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Rules Question(s)

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Two questions (all input is welcome):


1) Can Gift of Chaos (I believe this is the psychic ability that you can use to turn a model into a spawn) be used on the same turn by a deepstriking unit (like a Chaos Sorcerer in Terminator armor)? I understand that it is a power that must be used at "the beginning of a turn", so you can't move into range and then use it. But I've heard some say that a sorcerer can deepstrike into range of the spell and then use it on the turn it deepstriked.


2) Can close combat attacks be directed at an independent character if you are not in base to base contact with the IC but you are in base to base with the unit to which the IC is attached?

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1) Flipping through teh Deep Strike rules and the Codex Chaos briefly, I would tend to say no. Reserves are rolled for (and deep striking units placed immediately thereafter) at the beginning of the movement phase. Gift of Chaos is used at the beginning of the turn. I would say the beginning of the turn is probably a step earlier than the beginning of the movement phase.


2) No, an IC is treated as a separate unit for resolving attacks, so to attack it has to be in base contact, and only enemy models in base contact or withon 2" of a model of their own unit in base contact with the IC can attack it.

If the IC happens to be with a "Retinue", then it is treated as an upgrade Character of that unit, and attacks made against the unit can harm the IC as well. In that case you cannot specifically direct attacks against teh IC though, and all attacks made by models in contact with it are allocated to the unit as the receiving player decides.

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1) No. As above.


2) IC's are treated as a separate units for HtH purposes. SOMEBODY from the unit making the attack has to be in BtB with the IC, or he's not in the fight, either as an attacker or defender. Note that with the new rules giving them response moves, that is pretty unlikely to happen, unless they never joined the unit in the first place.

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