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Building Up the Army


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I'm a new player to WH40k and Space Marines. I've still got a long ways to go painting what SM units I have, but I'm still itching to buy more stuff to get my overall army fleshed out. What would be the next best area/units to focus on considering what I currently have?


Right now I have:


x2 Captain



x3 10 Man Tactical Squads

x1 5 Man Combat Squad

x1 5 Man Scout Squad



x1 5 Man Terminator Squad

x2 Dreadnaughts


Fast Attack

x1 Assault Squad



x1 Rhino


I definitely think I'm fine on Troops at the moment. I'm guessing the next area to focus on is more Rhinos/Razorbacks, some sort of Heavy Support, or HQ (Libby or Chappy). Any other ideas?


I don't really have a concrete Army List or "play style" determined at the moment, since I've only played a couple games. I'll probably favor a balanced force with maybe a little emphasis on mobility. I dunno.

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I agree that more Rhinos/Razorbacks are the next step. 1 of each will give you 3 Transports which is enough to start with.

After that I'd look towards the Heavies. The issue here is so much of it is based on playstyle and what you have elsewhere in your army, but some good basic choices would be a Predator, a Vindicator and a Land Raider.

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The money's always most important, what's you're budget or around what you want to buy?


You are going to laugh at this probably. I have a monthly budget of $35. That's right, thirty-five dollars. :down: It will be slow going getting the diversity of different units I want so that I can play a few different army lists. So more or less one new unit/vehicle a month - that is if I don't spend my money on any other hobbies. I'm about 3 years off from meeting some major financial goals - then I can really have some fun....


I think I'll focus on the transports first as others have suggested.

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I'd definitely buy more tanks. As a side note I believe there is a tutorial about somewhere on how to use the Razorback kit to make a model which can be adapted to be fielded as either RB or Rhino.


Predator, Vindicator, Whirlwind, Land Raider (as Dedicated Transport for the Terminators)


Some Land Speeders would be fun too.

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If you already have a Rhino you should probably get another one or two. As you already have fast attack choice now I'd recommend at least 1 heavy support choice and if I read all the posts properly you have a budget of $35? Devastators would be in that budget and they generally help because there are generally vehicles in the 40k universe that will bother you without them. Or simply pay save up for a tank. Remember you want mobility but you should at least bring a little range and power. Then again bigger units tend to attract more attention.

EDIT:I wouldn't laugh at your budget. On a middle schooler budget I can't afford more than 500 points at a time even after saving up for a month or two. Maybe a stupid question and I hope you don't mind me asking but why do you have two captains? Just curious to know.

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So I guess it either comes to a razor or rhino. Your choice. Go crazy. (also, it would be great to see pics of your figs

EDIT:You have a good amount of guys for someone of your caliber (middle schooler)

EDIT2:Don't by a dev squad, termies and dreds will take care of that business

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First, that's a very good start.


Second, my thoughts, in order of importance:


1 - Rhinos or Razorbacks for your tactical squads; they are vastly more effective if you can get them mobilized.


2 - Make sure you have power weapons / power fists and good special weapons in your tactical squads. I think you will find, once you have them on the move consistently, that the utility of these things is very high.


3 - If that's not a 10-man assault squad, get 5 more assault marines.


4 - Beef up your heavy support segment. I would go with a Land Raider, Predators, or Vindicators in your current list (the whirlwind is a great tank, but would be left behind). The Land Raider can double as a delivery system for your terminators, so that's probably the first priority in my eyes.


Very good start, though. Well done.

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I'll also second the need for more Rhinos. You have two choices on how to accomplish this, really. You can buy a Razorback box, or a Predator box. Each one comes with a complete Rhino, plus the addons that make the respective upgrade vehicle. Follow one of the many tutorials in the Librarium to make the Razor or Predator swappable into a plain old Rhino, and you've just bought double the tanks, for half the price.
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Thanks for the suggestions everyone.


I have an extra captains (and the dread) because they were given to me from another players AOBR set. Kinda pointless, I know since I don't see why I'd ever field more than one captain unless it was a massive APOC game.


I've got another 5-man Assault squad on the way from GW due to a minor quality control issue on the sprue I had (can't complain about GW customer service)!


I think I'll by a Razoback with March's budget money since I can switch it between being a razorback or rhino as Koremu mentioned. Who knows what I'll get after that...I'll have a whole month to figure that out anyways. B)

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I have an extra captains (and the dread) because they were given to me from another players AOBR set. Kinda pointless, I know since I don't see why I'd ever field more than one captain unless it was a massive APOC game.


Convert one of the Captains into a Librarian. Not hard with a bit of simple chop-and-swap and some spare bits.

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