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Painted Space Wolves


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hey, i congratulate you on your brilliant space wolves. maybe this will finally rekindle my love for the vikings of 40k and lead me away from crimson fists. i would appreciate it if you sent me a pm (obviously if you wouldn't mind) on how you painted such lovely models.


Congrats again, keep painting - im watching this space ;)



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hey, i congratulate you on your brilliant space wolves. maybe this will finally rekindle my love for the vikings of 40k and lead me away from crimson fists. i would appreciate it if you sent me a pm (obviously if you wouldn't mind) on how you painted such lovely models.


also - what further things are you thinking of adding to the force?


I will be adding a tutorial using my Wolf Lord, which I'm hoping to finish tonight. So look forward to pictures of him (hopefully) in a few hours.


i have only one thing to say:




that is all :)


I'm really looking forward to the new Star Trek movie.




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I really love the Wolves. Great paint job. When I look at Wolves like this, I'm torn between using them for inspiration and starting a new chapter :) I kept with the Wolves for so long because of work by you and Prophet, so thanks for that too.


As far as the army build, I say it's yours do what you want with it. I have to agree with you on the HQ requirements.


Can't wait to see what else you can come up with.


Better days,

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Here's the Wolf Lord.




And here's a shot of the completed army, a couple days ahead of schedule (I had allotted the entire month of March to finish the army)




Tutorial will come up in a little bit after i tweak the photos I took and type it all up.




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DV8 those are just so beautiful. You know what they need??? a terrain-board-display-thingy (sorry for the childish speech I'm on a lot of sugar/ginseng/caffeine right now :P). So when are we gonna see a wolf-priest/chaplain/apothecary and a rune-priest/librarian????
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also - what further things are you thinking of adding to the force?


It occured to me that I quoted this in my last post, but hadn't answered it :yuck:


To expand to 1500 I'm adding 2 Land Speeder Tornados, another squad of 8 Sternguard in a Rhino, and my Wolf Lord gets upgraded to a counts-as Pedro Kantor (hence the equipment he has now). That won't be for a while though, since I'm going to finish my gaming table before I go back and expand my Wolves.


DV8 those are just so beautiful. You know what they need??? a terrain-board-display-thingy (sorry for the childish speech I'm on a lot of sugar/ginseng/caffeine right now :huh:). So when are we gonna see a wolf-priest/chaplain/apothecary and a rune-priest/librarian????


You'll see more characters when the new Space Wolf book comes out. I don't use em with the current Space Marine book, don't need em, so I won't waste time building em.


As for a display board, one is in the works, but I want to have a 1500/1700 point army completely finished (preferably using the new Space Wolf book) so I know how much space/models I'll need to account for.


Looking fantastic! (not that I expected less from you). I am curious what greys you are using on your rhinos and how are you applying the paint? Keep up the awesome job, can't wait to see more. :down:


It's just Codex Grey and Fortress Grey, with a mix of Brown/Red spray paints. I also used an airbrush for my basecoats, and for the pre-shading/highlights on my vehicles (although there are some purple/blue/brown washes I applied by brush).


And don't hold your breath. I'm not painting another Space Wolf for the next month or two while I work on my terrain.




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Absolutly awesome, where did you get the back drop for taking pictures???


It's just a printed backdrop. I have a whole bunch in different colors to match whatever color the model is. I mostly use the purple one though <_<


Now to get it printed on a bigger size...




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Amazing Space Wolf army, on an unrelated note, I have the EXACT same glass cabinet as you. I was abit unsure if my models would fit in that cabinet but you have got rid of my fears so thanks ;)


But any ways I look forward to seeing some more stuff from you.

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WOW!! That is an awsome wolf lord, nobody in the right mind can complain about him being wolfy.

Im looking forward to that tutorial of yours, i really like your color scheme over the GW one. To me it just seems more rugid and badass. (am i aloud to use that word here?)

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Well done for some fantastic looking woofers DV8,


Sod what people might say about the lack of man hair and such, you've got the colour scheme just right for me and after all its your army,not anyone else's.


i'll be trying out armour in this shade as and when i can be fussed to get some painting done........so probably a few months yet :).


Bravo on the wolfie lord too,very made and painted

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loving your work and the quality of your painting is a pleasure... great conversion on the wolf lord. one thing i really want to know, and i dont think i saw it answered here, but where did you get the head for the wolf lord because its awesome....


also if you ever get the snow weathring on the vehicles nailed down could you post a recipe for it here cos i've been trying a few different ways and i'm not convinced with the results of mine...



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I don't know exactly where I got the Wolf Lord's head from, since it was a left over part from a commission I did a while back. By the looks of it I'd say it was an Empire head from the Fantasy range, probably the new plastic Flagellants.


As for the tutorial, it turns out I forgot to take WIP pictures for half of the stuff I did for my Wolf Lord :rolleyes: So I'll paint up another Sternguard I have lying around tonight and make sure I take pics at each step.




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