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Painted Space Wolves


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at first i was like :


but then i was like :



people that nerd rage, need to realise.




we're 1 beer away from going "pew pew, UR DED" and making exploding sounds with our mouths.... or maybe thats just me...

me and DV8 live down the street from one another, so i've had the pleasure of playing with his unSpace Wolfy force, i really dont care that its not covered in wolf pets and manly beards ... that and "ZOMG UR WEARING Mk 7 HELLO KITTY ARMOUR! THEY ARE SPACE WOLVES, THEY ONLY WEAR Mk 4 MYBEARDISHUGE ARMOUR! :cussIM TELLING MOMMY" rarely ever comes up anymore. this hobby costs all of us a buttload of money, might as well make it last. In the end, we're grown men playing with toy soldiers, so why not chill and just enjoy the company of friends?


that said, im far more of a modeller/painter than a gamer, so im ALL for fluffy models with jaw-dropping conversions and eye bleeding paint jobs. but this is a tabletop force. one painted to an insane degree but a tabletop army none the less. lets put it this way, DV8s army is going to be playing against armies that look like this :


suffice to say, im not too worried that its not "space wolfy" enough...


btw, im sorry if that example model belongs to someone on this forum, i jus randomly googled space marine and put up the first ugly space marine i could find. haha

i also laughed when i read

erm... you do know you cant use sternguards or vanguards in space wolves right?

clearly this guy didnt read ANYTHING at all in this thread and just posted without thinking. good job!

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Dv8 as a 20 year SW veteran, I prefer the old school look of your Wolves grey armor and light on the wolfie bits. They really have that 2nd ed look which is awesome.


I say ignore the naysayers because you have made some wonderful Wolves!

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Nice models.


BTW: we take Rhino's and Razorbacks from codex Spacemarines (errata) just that you know (it says all vehicles except SW Venerable Dreadnought and Exterminator).


You wish. As written:


Space Wolves vehicles: Use the points costs and rules from Codex: Space Marines for Dreadnoughts, Land Speeders, Attack Bikes, Whirlwinds, Predators, Land Raiders, and Vindicators. All of the different variants... yadda yadda yadda


It then goes to state on the second page of the FAQ:


Can Long Fangs be able to take a Razorback as a dedicated transport?


This ommission was an oversight - Long Fangs may purchase a Razorback for the cost listed for Grey Hunter squads.


By RAW, we pay the original points for the Rhino and the Razorback.




Cheers. I giggled as I read your post...pewpew...I don't even need beer to do that...








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so hey, you know sternguard and vanguard aren't allowed in SW lists.






....... :)


i kid - no, iwas actually wondering if there's some place to check out your concept art? i was thinking of making steps towards that direction and am currently helping out a bunch of guys making their own RTS by drawing up concepts for them

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absolutly gorgeous:D


and on a sidenote, thanks for supporting my country :) your glass display cabinet is from IKEA. :) i have one of those aswell


my father works at IKEA hehehehehehehe


no, but as i said, very well done, extremly nice and clean paintjob and very nice shade of grey. keep it up!!!!





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Well I was going to post a longer response or send a PM but figured that would just be a waste of time. In short you have a fair point though I for one don't think it worth the bother to restrict an army in anticipation of a new codex. Most of the mainstay Space Wolf units are really not going to change much I'd say and are quite safe to assemble and use. Combos like the 4 Assault Cannon Drop Pods are another matter of course but oh well. I started my Wolves recently too and had the same concern but decided to throw it out the window, at the end of the day even if I use the army in a given way for a few months it's worth the effort and most changes come down to a hand or arm swap at most and I'm not going to hold back because of that. But that's me.


If and when the Space Wolves are (re)released and they have a new awesometastic accessory sprue that is readily accessable (say an upgrade box like Dark Angels or Black Templars?), I will more than happily add more Space Wolf bits onto my marines. Until then, you'll just have to live with the fact that my Space Wolf Space Marines look more like ... oh I dunno ... other Space Marines.


There's no need to get so defensive, we like to see more wolfyness to well... Space Wolves, no need to get snippey. It is after all your army, but you gotta expect such responses.


Besides you can order things through websites like bitskingdom (or is it bitzkingdom?) and battlewagonbits or at the very least the Grey Hunters and Blood Claws boxes come with a SW Accessory Sprue with enough bits to decently wolfy up a unit.



