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fluffyness for the wolves


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well the first question seems the easiest, how can i make a company that isnt one of the ones listed on the great anules (the stone thing, im bad at spelling and to lazy to check) i have heard people saying to make them 'lost' companys, but what exactly does that entail? if they dont hang around with the other guys, then how do they get support from the great wolf (the preists and all that)


second question, how would a wolf lord be accepted if he liked playing around with a scauple? kinda like fabius bile crossed with a wolf lord, would it be all fine and dandy or would it gat called herasy and stopped?

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Dunno about the lost company's I just made a DIY succesor chapter.


The lord would never have such an obsession, anyone who showed an intrest in surgery/modification would be recruited into the ranks of the Wolf Priests.

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well the first question seems the easiest, how can i make a company that isnt one of the ones listed on the great anules (the stone thing, im bad at spelling and to lazy to check) i have heard people saying to make them 'lost' companys, but what exactly does that entail? if they dont hang around with the other guys, then how do they get support from the great wolf (the preists and all that)


Just say one of the previous Wolf Lord's died. The Annulus from the back of the SW Codex isn't necessarily the most up to date. Plenty of opportunity for a reckless Wolf Lord to die and be replaced by yours.


second question, how would a wolf lord be accepted if he liked playing around with a scauple? kinda like fabius bile crossed with a wolf lord, would it be all fine and dandy or would it gat called herasy and stopped?


No that would deffinitely be unseemly. The Wolf Lord's place is hacking enemies apart not cutting on people with a knife I'd say.


Dunno about the lost company's I just made a DIY succesor chapter.


The Space Wolves don't have any successors though, the Wolf Brothers are a mystery but either suffered a catastrophe and vanished or are a Lost Company falsly labeled as a successor if I recall correctly.

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SWs don't have any formal successors. However, it's not unknown for a Wolf Lord to decide he doesn't get along with the Great Wolf and just leave the fang with his Great Company in tow. Of, for a Wolf Lord to end up so far away from the Fang that he just becomes autonomous. It's rare, but not not unheard. These would both qualify as a Lost Company, but could still 'count as' Space Wolves (and should).


Some speculation that away from Fenris, the Space Wolf geneseed became too unstable which led to the destruction of the Wolf Brothers.


Surgery is the rule of menials and servants, not the Lord. Wolf Priests fill the role of battlefield medics, but I don't think they have formal surgical training.

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Wolf priests oversee the creation of new space wolves so they presumably have some training.


Not necessarily in surgery though, automated systems are most often described doing the real work. The medical aspects of the Wolf Priests seems to revolve around their "Healing Potions and Balms" not the Narthecium/Reductor used by other Chapters formal Apothecaries. But then that's the Space Wolves for ya.

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The copy of the Grand Analus to which I think you are referring is the one produced by that pampered scribbler, Erasmus Bosch, the Fang take his ink blackened heart.


Thankfully Brother Uldred got wind of his craftiness and played merry with his pomposity. I myself played to part of a wizened retainer; putting the moodiest wolf scout in my seat with some bazaar name or other. After much ale and boar, the fool of a scribe was lapping up all his wild tales of this and that but we nearly came unstuck when he became convinced that that whelp Ragnar, who was actually in his own seat, was a young Blood Claw put there to fool him. I almost choked on my mead as the frenzied young Lord chased him around the chamber before tipping him headfirst into an open barrel of ale. Harad eventually took pity on the simpering fool and fished him out. By then he was drunk beyond measure and we left him to sleep it off. With him snoring away, making the noise of a demolisher cannon, we resumed our proper places and got on with some real feasting and quaffing - ah what a night. It takes more than some lank-haired, greasy Inquisitional spy to snatch the secrets of the Fang. :wink:

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