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well as said guys, here's my rant, some guys(1-3) in my FLGS wont play my daemons.


Take note my army is a Tzeentchian themed army, basing every daemon/unit to look like tzeentch


and you know why? well for starters, as you can see in my blog, my Blood crushers are Chaos Knights on 60MM bases. now, well and good right, i have absolutely NO MODEL to confuse them with, and i ALWAYS use them as blood crushers. Never have i said these were something else.


I use dryads, as horrors, now i make the paint job make it look so, and again, i NEVER use them for ANY other model. They are horrors, never daemonettes, letters or any other troop.


MY DPs are ushabtis (i ALWAYS field them as Tzeentch Marked Daemon Princes), again i never use them for any other model aside from DPs, and they have been modelled with wings, in a 60mm base, heck, i even put some cork board to make em stand 2.5inches just like a regular daemon prince.


And my spawn, note, are used as fiends. and never for any other unit in the codex.


and their reason for not playing me, or delibirating whether i should be in a tourney or not is because "they wont be able to tell what models im using." which is kinda unfair, i chose these guys specifically that they wont be used as any other unit in the codex.


Anyway is this a fair call on their part? or does it have to do that no space marine player, 80% of them are, hasnt beaten me yet.

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It's fear. Frankly if they don't want to play you then they aren't worth playing against. As for the tournament, are they running it? 'cos if not just talk to the guy who is, it's his decision not theirs. Frankly I think they're just being stupid, they're probably of the type that for some reason are still convinced daemons are overpowered and just don't want to play them.
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It's people probably thinking daemons are overpowered. It might also have to do with the number of Bloodcrushers you run; the more Bloodcrushers you run the fewer friends you get.


Daemons are NOT overpowered. Hell, daemons are the least reliable army in the 40k universe.


Who else cuts their army in half and deep-strikes it into the game piecemal on turn one?


Who else has such a mono-tasked army that just about all that it's all good for is assault?


Who else has NO transports? (...ok, 'nids get this one as well, I suppose)


Who else has a whole lot of units that do the same thing in slightly different ways? (...we ALL Assault)


Who else has a 33% chance of just out-and-out getting gimped by the dice on round one, and determining the game from there?


Who else has such trouble with armor out there? (I mean, come on, we have Horrors, Flamers, Soul Grinders, DPs, and Tzeentch greater daemons that each have a SINGLE S8 AP1 shot, grinders with S10. Do you REALLY call this a reliable way to kill armor outside of mele? No. It's not.)


Put it to them that way. Point out that our codex is so dice-related that it's almsot absurd.

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I think that the real question is are you running fateweaver with a whole bunch of bloodcrushers. That would explain the real reason that you are getting hassled. If you don't field fateweaver, then they really have no good reason to give you such a hard time. Blood crushers are tough, but they fall like wheat to a sickle when plasma toting MEQ's jump in with no fateweaver.
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... as you can see in my blog, my Blood crushers are Chaos Knights on 60MM bases. now, well and good right, i have absolutely NO MODEL to confuse them with, and i ALWAYS use them as blood crushers. Never have i said these were something else.


Where is your blog so I can see your Bloodcrushers as will be making the same this weekend?

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Having now seen the photos I can appreciate why they won't play you.


1. Bloodcrushars are Khorne not Tzeentch


2. Your Bloodcrushers are Chaos Knights no attempt at modification


IMHO the way you are playing Bloodcrushers would be the same way as turning up with a Rhino and saying it's a Scorpion. Some modification might be more appreciated ie Bloodletters on Chaos Knights horses

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Having now seen the photos I can appreciate why they won't play you.


1. Bloodcrushars are Khorne not Tzeentch


2. Your Bloodcrushers are Chaos Knights no attempt at modification


IMHO the way you are playing Bloodcrushers would be the same way as turning up with a Rhino and saying it's a Scorpion. Some modification might be more appreciated ie Bloodletters on Chaos Knights horses

Some people want to field fluffy mono-god armies, but still want to use some units - it's the exact same as using counts-as characters.

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ok first of all i love the army, its realy different and makes for a change


well i personaly have no problem with armies using different models in the place of others the way that you are using them


so yeah i would never refuse to play agaist your army and i see no reason that someone else should either


so thats my opinion but i think the reason is just that alot of people are afraid of change (no pun intended)

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I personial say it unfair. Like you said enmitee, you pick the models you like. As long as you where not useing the same models for diffrent units eg: use the dryads models as the Nurgle unit, Slannesh & horro all in one go.

But as you said this is not the case for your army & before the game you will go through each unit clearly.


To be honsty & find the attuide of the other game refuse to battle you (not mean this to sound bad no for anyone to take offence) a bit rubbish. As said there you took models you like (see the dakka topic & they look cool).

Not sure why they are refuse you, but if it purely base on the model you use, as said it a bit snobbish. They are not worth the hassle.


End of the day your army, your money alway been my though.


I've fought a Nid army where my oppent models all his models to be Tech-priest models that a local tournament. It look very cool & he put a lot time into them. Though it was nids, just felt like somthing new. Models where nicely converted, he went through ever single unit & through out the game so people understood what in the army & what they where arm with. No one had any problem, because end of the day the army look cool.


Why right now I'm thinking of replacing my metal Nurgle models with converted Ork models just because it will look cool & I like converting.


But again don't worry about it/loss sleep. I would try find other oppent to be honsty if I where you.


Hope this helps



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For starters... Your using Games Workshop Models.


Second, the "counts as" rule and "bases supplied with models" rules are all compliant.



If they say you cannot play, even when you tell them what units are what (heck I use skeletons for tons of things, I freaking love skeletons!) then its a mere case of small gamer's corner attitude. Tell them to broaden their horizons and consider the money you put into your army and ask them if they would do the same toa guy who payed three times what you payed for your force and painted them 'eavy metal style and then tell them to try and tell THAT guy he cant play.


That will get their attention, and if they dont. I assume its a mere scorn of them not wanting you, and/or your army to participate out of spite. If ANY of them carry a games workshop redshirt, I would personally report them. Pictures and a written note from them why you cant and fax it to them.

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Having now seen the photos I can appreciate why they won't play you.


1. Bloodcrushars are Khorne not Tzeentch


2. Your Bloodcrushers are Chaos Knights no attempt at modification


IMHO the way you are playing Bloodcrushers would be the same way as turning up with a Rhino and saying it's a Scorpion. Some modification might be more appreciated ie Bloodletters on Chaos Knights horses


As far as I can see it, it seems that his chaos knights are modelled on the same base as "Bloodcrushers" so that's fine for me.


Personally I don't really see the problem, I would play against you.

There might be some confusing since you're units are not as easy to recognize as with the offical daemon models.

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hey guys thanks! well im gona play in the 1k tourney this week (or was it next week?) the TO finally decided, i still adhere to his rules of "Count as" and


@the people who said i should mod my chaos knights a bit, i did now, with some spawn bitz.:tu: for those who havent seen the army, jsut take a look at my dakkadakka post. im still the same username.:P (i think its wrong to link other forums in another forum)


anyway thanks for the kind words guys, really helps. and yes sometimes daemon armies look too much like a bag of skittles thrown together. :P

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