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Wolfpriest in TDA conversion...


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I'd like a Wolfpriest model in TDA for my merry little band of wolves but I can't really find one..


So, conversion time...


I'm sure that some of you will have done this already and will have some good ideas about where to start.


I had a quick look and found this which is based off the new TDA Librarian which I assume is this one?


I'm happy sawing, filing and cutting, but I haven't tried using greenstuff yet.

So, having said that, does anyone have any good ideas about which parts to use to get a WP in TDA?

And maybe show pictures of yours?

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I will post a pic soon but my wip TDA wolf priest uses a forge world wolf guard TDA torso, plastic legs from the chaos terminator box set alongside a heavily altered version of the 'power mace' from the same sprue. And liberal green stuff of course! I can't decide what to put as the other arm/weapon!
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my WP in TDA is still being made.... i don't have every thing yet. but chaos termy legs, a forgeworld body/shoulders. i never thought to use the mace from the chaos termis though. maybe i will. but for the head (green stuff alert), i used the wolf skull that comes with logan grimnar, cut/sanded/filed down a normal termy head until it fit nice, and green stuffed around the edges. then got small wire to look like connectors. oh and some really small green stuff eyes.... that took for ever to make.


if i can get it together some i will get pics up to.

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I would think to grab the head, mace weapon and PP from the space wolf priest PA model, pop that on a Chaos Term Legs, Forgeworld Wolf Chest piece and plastic TA back chest piece and arms.


Some GS for a large wolf pelt, WTN from our plastic sprues


WG Vrox

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Forgeworld Wolf Chest piece and plastic TA back chest piece and arms.



WG Vrox


did forgeworld change how their SW termies are? the ones i got were one piece chest and back with separate shoulder pads. if they are just chest pieces and shoulders now, that is kind of disappointing.

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Wolfpriest Sigurd




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Looking good there man.


I would suggest a ball of GS under the wolf mask, it seems a bit to sunken down, won't take much to simulate a neck. Looks a bit like a crockadile


Have you considered your basing material yet?


WG Vrox

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