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500 Point GK lists


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So I was trying to put together a 500 pt list and found myself scratching my head.


Best I have been able to come up with is a BC, small GK squad, ISt squad and a dread. What are some common builds that you guys use?



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Actually a BC + IST + Dready with plas and CC would be the route I took. That or you can take 2 squads of PAGK and an HQ... But when I use IST's they pretty well always earn their points back. In a real small game thats likely very infantry heavy those IST squads are very lethal. In low point games I always give my squads grenades launchers and plasma guns just in case I run into anything serious. But im not super experienced so don't just take my word for it.
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3 units of IST, one inquisitor lord + retinue and a daemonhost for fun. This is just off the top of my head, but should easily fit in to 500 depending on what's in the retinue, I might even add an assassin if points allow (which they probably won't). The point I'm trying to make is that Number6 is right, GKs are too expensive at 500, go for a radical inquisitor and have fun, even if it is less effective.
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I had a similar issue to yours when trying to write a grey knight list for the school league (500 pts combat patrol)

The best I got was 14 GK split into 2 squads, both with psycannons, incinerator, psycannon bolts

That's only due to combat patrol not requiring a HQ.

Instead I have stuck with my tried and tested DA list :confused:



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this is my 500 point list


Brother Captain 106

Master Craft Psycannon


6+ Justicar, Targeter, Frags, Melta bombs 217



4+ Justicar, Targeter, Frags 177



only 13 models but its done pretty well.


Looks like a fantastic list, but do you think 2 squads of 5 PAGK + Justicar would work out alright as well? I'm slowly putting together my force, and i'll have enough for a list like this soon, and I'd prefer to keep both squads equal to each other, models wise, so that I dont have to worry about one squad being more powerful/weaker than the other. I'm a bit OCD when it comes to symetry... B)

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At 500 pts storm bolters themselves are a nasty tool. My suggestion would be a cheap inquisitor, storm troopers and knights. But at 500 pts knights can be equally powerful, their stormbolters shot output is disgusting and in melee they are nasty as well. That said cheaper infantry with more shots may be more effective at killing them. At 500 pts you need something cheaper than knights and stormtroopers fit the bill, give em plasma/grenade launchers and you're set.
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