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Battle rep Belgian GT


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I went to the Belgian Fanatic GT, last weekend with my 1750points Daemon Nurlge list..

for my list see : http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=159424


Standard choice for First wave : 3 X DP, GUOC, Epi + 10 Plaguebaerers with Icon, Nurglings


Battle 1 VS space marines with Pedro kantor. Mission Seize ground with 4 objectives (deployement pitched battle)

Pedro kantor, 1 x 10 sternguard (serg with PF),in a Rhino 1x 9 sternguard in a Rhino with Pedro, 3 x predators ( 2 with autocannon, 1 with TWL lascannon), 10 x Assault marines (serg with PW), 2 x 10 SM squad (Lascannon & bolters), 2 attack bikes with MM

I placed 1 objectives in cover and halfway the table, he placed his 2 close to his deployemnt zone.. I gave him first turn, He deployed in a corner around 1 objective.. I got my first wave and deepstriked the big ones close to him, epidemius with his squad deepstriked next to an objective..

I got close enough with one to use the Breath, killing 7 tactical marines..


THe sternguard took my by suprise with their ability to wound on 2+... They shoot 2 DP down in 1 turn.. Luckily fo me I got all my reserves in second turn.

I then made the mistake to walk away with one of my PlagueB squads to get to him, afterwards I should have secured my own objective..

I got in combat with the GUO and the 2 sterngaurdsquads he threw in the assault squad in too later, He only managed to score 2 wounds in the entire battle..

I got mykill tally up but not to the maximum..

Game ended after 5 turns, ending in a draw, I got one objective and he also had one, I contested his second because I was still inthe area with the GUO.

With the count of victory point he got a winning Draw..

Conclusion : STay away from Sternguard LOL, the ability of Pedro to give all men +1 A in his area helped a lot for him too adding some extra punch..

I should have won, turboboosting my screamers to contest his objective


Battle 2 VS Necrons

Mission : Annihaltion.. (deployement dawn of war)

Necrons with : Lord with orb & staff, lord with destroyer body & warscythe, 10 immortals, 10 pariahs (this supriised me), 2 x 14 warriors, 2 tombspyders, 3 destroyers, and some scarab swarms..


Great NO monolith and all infantry , this looked good.. I gave away first turn but then rolled the wrong wave..

So he deployed his lord on foot with the warriors and then I got my daemon wave.. I deepstriked as close as I thought was safe.. and then "Runned' with all the Plaguebearers towards him.

As suspected army shook off most of his shooting, only his destroyers killed a screamer squad..

Then the vital reserves, again with everything arriving except my nurglings.. with my icon being allready rather close to his line I deepstriked everything withing 6" of my icon.. then "Runned" with everything towards him.. In the assault phase I sent 3 squads who were able to reach his line into combat..

But with their We'll be back, I only killed 1 model..

With his first line blocked in combat, He couldn't shoot too much, and then assaulted my plaguebearers with tombspyders and then a DP with the destroyer lord.. The warscythe hurt..scoring 2 wounds.. the tombspyders did not survive.. :cuss

In myturn I got in Breath range with his Pariahs, kiliing 7 then killed the rest in assault....the combat between the warriors and te plaguebearers was done quickly, I killed one he killed nothing, he then failed his LD test but succeeded in the I test.. he did not get further away then 6" so they would keep on running..

Phase out was achieved in Turn 4 after I killed 7 immortals with breath of chaos and got the fleeing warriors who failed their " regroup' test when I assaulted them..

Massacre for me


Battle 3 VS Eldar ( Wielded by Alessio Cavatore)

Allright I wanted to play against Alessio so I was pleased with this..

HIs list : Farseerwith mindwar and doom and runes, 10 banshees in wave serpent, fire prism, vyper with shuriken cannons, wraithlord with Brightlance, 5 dire avegers, 6 striking scorpions, 6 warp spyders, Guardians with brightlance, 5 rangers, 1 warwalker with scatter lasers, AVatar

I did not like the Farseer, because with the mindwar ability he could easily kill epidemius..

I gave away first turn, and got the good wave..

Deepstriking all the big ones close to him and epidemius somewhere in the back.. the nuglings had a deepstrike mishap and luckily were place back in reserve..

The orignal plan was to deepstrike the bigones in or behind cover, but they all scattered towards him..

His turn shooting targets were obvious, scoring 3 wounds on 1 DP, the other 2 both had one wound... He assaulted the GUO with his striking scorpions, (after dooming him) but scored only 1 wound wich I savad , the GUO killed 3 and the remaining ones promptly fled..

Again my reserve rolls were good having everything arriving in turn 2.. There was some scattering (with my icon being on the farside with epi) and 3 PB's died to dangerous terrain tests..

The 3 wound DP¨charged the warpspiders and was cut to ribbons by the exarch before hitting something..