-Well it's hard to take your post seriously when it's difficult to actually make out what your trying to say. As far as nerd rage I haven't seen any, but what you have to realise is that Warhammer 40k is not just a game, it's a hobby that is made up of components other than just tabletop wargaming, painting, modeling and writing for starters. The Warhammer 40,000 universe is as expansive if not more so than any other large sci-fi universes so while you can rant that it's just a game, that's ignoring the other 75% of the hobby. But by all means rant, actually I've seen much more "nerd rage" in this thread from those complaining about the supposed "naysayers" than has come from the naysayers themselves. How ironic. :blink:

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Well I was going to post a longer response or send a PM but figured that would just be a waste of time. In short you have a fair point though I for one don't think it worth the bother to restrict an army in anticipation of a new codex. Most of the mainstay Space Wolf units are really not going to change much I'd say and are quite safe to assemble and use. Combos like the 4 Assault Cannon Drop Pods are another matter of course but oh well. I started my Wolves recently too and had the same concern but decided to throw it out the window, at the end of the day even if I use the army in a given way for a few months it's worth the effort and most changes come down to a hand or arm swap at most and I'm not going to hold back because of that. But that's me.


I'd like to think of it not so much as restricting my army, as just building the foundations and keeping my options open. I don't like to tear apart models once I've painted them (for obvious reasons), and units like Wolf Guard with their individual equipment would just be a bit too much of a pain to try and sort out...


There's no need to get so defensive, we like to see more wolfyness to well... Space Wolves, no need to get snippey. It is after all your army, but you gotta expect such responses.


Besides you can order things through websites like bitskingdom (or is it bitzkingdom?) and battlewagonbits or at the very least the Grey Hunters and Blood Claws boxes come with a SW Accessory Sprue with enough bits to decently wolfy up a unit.


Like I said, I was just being light-heartedly sarcastic. And on the note of ordering bits from websites, I will say that they are expensive. Much more so than what they're worth (essentially they're priced at their percieved worth and/or how difficult they may be to get, and I for one don't think they're worth that much). So I drew the line and decided that it would be more advantageous to me to finish the army and get it on the table painted, than to spend inordinate amounts of time gathering said bits.


I did have some Space Wolf accessory sprues left over (most of the parts were just heads and torsos and the ugly wolf cape), but not much was on them. I had around 15 or so Wolf tails? So I'm using those sparingly as I have another 10 marines to paint to expand to 1500.


One of the big reasons I am pushing for this is because I'm planning long term, and I want to have my armies/projects finished by Fall of this year (among other reasons, there are other non-Warhammer related hobbies I want to spend my time on). I still have 40 skeletons from my Vampire Counts to finish, a 1700 point Death Korp army to paint, and a 40k table to paint (I have enough buildings to completely cover a 6' by 4' table). The longer I spend on an army, the longer I have to push back the other projects.



-Well it's hard to take your post seriously when it's difficult to actually make out what your trying to say. As far as nerd rage I haven't seen any, but what you have to realise is that Warhammer 40k is not just a game, it's a hobby that is made up of components other than just tabletop wargaming, painting, modeling and writing for starters. The Warhammer 40,000 universe is as expansive if not more so than any other large sci-fi universes so while you can rant that it's just a game, that's ignoring the other 75% of the hobby. But by all means rant, actually I've seen much more "nerd rage" in this thread from those complaining about the supposed "naysayers" than has come from the naysayers themselves. How ironic. :D


Well the point is simple really: we're building armies, and as much as we'd like to spend the time and the resources to make them look as "fluffy" as possible (whether you or I think they're Wolfy enough, as an example, is entirely subjective and you can't say either of us is right or wrong in how we build our armies), there comes a point where we have to say, "we need/want to get these armies done". Zeroeightfive and I love to game, and much more so with fully (well) painted armies and table(s). We've set our priorities and that's where we stand, really.


And honestly I don't think it's so much nerd-rage insofar as some people choose to gloss over our reasons for our choices and post without reading (re: kickme829)


i kid - no, iwas actually wondering if there's some place to check out your concept art? i was thinking of making steps towards that direction and am currently helping out a bunch of guys making their own RTS by drawing up concepts for them



Unfortunately I'm not allowed to show the stuff I've done because the game is till in development.




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Its people like you that simply make my heart(s) sing when you post. I mean this.


You are an extremely talented and well practised painter. This is brilliant case of someone who has absolutely nailed the basics and worked from there. Seriously, I am very hard pushed to be able to think of another project like this that I have admired soo much.


Over the past 19 years Ive been doing this hobby, Ive seen some excellent SW figures. SW were the first SM army I collected, with the 2nd Edt Dex taking pride of place still in my collection of books. For me, the restraint you have shown with not going over Wolf like and sticking to the stuff that works shows a great passion for the hobby and respect for what looks good.


I strongly suggest that you enter into some regional paitning competitions or even Golden Demon with miniatures of this calibre.


Again, from one old wolf to another, fabulous work. you should be exceeddingly proud of yourself.


For Russ and the Wolftime! ;)


Corpus :)

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Its people like you that simply make my heart(s) sing when you post. I mean this.


You are an extremely talented and well practised painter. This is brilliant case of someone who has absolutely nailed the basics and worked from there. Seriously, I am very hard pushed to be able to think of another project like this that I have admired soo much.


