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Painted Space Wolves


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I can´t see (so clearly) in this Ragnar the blues and purples shadows: same thing with your Space Wolf Lord based on Sicarius, and I must say I prefer them this way. Both are fantastic.


How did you do the battle damage?


Awaiting those new pics, cause all the army will look even better with it now.

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I wouldn't really call it low-lighting. The armor goes up to Fortress Grey, so it's pretty bright. I've just upped the contrast by having lots of blues and purples in the shadows, subdued with browns, and I've stayed away from edge highlighting (which has this tendency to "pop").


I guess it's my 'made up term'... lowlighting, because that's exactly what I meant.... rather than go nuts on edge highlighting, you've spent time building up the lower levels of the armour and created depth by lighting areas but not going to that thin, bright highlight extreme. It's really the sort of thing I've been working with my Eldar, but obviously can't show here. :D


But as I am now turning my attention to Wolves (Imperial Fists experiment is a failure for me), I may give this a shot. It's very similar to how I paint eldar. What does surprise me though is how you get such a... 'true' looking spacey wolves type of blue appearance out of a predominantly purple wash. It looks great.

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I wouldn't really call it low-lighting. The armor goes up to Fortress Grey, so it's pretty bright. I've just upped the contrast by having lots of blues and purples in the shadows, subdued with browns, and I've stayed away from edge highlighting (which has this tendency to "pop").


I guess it's my 'made up term'... lowlighting, because that's exactly what I meant.... rather than go nuts on edge highlighting, you've spent time building up the lower levels of the armour and created depth by lighting areas but not going to that thin, bright highlight extreme. It's really the sort of thing I've been working with my Eldar, but obviously can't show here. :D


But as I am now turning my attention to Wolves (Imperial Fists experiment is a failure for me), I may give this a shot. It's very similar to how I paint eldar. What does surprise me though is how you get such a... 'true' looking spacey wolves type of blue appearance out of a predominantly purple wash. It looks great.



That surprises me as well. I'm a pretty decent painter. People usually look at my minis and are quite taken with them. Over the past few years, this board and other online resources have taught me that I'm not much of a painter at all in many ways. I have a steady hand and I can free hand quite well, but I DON'T know how to paint. As I'm opening a store, I've been thinking that my painting and terrain making abilities really need to be updated and improved. Your tutorial seemed somewhat counter intuitive. Don't get me wrong, it was well done and very clear, it just left me thinking, "Really? He got those colors using that method? Wow...."



Well, I'll give it a shot. Thanks.

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These are really excellent - and stray away from the cliched 'Look it's a barbarian in space! Oh.... and by the way, that there barbarian is also wearing power amour...' - type mindset of GW.


Forgive my lack of knowledge on the matter, but how would you highlight with an airbrush? Angled spraying? Finer coat? Or do you mean highlight in a loose sense of the word? I've been thinking in investing in an airbrush as I come back to the hobby, to start a chapter of my own creation using BA rules, and had been hoping to do them in grey, or a suitably subtle, cool colour - to save time. Like you, when I played in the hobby before I found doing all the post-priming basecoats and first highlights a little tedious.


But congratulations on such fantastic models, and thank you for any response.

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That surprises me as well. I'm a pretty decent painter. People usually look at my minis and are quite taken with them. Over the past few years, this board and other online resources have taught me that I'm not much of a painter at all in many ways. I have a steady hand and I can free hand quite well, but I DON'T know how to paint. As I'm opening a store, I've been thinking that my painting and terrain making abilities really need to be updated and improved. Your tutorial seemed somewhat counter intuitive. Don't get me wrong, it was well done and very clear, it just left me thinking, "Really? He got those colors using that method? Wow...."


Actually I tried all the steps DV8 shows in his fantastic tutorial, a couple of times now, with my SW.


I did every thing, but couldnt achieve the "tone" and appearance this Ragnar or his other Wolves have.


The washes might be his secret, maybe the thinning and the way to apply them, as I only got pink-blueish Space Wolves, ready to fight in a Hello Kittys world of battles in a dark future... :D


I think , now seriously talking , that you can´t learn that "how to" if you do not see how it is done: with a video , or watching the guy painting directly. Seeing a serial of 10 pics doesnt mean you know how to apply each step, the thinning of each colour, where and how to paint each part, etc. Thats why painting seminars are so important if you want to change your way of painting.


