only need to sleep in there right?) and then start off buying models. And taking a good amount of time to paint and modify (I do not care about gaming until I have a great army). I want to take this slow. REALLY SLOW. Helps with money, and I can be a perfectionist with EVERYTHING I do.


Personally I'd suggest starting with a box of Blood Claws or Grey Hunters and the bare bones basics. Some glue, some paint, a knife for cutting up sprues and shaving off mold lines and that's it. No need to go crazy making a "hobby room" until your absolutely sure your going to stick with the hobby or at the very least get more of an idea of exactly what you want/need.


The only thing is there is not a new codex for the Space Wolves, and I do not know when a new one is coming out.


So my question is do you think it is alright for me to go ahead and buy some Blood Claws (and maybe some grey hunters) or is the new Codex going to come out and render these obsolete. Is it even worth starting a Space Wolves army, or should I go ahead and buy the Assault on Black Reach, and play with the UBER BORING AND CLICHED (I believe) Ultramarines.


Do you like Ultramarines? Doesn't sound like it so I think you've answered your own question. Go ahead and play Wolves, if something changes it's not too hard to convert existing models to new changes and heck there have been rumours of a new codex for years all we know is one is coming and the rest is just guesswork, could be in a few months, could be in a year or more, I wouldn't agonize over it.


So get back to me to guys. I am sure I will have questions that follow.


I am really excited to get back into this game


Just remember there's a few rules for the Fang:


1. Ale

2. Ask the Search Spirits first.

3. Ale

4. No asking about the new codex.

5. Ale

6. Check the stickies.

7. Ale

8. No touching Bran's exterminatesock

9. Ale

10. More Ale


All clear? ;)


On a more serious note welcome to the Fang whelp, ask any questions you may have and look around at the stickies and other resources, including the Space Wolves: A Comprehensive History from the Librarium.

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Welcome to the Fang, brother wolf. I would strongly recommend a pack of Blood Claws and a pack of Grey Hunters, along with a Venerable Dread. Those investments will serve you well, and as they are core parts of our armies, it is unlikely that they will be removed in the upcoming codex
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Welcome to the Fang Whelp, may your battles be great and many. Ale's in the corner next to the roast boar, help yourself, just make sure to bring me some of the good stuff!


@ Vash: You missed #11- Roast Boar and you misspelled Exterminatussock too!


*cuffs Vash over the head with the Exterminatussock a few times for good measure*


Also, for ease of use the FAQ's from the B&C and GW are both linked in my signature so feel free to use them.


Cheers, ya zoggin' git!

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@ Vash: You missed #11- Roast Boar and you misspelled Exterminatussock too!


*cuffs Vash over the head with the Exterminatussock a few times for good measure*


*dodges exterminatussock*


Bah there's more than boar for anyone not too lazy to head out and get it, Orca, Mammoth and I hear Ice Fiend is decently tangy, must be the poison in the blood.


Anyway look in the FAQ's first a lot of questions are answered there and if not there type your query into the Search and see what comes up, most of the time questions will have been answered before but might be buirried in a mass of similarly named threads or posts so if you can't find a suitable answer you can always just ask as long as you dodge Bran's temper. :devil:

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One other thing Chief213- Currently Grey Hunters are a required troops choice, thats why theres a 1+ next to them. So theyre a great place to start off with. A rhino, Dreadnaughts, Wolf Priest, Whirlwind, and Bloodclaws are also pretty safe bets no matter how long this is going to take you. I suggest them for projects as we wont lose those and the changes to their weapon load-outs will be minimal.
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Thanks for all the answers today.




So I went to walmart and bought me a nice little desk for my room, so I can have a dedicated place to paint. It is right next to the window so I can get some great light. I think next monday or tuesday I am going to get the BASIC hobby supplies, and I still have some paints left over ( dark angels green, space wolves grey, bleached bone, and dwarf flesh) from LOTR. I am thinking by the end of this week I am going to have some models getting put together, and maybe doing some green stuff beards.





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