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SOB 2K VS orks


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I recently did a little creative number crunching to bump my SOB up to 2K for our local game league without having to buy a single new model.




At 2k



.cannoness with gear

.X2 melta/hvyflamer sisters squads in repressors

.assassin(vindicare this time around but i have the eversore and culexus i can switch out)

.elite inquisitor with gear and a dedicated transport-land raider prometheus

.hvy bolter retributor squad

.X2 exorcists


Faith points-5




I faced off against

.3 trukks with boyz

.2 mobs of boyz, one led by the mad doc HQ given them FNP

.2 flanking copter units

.snigrots flankers

.some grot lobbas




deployment zone objectives

setup-table quarters



The orks failed to seize so the sisters went to work with heavy bolter's and exorcists. he was making FNP rolls with his mad docs squad like a champ so i had to give them the full attention of the exorcists while the bolter's went after the other squad on the table.


He had made a tactical error putting his trukks behind huge mobs of orks so they ended up having to turbo around the table edges giving me some respite to the coming assault.



with flankers coming in i was feeling the need to protect my rear quarter so karamozov moved to the back while i continues to dakka hi boyz. blessed ammunition was wonderful against boys in cover.


The fist group of coptas came in and got a repressor forcing the sisters out. the other one got assaulted but he failed to kill that one. he also managed to stunn an exorcist.



Turn 3

He was getting a bit to close for comfort now. the sisters from the repressor that exploded took out the coptas that did the deed while the rest of the army now had all sorts of trukks and boys to shoot. i managed to kill both trukks and take out a squad of boys.


He got the stunned exorcist, brought in another copta squad who continued where the frist squad left off. but this time he decided to charge the sisters and stayed there in CC with them for the rest of the game.


Turn 4

The other repressor layed down some fire from it's fire points while the raider gave as good as it could yet the tide moved closer. the sniper had been taking shots at the mad doc but fialed to wound a few times.


Snigrot came in and as expected he was in my backfield going stright for karamozov. combat is tied at 1 wound each. i now had 2 trukk squads and the mad docs unit at my door.



I rush the inquisitor and the cannoness over to aid karamozov, the repressoir moved back laying down fire while the raider and retributors lay down cover fire. close combat goes badly i only kill 3 orks and loose the inquisitor and karamozov. in return as well as taking wounds on the cannoness (horribly bad rolls on my part)


He assaulted the land raider only managing to score 1 hit but gets a pen 5 off of it. Sigrid finished off the cannoness and the rest is pretty much winding down.


Turn 6


He has no troops on his objective, but i have none on mine. i move the remaining repressor back, pop smoke and hope for the best. snigrot moves up, does not think he can make an assault on the retributors after they get mangled by lobbas, so he runs to contest the objective. everything else is to far away.


Game ends-



With no troops on either objective the game is a draw-


The FNP rolls really saved his largest mob. i had to waste so much fire on it i would have otherswise given to other targets it really hampered my performance.


Even so it was a fun game. always a challenge to fight orks. we have to get close to flame them, but don't really want to get assaulted. in fact almost every FP i used was in the one close combat with the coptas.
















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Cool battle, though you didn't say where you had the blessed ammunition in your army list?


When you come up against big nasty durable units I find that ignoring them seems to work best. You weaken the rest of his army and turn your full attention to the nasty unit before it hits your lines. Otherwise you normally end up wasting a lot of shooting or falling for your opponent's plan.


For example I faced a huge BT squad of doom with a Chaplain with the little +1" righteous zeal gits so if I shot them they'd only move towards me faster. So I ignored them until I had crushed the rest of his army and fell upon the squad with everything I had. It worked like a charm!

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Cool battle, though you didn't say where you had the blessed ammunition in your army list?


Just on the repressors. the land raider is an inquisitors ride as such it is not a sororitus vehicle so no upgrades like that for him(sadly), apparently he doesn't know how to "bless" his bolter rounds like the sisters do.

:lol: :P

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On the FNP issue, I am about 99% sure that your exorcists should have ignored FNP. I am currently traveling and don't have my codex with me, but I believe Power Weapons and AP 1/2 weapons (basically anything that ignores Armor Saves) don't allow FNP rolls.


When you combine this with the "Instant Death" rule, this is what makes the exorcists so useful to take out Nobs.

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Iapetus is correct. Check the entry for Feel No Pain.


FNP is ignored by anything which would cause instant death, and by anything which ignores all armor saves (AP1/2 weapons, DCCWs, power weapons, etc).

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