So, if DV8 makes a video-tutorial maybe we could achieve those results.. ;) :D


PS: Im in the same case than many other Space Wolves Generals: we have a cracked colour scheme, changed for commercial reasons and shown to us by GW with a magic non-existing colour (the one Eavy Metal paints every SW) and we must choose between a thousand tones/ways of Grey. The thing is these wolves from DV8 are among the few you may look at and say: "Yeah, those are originally painted and look like the way I imagine a Space Wolf".

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Haha I'll see what I can do in terms of a video tutorial. I don't have ready access to a cam-corder and am stuck with my camera's video function, which is decidedly low resolution.


These are really excellent - and stray away from the cliched 'Look it's a barbarian in space! Oh.... and by the way, that there barbarian is also wearing power amour...' - type mindset of GW.


Forgive my lack of knowledge on the matter, but how would you highlight with an airbrush? Angled spraying? Finer coat? Or do you mean highlight in a loose sense of the word? I've been thinking in investing in an airbrush as I come back to the hobby, to start a chapter of my own creation using BA rules, and had been hoping to do them in grey, or a suitably subtle, cool colour - to save time. Like you, when I played in the hobby before I found doing all the post-priming basecoats and first highlights a little tedious.


But congratulations on such fantastic models, and thank you for any response.


Well I just airbrush a basecoat layer, and then "dust" from a 3/4 top down angle to simulate where the light comes from. I just do a couple passes from the direction of where my light is coming from, and go with a brush from there.




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Well I just airbrush a basecoat layer, and then "dust" from a 3/4 top down angle to simulate where the light comes from. I just do a couple passes from the direction of where my light is coming from, and go with a brush from there.




Do you do this with your vehicles as well? I work with Vallejo paints and I'm starting with a base coat of cold grey and then a highlight of stonewall grey. Since my last post I have seriously have gotten just about every model on my table base coated and highlighted. I'm currently waiting on an order of paint so I can finish up my details!

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Alright I've gotten my grubby hands on my dad's new Sony camcorder, so I'm going to try my hand at recording a couple of Tutorial videos that walk you through basically - start to finish - me painting 2 Space Wolf meltagunners, and a Land Raider Crusader.


First up: Step 1 - Preparation (14 MB)


I'll record the airbrushing video tomorrow (I assume none of you will need a video on how to prime)....


I guess also one thing I forgot to mention in the video: always ALWAYS clean flash and mold lines, and always ALWAYS drill barrels. Double and if need be triple check your work. The work you put into the preparation lays the foundation for the painting that goes on top. Much like a house, everything built on top is only as sturdy and reliable as the foundation it was built upon.




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Alright I've gotten my grubby hands on my dad's new Sony camcorder, so I'm going to try my hand at recording a couple of Tutorial videos that walk you through basically - start to finish - me painting 2 Space Wolf meltagunners, and a Land Raider Crusader.


First up: Step 1 - Preparation (14 MB)


I'll record the airbrushing video tomorrow (I assume none of you will need a video on how to prime)....


I guess also one thing I forgot to mention in the video: always ALWAYS clean flash and mold lines, and always ALWAYS drill barrels. Double and if need be triple check your work. The work you put into the preparation lays the foundation for the painting that goes on top. Much like a house, everything built on top is only as sturdy and reliable as the foundation it was built upon.





Somehow you managed to surprise me again: this is going to be a real sticky-sticky post... :tu:


Now taking your time and effort for this you show what kind of player and person you are. Thanks a lot for all this, DV8.


Guys like you make this site GREAT.

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How long is the drying time for GW paints when you airbrush with them?

I´m using Tamiyas alcohol based paints to airbrush with, and it dries instantly if it´s diluted right.

You can go alot closer on those marines, it gonna save you some paint. :huh:

I´m spraying a couple of centimeters away.

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This is a great help, thanks I'll be trying that with my wolves, you make it look so easy! I'm ok with my brush but haven't really attempted airbrushing, your vids have given me some confidence now! :huh:


Your army looks great!



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How long is the drying time for GW paints when you airbrush with them?

I´m using Tamiyas alcohol based paints to airbrush with, and it dries instantly if it´s diluted right.

You can go alot closer on those marines, it gonna save you some paint. :P

I´m spraying a couple of centimeters away.


They dry pretty quickly, say 5-10 seconds? And yes, I COULD go closer, but it wouldn't achieve the result I want, and the amount of paint I would save would be miniscule (that I've found, at any rate). I only used about 3/4 of a pot of Codex Grey and 1/2 a pot of Fortress Grey to paint (both the airbrush and feathering) my entire Space Wolves army to date. (6 vehicles, about 45-50 infantry)




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