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Painted Space Wolves


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Is it me or has the bandwidth been too much in those photos posted ?


Probably why the images say "Bandwidth exceeded". I'll move the photos to my website sometime tonight and update the links. For now, here's the tutorial:
















And for those interested, my photo setup:






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I found that a very interesting tutorial thanks for taking the time to write it. Some interesting ideas in there I think I have to play around with myself a bit. You seem to be able to crank these out at a pretty fast clip, and to a good standard. Do you think being able to do the basecoat and initial highlight with the airbrush allows you to lavish a bit more in the actual 'fun' painting while still cutting time over traditional painting wholly with a brush?
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Using an airbrush for the basecoat(s) doesn't so much allow me to lavish extra time, as it does just streamline the process of basecoating. In terms of efficiency, it just makes sense to spend an hour or so basecoating with an airbrush, rather than hand-painting it over the course of days, or a week. It also allows me to skip the tedium of just painting flat Codex Grey (especially on tanks/armor), and ensures that I don't burn myself out before I even start painting the army.


Definitely looking forward to painting my Guard (very tank heavy) in a similar manner.




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have used my airbrush on vehicles but am definately going to give the foot soldiers a go this time around...have been using the purple and blue washes myself and love the effect...have u tried putting a touch of a green wash in the deep corners?? turns out pretty nice:)
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That tutorial is fantastic DV8, thanks very much.


One question though, when your doing the fortress grey highlights with the airbrush are you passing from the same point as your light source and letting the airbrush do the work or is there some secret your not letting on?

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That tutorial is fantastic DV8, thanks very much.


One question though, when your doing the fortress grey highlights with the airbrush are you passing from the same point as your light source and letting the airbrush do the work or is there some secret your not letting on?



At which point? I only use the airbrush for the initial basecoats, at which point yes I'm passing with the airbrush from the same point as my light source. The second set of highlights after the Purple and Blue Washes are painted by hand.




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That tutorial is fantastic DV8, thanks very much.


One question though, when your doing the fortress grey highlights with the airbrush are you passing from the same point as your light source and letting the airbrush do the work or is there some secret your not letting on?



At which point? I only use the airbrush for the initial basecoats, at which point yes I'm passing with the airbrush from the same point as my light source. The second set of highlights after the Purple and Blue Washes are painted by hand.






Thats exactly what I wanted to know.


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I've moved a lot of the unit shots to my website and re-forwarded the links from the thread. There are some shots I just didn't bother to move because, well because I didn't feel like it.




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this may be a very noobish question but what does the technique of 'feathering' involve had a look on a few sites and cant seem to find it mentioned, is it a little like dry drushing?
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Love that you are coming back to the wolves. Excellent work. And I have no problem with the lack of furs/heads. I rather like that us wolves have many variations on our theme. It is the wolfy way, and in the spirit of Russ. We are not conformist like the Ultras and their many thousand kin.


Wish I had an ounce of your skill.

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can't remember if I've posted on this log before or not, but either way, I say again (or not) these wolves are amazing. Makes me want to do them next.


I really like you're style. They're a pleasure to view.



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this may be a very noobish question but what does the technique of 'feathering' involve had a look on a few sites and cant seem to find it mentioned, is it a little like dry drushing?



its more like blending, cept instead of from one color to another, its from one color to nothing. just more and more water, or less and less paint.


Feathering is basically pulling the paint/pigment across a surface, causing it to lose intensity as you progress. At the end of the "feather" you should have no paint, and it should just be water or nothing at all, creating a fake blend.




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Awesome stuff DV8, very very impressed



As a general thing, how did you come by the Purple/Blue washes phase to give some extra colour? Im thinking of trying the same technique now todo some Deathwing or Imperial Fist's, so the colours are going to have to change ofc, but working out what to for the bone/yellow, especially the equivilent to purple/blue is the interesting part




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It really depends on the look you want. A bit of color theory here:


Shadows are never black. Much as you like them to be. They are in actual fact closer to blue. More a blue grey, but blue. Now, most of you will understand the concept of complimentary colors and how color mixes (i.e. purple and orange, blue and yellow, red and green, blue + yellow = green, red + blue = purple). So simple color theory here, to figure out what color you want to tint the object with, figure out the color of the light source, and mix it with blue.


I wanted a cooler/cold look for my Space Wolves, so I took a very cold "white" light source. Well blue + white is....more blue. Hence why I used blue. Mixing the Leviathan Purple with the Asurmen Blue tends to darken it a little too, and adds just a hint of warmth to it (more color theory, red is warm, blue is cool), so that's why I've used purple.


Now for example, say you wanted a warmer, "yellow" light source. You would use green to tint your shadows (yellow + blue = green).


That's the theory behind it, at any rate. You're more than welcome to take artistic license if it means the model looks good to you, and just because the theory makes sense doesn't mean you have to follow it to a T to produce a good model.


I know it's not PA, but I'm posting this for the colors on the clothe:




I wanted to desaturate the blue, and was aiming for a warm desert light (being Lahmian, they trace their background heavily to Nehekhara). So I took Regal Blue as my base, and mixed in Blazing Orange which toned down the blue. I then took Bleached Bone (which has a very yellow tint) and used that to blend up/highlight. I then followed this up with washes of Baal Red for shadow. Now theory would have it that I use green, but green is a cool color, and red is warmer. I opted to use red to keep that warmth, and it pops the blue out very nicely without too much effort (only 2 or 3 layers of Baal Red were applied).




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