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Painted Space Wolves


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I've attempted to look through all the tutelage you've provided and cannot seem to find anything on how you painted your Rhinos. Did I miss something? Or did you not make a tutorial about them?


Also, what did you use to make the antenna's on the Rhinos? That's brilliant and I've wanted to do that for quite some time now, but can't seem to find the right material to use for that application.


Thanks, and awesome work!


Also a weathering/script writing tutorial would be very much appreciated. I really like this stuff!

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  • 1 month later...

Man, i have so much comment i don't even know where to start..

WH40K perspective: You could be one of those born artist AND sculptor to rival the Big E himself. OR, you could be a heretic pursuing in art and perfection. OR, you could be one of the lost primarch, who have the supreme artistic and perfectionist side of the Big E. OR, you could be a primarch, turns into a heretic, and blowing people's mind off with mind blowing minis that rivals the Big E minis (if he have one).


Real World perspective: THIS is what happens when a painter, a sculptor, and a hobbyist mixed into one: Oh My God.


All those nonsense aside, keep it up! I'm looking forward to the day where you convert ALL of SW special characters. Should be mind blowing. It's like a mini-nuke planted in my brain when I see your work.

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I've attempted to look through all the tutelage you've provided and cannot seem to find anything on how you painted your Rhinos. Did I miss something? Or did you not make a tutorial about them?


Also, what did you use to make the antenna's on the Rhinos? That's brilliant and I've wanted to do that for quite some time now, but can't seem to find the right material to use for that application.


Thanks, and awesome work!


I have the vehicle tutorial floating around somewhere, either still on the camcorder, or on my hard drive. The basic principle is the same as the marines, simply magnified in scale.


And the antenna's are guitar wire. The G-String, I believe. I have both an electric and acoustic guitar so I end up with a lot of spare strings.



Also a weathering/script writing tutorial would be very much appreciated. I really like this stuff!


The weathering is just a 7H Staedler pencil that I used to draw on the battle damage. Sort of an experiment in going for a softer look. You need to make sure that the pencil is super sharp, or else it'll appear too grainy. And make sure you handle with care, as the pencil marks will rub off quite easily. Varnish when you're finished.


Script writing? No such thing as a tutorial there man. Get a good brush with a super good tip (I use a Winsor & Newton 7 series miniature brush, size 00) and practice practice practice. Don't expect to be able to draw super fine lines or characters overnight. It'll take weeks, months or years of practice.


So obviously design or illustration trained, am I right???


Yes. I have a B.A.A. in Technical and Scientific Illustration from Sheridan College (in Oakville), and am currently employed as a Concept Artist.




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  • 1 month later...

Hi DV8 very nice work here.


Can you tell me how you are going about weathering the Rhinos? From the pictures it looks a little like a sponge weathering tecnique but it could just as easily be an airbrushed dirt finish or a combination of the two? Thanks.

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DV8 was awesome enough to make a full tutorial on painting these, all links are earlier in the thread, including how he does the weathering-


YouTube is down for maintenance, so for now you'll have to do with downloading the next few installments.


Step 2a - Codex Grey (21.7 MB)


Step 2b - Fortress Grey (25.4 MB)


Step 2c - Preliminary Weathering (19.4 MB)





And the rest of the videos are on youtube

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At first you inspired me to get painting again, but then I realized I'll never paint this well. Thus I assume *fetal position*.


How would you shadow a really dark blue? I do my models with a base coat of regal blue, then away from the edges I put midnight blue to give the effect of the armor getting darker away from the edges. Do I even need to bother shadowing such a dark blue?


example model


Also, I have trouble getting the eyes right. I would like for them to be glassy, but they never come out right. I'll try your method of maybe adding some orange.

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  • 9 months later...

Sorry, but I is hyper-excited about having a completed Great Company, so I can't stop showing them off. I figured I might as well update this thread as well for sake of completion.














Close ups of all the units can be seen here.




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  • 2 months later...

I came upon this thread at precisely the right time. I'm just about to start on some Wolves, and wanted the grey look over the blue-grey. Thanks to your tutorials, I'm looking forward to some gorgeous models and a +5 increase to painting skill.

I'm from the Bloor/Spadina area myself, perhaps I'll start hanging around Scarborough rather than trekking down to Yonge and Lawrence once I'm back in the great white north. Hope to see your Wolves there, I'll buy you a beer, brother.


Again, thanks for the work you've put in here, not only on the fantastic army, but helping those of us less talented than yourself.



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Honestly for you, it might be easier getting to Yonge and Lawrence than it is for STC (not exactly sure of bus routes and times, but I imagine hopping onto the Yonge subway line is a lot faster than heading out east). I drive, so between driving to and parking at Yonge and Lawrence (and having to pay for parking) or driving to STC (free parking, same driving distance/time) is really a no contest for me. Plus I know all of the staff at STC better than I do at Yonge and Lawrence.




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Honestly for you, it might be easier getting to Yonge and Lawrence than it is for STC (not exactly sure of bus routes and times, but I imagine hopping onto the Yonge subway line is a lot faster than heading out east). I drive, so between driving to and parking at Yonge and Lawrence (and having to pay for parking) or driving to STC (free parking, same driving distance/time) is really a no contest for me. Plus I know all of the staff at STC better than I do at Yonge and Lawrence.





Fair point, though taking the TTC anywhere is a pain in the ass. I stay closer to Union most of the time these days, and find myself in your neck of the woods with friends often enough. If it's alright by you I'll send you a pm next time I'm around. We'll see how the wind blows in the future.

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Honestly for you, it might be easier getting to Yonge and Lawrence than it is for STC (not exactly sure of bus routes and times, but I imagine hopping onto the Yonge subway line is a lot faster than heading out east). I drive, so between driving to and parking at Yonge and Lawrence (and having to pay for parking) or driving to STC (free parking, same driving distance/time) is really a no contest for me. Plus I know all of the staff at STC better than I do at Yonge and Lawrence.





Fair point, though taking the TTC anywhere is a pain in the ass. I stay closer to Union most of the time these days, and find myself in your neck of the woods with friends often enough. If it's alright by you I'll send you a pm next time I'm around. We'll see how the wind blows in the future.


Yea for sure man.




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  • 4 weeks later...

Great work! I am a "blue" space wolf player, and I have been thinking about painting up some grey space wolves. I have a bunch of scouts on my bench that need to be painted, so I am very tempted to use this paint scheme for them. I do have couple of questions for you:


1. On the scouts, what color are you using for the pants? Is it P3 Beast Hide?


2. What is the closest GW paint to Beast Hide (I am not sure that my FLGS carries Beast Hide, and I might have to go with a substitute color)?


3. What colors do you use to paint faces?



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