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Require assistance from the Long Fangs

Wolf Guard Hengist

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So I have decided to crawl out from under my Rock and get involved in an Apoc game with my buddy. It is going to be an 8000 bash against a seasoned ork player. I will be fielding 4000 points along side an Eldar army (I should probably kill the Xenos too but they serve my purposes for now.)


Anyway we have decided to take on certain battlefield roles with different units as objectives etc. One of my roles is to deal with the two stompas we are expecting to come up against which will probably be part of a dread mob. Between us we dont have any Super heavies so I have decided on the following set up to tackle the big stuff. The Eldar are going to act as a mobile reserve to take on the Speed freaks and the Green Tide if that makes an appearance.


My First unit is an Ancients Assault Force with 2 Dreads, an Ironclad and a Ironpriest (Techmarine) with the Flank March asset I will bring these on as close as possible to the Stompas. In support of this unit will be my Wolf Lord and his 9 bodyguards in TDA. This unit is loaded with Thunderhammers, Storm Shields, Combi Meltas and a good dose of Chain Fists. Also included in this unit is a Wolf Priest, both he and the Lord will have 4 Wolves a piece which will be ablative wounds whilst they close in on the target.


If the Stompas have a good amount of infantry around them I have a third unit of Termis in a Drop Pod equipped with Assault Cannons who can drop in and thin them out.


Has anyone tried this kind of set up before or am I in for an utter spanking? I'd appreciate any input from some brothers with a bit of Apoc experience.

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*Shakes head* Why are YOU dealing with the stompas? Thats incredibly silly.


I play both Space Wolves and Eldar. Tell him youll take care of the hordes and hordes of orks along with some dire avengers and taht you can handle the buggies and transports. Hes to take out any normal bikers, dethkoptas, and thos stompas.


All it takes is one unit of Fire Dragons in a waveserpent with brightlances. He boosts over there 18"s and unloads them, they deploy 2" and should be at close range. 10 Meltagun shots at close range... inside the orky fields! No more stompa problem.


Alternatively take Swooping Hawks with intercept.... they do glancing hits 2-5, Pen on a six, and always hit on a 4+ if not better.


Alternatively a squad of 10 Wraithgaurd taken with the Tunnels strategic asset. Or heck, Fire Dragons wtih the Tunnels asset.


Do what space wolves do best. Kill every ork on the board who isnt in a truck, and do your best to make sure there are no trucks on the board. Terminators, heavy bolters, missile launchers, more grey hunters than you can shake a stick out... the works.


Let eldar do what they do best- topple giants.


EDIT: and if hes worried about his fire dragons not fitting the bill, throw tank hunters on them and via an exarch and give them a farseer with guide. Now they are all twin-linked meltaguns +1.

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