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BA player considering Chaos


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I've seen several of these kinds of threads, so I thought I'd try one. I've played most armies at one time or another in 3 ed, but I've always considered myself at core a BA player. Now, though, they've killed my fluff for my DIY chapter with the 4/5ed codex. I'm considering a DIY Tzeentchian of Alpha Legion chapter [either Alpha, or a DIY convinced by the Alpha's to follow tem]. Why should I turn renegade [besides for cheaper termies that rock!]. :)
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Good question. I asked myself that same thing numerous times before I finally bartered my staunch BA soul to the Dark Gods.

I guess the biggest change is flexability, its a little harder with the new codex but it just means you have to be more creative.

For example want Plague Marines in your Iron Warriors army, make a unit of cyborgs!

Also Chaos has access to some of the most flexible units in the game. Our basic troop choice is widely regarded as one if not the best. Oh and we have the Anti-Calgar :rolleyes:

Some of our units are also a lot more useful than they appear on paper.

On the whole however, what sealed it for me is that you can create an army with character. As much as I loved my BA they were always BA. With chaos armys you can do so many little things to make them yours.


Hopefuly that helps, I'd suggest borrowing a codex from your local GW and playing a proxy game with a firend or someone at the store. Thats what sealed it for me.

What ever you decide good luck!



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Thanks for the reponse Dark Disciple. Your answer mirrors much of my feeling. I have a friend with the codex, and have helped him come up with lists, so I appreciate the flexibility, esp. of Termies and Chosen.
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Considering troop/scoring choices:



Typical BA units: Assault Marines, Basic Tacticals

Sisters of Battle

Grey Knights

Inducted Storm Troopers (cheap meltaguns)


-If you want to run them as vanilla... Losing BA assault marines as troops.


(Scoring by HQ in basic codex) Space Marine Bikes

(Scoring by unique char in basic codex) Sternguard


If you want to salvage some dignity for your "reds" then you can start with that. You can transport GK's in rhinos you buy for your devistators~. And there was word that the inquisition codexes wont be changed for a while and when they are changed, they will maintain their allies theme.



Thousand Sons


Plague Marines

Noise Marines(Sonic weapons or no)

Basic Chaos Space Marines

Fabius Bile's Enhanced Chaos Space Marines

Kroot Mercenaries

-Edit: Deary me I forgot LESSER DAEMONS, where is my head today?



Also, if you have a torrential amount of jump packers, a single chaos list can hold 60 raptors so no matter the number you use, they can be accomodated. Dont forget icons for fabius' and regular chaos marines for their tactibility!


As well, if you had some BAAL'z, I'm sure they can pack a pritty penny for ebay. Or save them for apocalypse. Just like any other loyalist marine-only goodies, apoc saves the day.


If your changing your BA's to chaos, and doing it with green/blue theme as the other fellas you want them as, remember that the alpha's are known to paint their armor to confuse enemies and tarnish reputations. Especially for a founding chapter.

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DIY with Alpha turning them is an excellent background base. Maybe you could just say they've opened their eyes to the real truth...

Anyway you sure sure want Raptors with Icon of Khorne or Slaanesh, and can play Baals as count as autocannon predators (if they're an old DIY the rotating autocannons could be a step in autocannon->asssault cannon evolution). I recommend going with Khorne or Slaanesh to keep the spirit. Welcome!

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I've seen several of these kinds of threads, so I thought I'd try one. I've played most armies at one time or another in 3 ed, but I've always considered myself at core a BA player. Now, though, they've killed my fluff for my DIY chapter with the 4/5ed codex. I'm considering a DIY Tzeentchian of Alpha Legion chapter [either Alpha, or a DIY convinced by the Alpha's to follow tem]. Why should I turn renegade [besides for cheaper termies that rock!]. :)


Tzeentch can be a lot of fun. Chaos has a different style than BA (at least the way I play them both).


I wouldn't recommend too many Icons of Tzeentch, they are very expensive and generally not as useful as the Icon of Chaos Glory. The idea of everything having invul saves is great, but with the ease of getting cover in 5th, its not worth the points most of the time.


A lot depends on what you want. You can't have a list you like with the BA codex, but you can probably find something fun in chaos.

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Thanks for all the input. I played around with Chaos a few times in 4ed [shutters mightily at he mention of that ;) version], and I'm a little partial to undivided/Chaos Glory, but I'll probably have a few Tzeentchians [esp. sorceror, maybe deamon prince].

I'm really considering the point of view as stated by DOGGED, the Legion opened my chapter's eyes to the real truth; therefore I'll probably keep non-undivided troops to a minimum. Also, I find myself currently with only 1 marine model [ they were traded out of frustration, and now sorely missed], so all ideas of what to build to are appreciated. I'm thinking lots of raptors, some termies and Chosen [i love infiltrators!], around a core of regulars [maybe with mark of Khorne which counts as Black Rage!]. I'm really warming up to this idea ;) .

What do y'all [yep, I'm from Dixie] think about a colour scheme of Dwarf bronze, Flesh washed [Ogre washed I think it is now], highlighted with brazen brass, and Red gore Pauldrons? My chapter is called the Blood of Sirrush [sirrush was Nebuchadnezzer's dragon that he had painted in ancient Babylon].

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For the paint scheme, try to make it on the painter. HArd to imagine just from the words.


Mark of Tzeentch is great on sorcerors (I recommend Disk of Tzeentch as well) or princes (who should always have wings).


Take advantage of the ability to take and use 2 powers. Warptime is great as are the shooting powers.

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If you icon your normal marines/raptors, make sure they're not small units. I highly suggest going with tzeentch-icon units of 8+ in size to make use of that SPENDY icon. If you pack a unit of 20 with that icon, it will be a good investment!


A unit in front of everyone giving them 4+ cover save, while maintaining a 5+ inv save while in front and taking hits. Its a good tactic to abuse-err I mean use. Otherwise lesser daemons/terminators with Tzeentch Icon do just as good being in front.

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Your unit preferences look pretty good. Regular marines, chosen and termies with Icon of Khorne and berserkers as death company are a pretty equivalent. Fluffwise you can make a BA descendant that somehow has gained control of the black rage with its turning to chaos. Maybe some kind of acceptation of death therapy, maybe the simple acceptation of the fact that Sanguinius died an unnecessary death defending the wrong cause... :huh:

Also chaos dreadnoughts keep well with the rage theme...

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