Over the past 19 years Ive been doing this hobby, Ive seen some excellent SW figures. SW were the first SM army I collected, with the 2nd Edt Dex taking pride of place still in my collection of books. For me, the restraint you have shown with not going over Wolf like and sticking to the stuff that works shows a great passion for the hobby and respect for what looks good.


I strongly suggest that you enter into some regional paitning competitions or even Golden Demon with miniatures of this calibre.


Again, from one old wolf to another, fabulous work. you should be exceeddingly proud of yourself.


For Russ and the Wolftime! ;)


Corpus :)


both DV8 and i have won golden daemon in the past, but we've since retired from that realm to focus on other things in life.... actually i cant totally speak for DV8, i think the GD bug still has him in its mighty jaws. i started back when Space Hulk was new (i remember them demoing it in the store!) and i've seen the different itterations of space wolves from WAAAY back... i even have the Leman Russ model with his hideously scuplted wolves lying around somewhere... so for the fluff to come so far, i LOVE seeing well modeled and fluffy armies. Corpus, you see it from our perspective, we've all seen the way armies change with time, and we're mainly adjusting for that coming change. Definitely one of the smarter posts i've seen in this thread. its funny that all the vets know EXACTLY where DV8 is coming from...

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Hey DV8,

FYI: just read the FAQ for Space Wolves in German and in the French version - the include the Rhino and Razorback - perhaps it was an oversight by GW in the English version? (Not that GW would EVER screw something up, lol :) ).


But I still hate you and your painting skills ;)


Great job!

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hey man...very nice wolves...gotta love some of the responses...specially from the folks that dont read your posts bout your work:)...gettin ready to start on my TS wolves in anticipation of the new codex...lookin forward to seein your stuff...i to have some left over bitz from my SW box from 5 years ago....bitz r priced out
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Fence sitting as well by way of SW vs SM codex.


Really can we please just drop this? This is a painting forum, and I thought I'd made it particularly clear that I have no interest in discussing this particular issue further.


The Rhinos:











They're done for now. I will probably go back and add a little extra weathering once I figure out how to do snow well enough. But in the interest of getting the army finished, they're good to go.


Next up is my Wolf Lord.




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DV8, your miniatures are pure inspiration. I've now gotta get back to working on my Wolves.


Thanks for setting the bar high as it gives us Wolf Lords something to work for.



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Seeing how wonderful your Templars were I visited this thread with anticipation and glee. I am delighted and amazed to see your painting standard advance even further.


You sir, are an inspiration, and a credit to the hobby.


Thank you for sharing these with us ;)

- T14

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Awesome models! Don't let them get you down, play with whatever codex you please and use whatever models you want.. it's a GAME people! Hell the Vanguards are the coolest ones! I fifth the motion on a tutorial!





Removed un-wanted colorful language. Please do not bypass the swear filters.

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Nice army and I rather like this color scheme as opposed to the 'traditional' more blue grey color SW have. The rhinos look very nice, this may be personal preference but the only suggestion I might make is maybe adding some unique elements to each I actually thought you posted the same one several times by accident at first. As I said this may be just my preference and you may like them to be more homogenous.


As an aside mind if I ask what brand those lights are and where you may have picked them up, I tried looking for something similar by me with no luck whatsoever.

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Seeing how wonderful your Templars were I visited this thread with anticipation and glee. I am delighted and amazed to see your painting standard advance even further.


You sir, are an inspiration, and a credit to the hobby.


Thank you for sharing these with us :)

- T14


:devil: You want to see progression, check out my original Space Wolves army:




Those are outstanding sir, I love the smooth paint job on the marines and those Rhino's are just lush!


An airbrush does help ;)


Nice army and I rather like this color scheme as opposed to the 'traditional' more blue grey color SW have. The rhinos look very nice, this may be personal preference but the only suggestion I might make is maybe adding some unique elements to each I actually thought you posted the same one several times by accident at first. As I said this may be just my preference and you may like them to be more homogenous.


As an aside mind if I ask what brand those lights are and where you may have picked them up, I tried looking for something similar by me with no luck whatsoever.


I'm very much into uniformity, especially with tanks. I'm very much into symmetry, and you can see that in how I build my lists, and my units.


The lamps I have no idea what brand name they are, but I picked them up from Staples for about $35 CDN plus tax each. Not bad, all things considered. They're metal, and very robust, with a lot of movement so I can direct my light as I wish.


I've just finished tweaking my Wolf Lord, so I'll use him for the tutorial. Hopefully I can start painting him tonight.




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Nice army and I rather like this color scheme as opposed to the 'traditional' more blue grey color SW have.


i personally find the "traditional" GW color scheme for Space Wolves to be too cartoony. the duller greyer shade is far more practical and has a far cooler feel. more urban combat and a little grittier. the GW scheme uses a lot of yellow + grey, too garrish for my tastes. DV8s old Space Wolves were grey with red/black markings.

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