Turn 3 Alessio : I was glad to see he took the bait, he disembarked with the banshees and farseer doomed my DP (who was standing closest) I was probably going to lose the DP but this meant he did not go after epi ;)

Avatar went after the GUO, the banshees and farseer after the DP.. Avatar scored 1 wound on the GUO and the fatguy scored 2 on him, the banshees scored 1 wound and the DP killed 3.. this meant he lost combat but being fearless (due to avatar) had to take some extra saves, failing all so the avatar had only 1 wound left and the banshees were thinned down.. This was a multiple combat since the GUO touched avatar and the banshees bases


Turn 3 for me, I went after his Wave serpent with my Free DP and moved the plaguebearers closer along with the nurglings to his army..

Nothing in assault range for my troops, I destroyed the bright lance on the serpent..

Avatar didn't wound the GUO, I directed the GUO attacks on the banshees, banshees and farseer wounded the DP again (only 1 remaining) but the DP and GUO killed 5. with the "no retreat" avatar failed his save, but the rest succeeded..

Turn 4, Concentrating as much fire as possible on 1 squad of plaguebearers,he killed 9 leaving only 1 standing.. in the Assault phase I killed the farseer and banshees with the GUO after they killed my DP.

In my turn I breathed the Guardians killing 6, and then assaulted them.. I assaulted the Wraithlord with the nurglings.. wraithlord scored 2 wounds on the nurglings, I did not do anything on the Wraithlord.. the Guardians lost combat and fled away..


Turn 5, he shot the lonely plaguebearer, and 1 screamer squad, I lost some other plaguebearers too..

In my turn with the Tally so high up, the nurglings went right trough the wraithlord, and I could assault the guardians again killing all of them..

Too bad for me the plaguebaerers could not reach the dire avengers and warpspiders who where hiding in a ruin on the first floor..

I needed 3" to get on to that level for the assault but only got 2" on my assault move..

The screamers blew up the Fire prism..

REsult : massacre for me. Alessio said he was pleased to see that you could indeed win a battle with daemons ..

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Day 2


Battle 4 VS necrons

Mission Kill points, (deployment dawn of war)

necron list : lord with orb and staff, 11 immortals, 3 x 10 warriors, 1 heavy destroyer, 2 x 3 destroyers, 1x 2destroyers, monolith


AGain necrons.. I feared the destroyers because they are faster then everything in my army..

I gave him first turn, but got the wrong wave..


He deployed quite open IMO, I thought he would pack things together and fly around with his destroyers, but he spread his army..

I deepstriked my troops close to him.. and then Runned..

Turn 2 : He dispatched my screamers quite easily with his destroyers, but did not manage to kill a single plaguebearer.

I got all my reserves (again) and deepstriked spread out on the table with the big ones.. My plan here was to spread the DP and (if they stayed alive long enough) go after the destroyers if I had the chance..

Managed to assault 2 warrior squads with 2 PB squads.. dull combat, no casualties ( succeeded in We'll be back)

Turn 3: Pulled out a warrior squad of combat with the portal and then concentrated shooting on the big ones.. Scoring 2 wounds on one DP and 3 on another. He assaulted a PB squad with his lord..

In my turn I went after the warriors with the DP's and plaguebearers.. I wanted to tie them up in combat..

He never used the 'Veil of darkness'" with his lord leaving him in combat for the rest of the game.. giving me a very good chance at phase out because he standed out of the orb range with most of his army.

THe rest of the battle went well for the daemons, getting the tally easily up ( killing with DP and GUO out of orb range)

REsult : I got 5 kill points he got 4 ( 2 x screamers, the nurglings and 1 plaguebearer squad).. Victory for me.

I could have scored a massacre, but made the mistake of using Breath on a destroyer squad (he removed the first one leaving me out of assault range)..


Battle 5 AGainst orks

Mission : kill points, deployment dawn of war..

Orks : 1 battlewagon with big mek and lots of orks in it, 5 bikers, 2 kopta's, 1 truck with flamerorks (burna's ?), 1 truck with warboss and 4 meganobz, 1 truck with Nobz and painboy, 1 truck shootaboys..

I did not really write anything down from this battle an I don't remember much of it..

He made some mistakes, he went afte epidemius with the warboss and meganobz, but failed to lock my DP's in combat..

I had assalted his battlewagon with one DP (destroying it) and a truck with another DP..

I thought he would have assaulted the DP's with the orks who were in the vehicles but he went after the plaguebaerers instead..

the Nobz were shockinly good, assaulting one PB unit and wiping it..

Epidemius and his squad survived the combat much to my pleasure but only epi and 3 plaguebearers remained..

Because he had not locked my DP's in combat I sent 2 of them in combat with the Warboss and MegaNobz.. killing the meganobz, and the warboss fled the scene..


Result : massacre for me (9 KP) he killed all my screamers, and 2 PB squads..


Final battle aginat orks..

Misson : kill points, deployment pitched battle..

THis battle was actually over in Turn 3.

Ork list : Ghazkull with 3 meganobs in truck, Warboss with 4 meganobz in truck, arboys in truck, nobz in truck, 3 killakans.. and some more orks..


Wrong wave arrived and he gave me first turn..

He offcourse got into combat first turn (thanks to my great scattering skills) wiping 1 Plaguebearersquad with the warboss, and destroying a screamer squad with some orkboys thingies..

