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Space Wolves in Tourneys

Imperialis Rex

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Hi guys


How have people faired going into tourneys with a Space Wolves Army?


If you're armed with a copy of the Space Wolves Codex, C:SM and the FAQ, have you had many issues?


Has having to constantly refer to a specific article in 3 different documents taken the fun/flow out of the game for you?


Or am I doin it wrong?


Don't worry.


I haven't lost the Faith.

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It can sometimes be a bit of an interuption to the flow, but I have taken care of that issue by making a gaint reference list which blends the 3 on almost all topics you could think of. Makes it a little easier
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I play about 50/50 Eldar/SWs... and Im the highest ranked player at my LGS. Of course theres only about 20 players at my LGS, so its kinda like big fish, small pond.


*spreads hands*.


As for issues Ive only had a couple.... and between alot of public speaking and a reputation for being a gentleman Ive sorted them all out. The only time I came clsoe to losing my cool was at a double tournament where a guy kept coming over from his game and butting into mine, telling me that I couldnt have my terminators in a drop pod... and how the heck was I giving them three assault cannons, and that tactical squads couldnt have two power weapons blah blah blah. I couldnt get it through his head that I wasnt playing Space Marines.


It was really weird... he was in his late 30's, looked like a successful buisnessman... but couldnt wrap his head around it. Hasnt been back since though, because his partner didnt win best painted.


Better off without them I figure.

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Thanks for the tips. I'm thinking of taking a step into the ring and having a look around. The guys that I regularly have a game with are all looking to *Bam* Take It Up A Level and see how we do in tourneys.


I figure if ya's don't mind, that I'd *yoink* FellBlades idea and combine it with Grey Mages 'Run In' and maybe make up a quick reference sheet with all the info on 1 side and then a big F!@# off Space Wolves Sign on the other so people know what Army I'm using.


So if I get an interloper,I won't have to waste my breath. Instead I'll just point at the sign. And if he/she can't read that then I'll know the reason why they're sticking their nose in and making wrong calls...


Obviously I'll laminate the pages. Just incase there's an incident.


Note: I would never bring the good name of the Space Wolves into disrepute.


Nothin a few good Beers couldn't fix anyway.

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It can sometimes be a bit of an interuption to the flow, but I have taken care of that issue by making a gaint reference list which blends the 3 on almost all topics you could think of. Makes it a little easier


care sharing your reference sheets with us wolf brothers ? XD

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care sharing your reference sheets with us wolf brothers ? XD



Sure, I'll try to get them up on here in the next few days. No promises on how soon though, sorry. As a high school student trying to get into college, I often dont have time for my beloved wolves B)

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care sharing your reference sheets with us wolf brothers ? XD



Sure, I'll try to get them up on here in the next few days. No promises on how soon though, sorry. As a high school student trying to get into college, I often dont have time for my beloved wolves B)


no worries XD as a college student i feel your pain XD

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i am not a big tournament guy my self. but the few time i have gone to one, not much happened. most of the people at that store, know me and know i play fair.


that didn't stop one guy from being a jerk and making me prove everything i said. it got to the point where a TO was right next to our table. he still lost and actually was such a downer about how i must of cheated him, that he was told to forget it or leave the store. i won two, lost one (should of seen the 5 objective match being thrown in but didn't really plan for it) that day. so he had no grounds to be so huffy.

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I've played a small number of tourneys and must admit more often than not I've got to prove something out of the book. Which usually ends up with my opponent going to one of their friends to make sure before we can continue.


One time I had 4 guys telling my opponent that we ignore modifiers in combat with him just going 'really, really?'.

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I play about 50/50 Eldar/SWs... and Im the highest ranked player at my LGS. Of course theres only about 20 players at my LGS, so its kinda like big fish, small pond.


*spreads hands*.


As for issues Ive only had a couple.... and between alot of public speaking and a reputation for being a gentleman Ive sorted them all out. The only time I came clsoe to losing my cool was at a double tournament where a guy kept coming over from his game and butting into mine, telling me that I couldnt have my terminators in a drop pod... and how the heck was I giving them three assault cannons, and that tactical squads couldnt have two power weapons blah blah blah. I couldnt get it through his head that I wasnt playing Space Marines.


It was really weird... he was in his late 30's, looked like a successful buisnessman... but couldnt wrap his head around it. Hasnt been back since though, because his partner didnt win best painted.


Better off without them I figure.


This is probably a story i'm going to tell my grandkids. After that i'll tell them to give that space marine a haircut, have their cultists all get jobs and for the venerable dreadnaught to get off my lawn.

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