Turn 2, only 1 DP arrived, and was promptly killed by Ghazkull and his gang, the Nobz destroyed another PBsquad..

Turn 3 only epidemius arrieve with the nurglings;. the nurglings were deployed before my icon squad (to hold off those megaNobz), epidemius hided in a building.. Nurglings died offcourse..

Turn 4 : 2 DP's arrived.. having already lost the battle and scattering horribly the wrong way.. the Battle was over..

he moved away from the DP's so I was out of range..

Turn 5 : huzzah the GUO arrived .. I moved nothing, just a PB squad to keep them out of his range..

Battle : massacre for him.. really not much I could do with all the reserves going wrong and offering him my army pieceemeal..

Orks are hard to conquer, they have the body's and there's always a powerclaw around..

The meganobz go trough everything.. I would have needed at least 2 DP's to assault at the same time to destroy one meganob squad..

I lost this battle mostly due to the randomn factor that comes with the daemons..


Result GT : 5th place and I've won the Quiz LOL, and I was the only one who had won from Alessio cavatore.. LOL

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wow . 4 out of 5 you got what you wanted . thats very very lucky . kind of a crappy the rolls didnt go wrong on the first day , but on the last durning the all important last game.

I cant comment on demons game wise , I dont understand the idea of playing that army [while I do understand how it works]. I couldnt play and army that has a 50% chance of losing or wining turn 1.

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I wouldn't say it was 50/50 at all, many times have I been screwed on the first turn and come back with a win, though admittedly it is a lot harder. But as long as you don't fall in to the trap of making one uberwave and one backupwave, you'll be fine, just make sure both are able to hold their own.


Anyway, 5th place is certainly something to be proud of, especially with a near mono-god list. Nurgle is a solid list of course but undivided will always be better. I'm surprised you faced two necron armies though, I love them but they are weak in 5th, not the sort of army I'd expect to see multiple times at a tourny.

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Well I would have prefered that my dices screwed me over on the first day but such is the will of the Chaos gods..

Also It's a challenge to try to get things good even when the reserves or waves go wrong..


Overall I'm quite satisfied with the result for the daemons..

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Great report, thanks. The screamers are a nice touch, people don't pay much attention to them, but they are fast and can blow up vehicles.


Interesting list, to be sure. 3 demon princes are nice because they really can't kill all 3 right away. Tally didn't seem to have too much effect except for killing that wraithlord (I'm sure he wasn't real excited about that!).


Great that you played Alessio, that is pretty rare!


All in all, interesting list, and interesting battle reports. Nice work!

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Oh, I could be wrong, but reading the battreps from the necron fights, it seems as though your opponents were using WBB to improve their combat result, which I'm pretty sure you can't do. As far as I know, the necrons don't WBB until the start of the next necron turn, so it seems to me that you would still get the kills for your tally and for the combat result. It doesn't work like a Feel No Pain roll...


Am I wrong?

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So in the end did you think that Epi was worth it? I ask mostly because here you mentioned how it would be a liability to have him

I did not like the Farseer, because with the mindwar ability he could easily kill epidemius..

It made you change your gameplan and have to sacrifice a Daemon Prince to keep him protected, so did having him on the table make that much of a difference overall?

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Oh, I could be wrong, but reading the battreps from the necron fights, it seems as though your opponents were using WBB to improve their combat result, which I'm pretty sure you can't do. As far as I know, the necrons don't WBB until the start of the next necron turn, so it seems to me that you would still get the kills for your tally and for the combat result. It doesn't work like a Feel No Pain roll...


Am I wrong?


Well I don't know if the necrons count as a casualtie for my tally, it's somewhat confusing IMO, because they aren't really dead, they are also not removed as casualties .. so I waited after the WBB roll before adding up my tally..

The rest I meant that I did not get any usefull combat result because he resurrected the ones who had failed theirs saves and always had good morale checks..

I should have given more details in that rep..

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So in the end did you think that Epi was worth it? I ask mostly because here you mentioned how it would be a liability to have him
I did not like the Farseer, because with the mindwar ability he could easily kill epidemius..

It made you change your gameplan and have to sacrifice a Daemon Prince to keep him protected, so did having him on the table make that much of a difference overall?


Epid is worth it.. without it the PB's and nurglings aren't as good as with him.. Once you get that Tally up (and it doens't even have to be to the max) the overall performance of your army (except maybe the big ones) becomes very good..


The Farseer could have really ruined my day, killing epi with mindwar, .. without Epi, my army is still very tough ( overall high Toughness) but I don't get that extra punch the tally gives me (improved FNP or Improved chances to wound)


I did not really sacrifice the DP because I kinda use them for the psychological effect.. Most people are somewhat stunned if they see 3 DP's WITH wings appear close to them.. and most people tend to go after them and forget a bit about my troops..

So I was going to deepstrike the DP's close to that eldar line anyway.. I was pleased to see he took the bait and went after the big ones instead of Epi..


I don't think this list will always be so succesfull because now, all the people who were playing 40k in the GT know they have to take out epi first because they have seen what he can do :P

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