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Painted Space Wolves


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These are so awesome. Don't worry about using C:SM. Also, if the new Wolves codex comes out with no sternguards they can count as normal troops. Maybe even veterans.


The only thing is that I can't properly read the tutorial, but seeing as I've never considered wolves thats okay!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Heck, 'Wolves or no, that's a heck of a tutorial on feathering, color theory and painting period! I'm painting test figs for color schemes for the Team Tourney at Adepticon next year and used this tutorial, but I applied it to different colors. Worked AMAZING.


Uuunfortunately it isn't PA, so I can't post it :)


But thank you!

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just painted up my first wolf using the tutorial. far and away the best mini i've ever painted. thanks for the awesome tutorial, can't wait to see what else you've added


I'm working on my last 8 Sternguard, a Drop Pod, and 2 Land Speeder Typhoons. I'll try and post some pictures in the next few days.


Very interesting last post here.


So combine your ideal light source with blue to find the wash. Does the same apply for metals?


Depends on what you want the wash to do. If you just want to shade, then yes, although again artistic license can be taken if you're aiming for a certain look/effect. If you're tinting, then any color would work.


Heck, 'Wolves or no, that's a heck of a tutorial on feathering, color theory and painting period! I'm painting test figs for color schemes for the Team Tourney at Adepticon next year and used this tutorial, but I applied it to different colors. Worked AMAZING.


Uuunfortunately it isn't PA, so I can't post it :thanks:


But thank you!


You're welcome.




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  • 3 months later...

SO evidently I have been distracted as of late. But no more! I have been painting furiously the past 2 weeks, and am proud to say that my 1500 point Space Wolf army is now complete:




That is:


Wolf Lord Jormunrek Skallagrim

20 Grey Hunters

18 Sternguard

5 Assault Marines

3 Rhinos

1 Drop Pod

2 Land Speeder Typhoons


I will take better close up pictures of the last 8 Sternguard, Drop Pod, and Land Speeders when I get a chance. For now, I tire.





PS and I eSlap the first person that mentions the fact that Space Wolves aren't allowed Sternguard.


EDIT - bigger photo

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at first i was like :


but then i was like :



people that nerd rage, need to realise.




we're 1 beer away from going "pew pew, UR DED" and making exploding sounds with our mouths.... or maybe thats just me...

me and DV8 live down the street from one another, so i've had the pleasure of playing with his unSpace Wolfy force, i really dont care that its not covered in wolf pets and manly beards ... that and "ZOMG UR WEARING Mk 7 HELLO KITTY ARMOUR! THEY ARE SPACE WOLVES, THEY ONLY WEAR Mk 4 MYBEARDISHUGE ARMOUR! :cussIM TELLING MOMMY" rarely ever comes up anymore. this hobby costs all of us a buttload of money, might as well make it last. In the end, we're grown men playing with toy soldiers, so why not chill and just enjoy the company of friends?


that said, im far more of a modeller/painter than a gamer, so im ALL for fluffy models with jaw-dropping conversions and eye bleeding paint jobs. but this is a tabletop force. one painted to an insane degree but a tabletop army none the less. lets put it this way, DV8s army is going to be playing against armies that look like this :


suffice to say, im not too worried that its not "space wolfy" enough...


btw, im sorry if that example model belongs to someone on this forum, i jus randomly googled space marine and put up the first ugly space marine i could find. haha

i also laughed when i read

erm... you do know you cant use sternguards or vanguards in space wolves right?

clearly this guy didnt read ANYTHING at all in this thread and just posted without thinking. good job!


QFT and the overall epicness of this post :)


Other than that, those minis look fantastic!

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Wow, I just love your army. But I have to ask one thing. How did you that snow? I have trying to do snow bases, but everytime the snow seems to "melt". I think that my PVA Glue "sucks" flock inside it. But I will apperciate if will give advice.

But keep up good work and I want more.

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Oh haha I had forgotten all about that post...


Yea...it's funny because zeroeightfive speaks exactly like that in person, facial expressions and all. It's a riot talking to him :cuss


The snow is just GW Snow Flock, glued on with GW Super Glue (use a toothpick to spread the glue around). Quick and dirty.


I won't be adding anything more to the army until the new Space Wolf stuff is released in October, at which point my first few planned units are more Grey Hunters (10 to 20?), maybe Blood Claws (10), Scouts (5 to 10), and Long Fangs (5). That and I'm going to buy and paint most all the new characters that catch my fancy.




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Sadly the only frase i can come up with to describe your truely amazing painting ability is to say that it's 'EAVY METAL standard at least. By the way i love the marine with the bike arm used to rest on the bolter in the strap. Also had to mention that the wolf lord you made there is one of those "I don't have to strike a pose, i look cool all the time" models, you know what i mean?
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Awesome for the Awesome God! or whatever those heretics say ;)


Great job, and I love the Grey that's actually grey, not baby blue. I looked at that army picture and just said "Now that's what I imagine Space Wolves would look like." Honestly Just because they have Wolf in their name and happen to have fangs doesn't mean they must wear five pounds of Wolf crap. Whatever I'm not trying to argue, just lovin' your army man!


Good Luck!

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*high five* DV8, your army is spectacular ill be following your post with great enthusiasm; i too will be ripping your tutorial XD sorry about that bud. now i just need to figure out how to wash the way you do >_<
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DV8 love your SW stuff. It reminded me that I had traded someone several years ago for some plastic SW add on sprues. If your interested (and I can find them), you are welcome to them. If I ever get around to painting SM, not sure I will go with SW so it makes sense they go somewhere they can be put to good use. Unless you really dont want to deal with the flesh and hair. Then I can just say I cant find them. :P



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Your stuff is beyond awesome.


Love the tut, so glad you took the time to do it.


I'll be taking quite a bit of it in mind when I go to rebuild my space wolves next month.



Again, really fantastic work. You have an army to really be proud of.

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  • 2 months later...

Just an update. I finished my Ragnar Blackmane, and thought I'd post it here.




I've also gone back and added battle damage to all my marines, and I've done some reorganizing with the new Codex (plus again the newly finished units, the 2 Typhoons and the Drop Pod), so I'm going to be taking pictures of those in the next day or two and posting them up here as well. That and once I finish my Arjac Rockfist...


I'll also post the revised army list based on the new codex:


Wolves of Fenris - 1500 pts


Ragnar Blackmane


4 Wolf Guard

3 Power Fists, Bolters

Arjac Rockfist


Lone Wolf

Mark of the Wulfen, Meltabombs


9 Grey Hunters (+WGPL w/ Power Fist)

Meltagun, Mark of the Wulfen, Rhino


9 Grey Hunters (+WGPL w/ Power Fist)

Meltagun, Mark of the Wulfen, Rhino


9 Grey Hunters (+WGPL w/ Power Fist)

Meltagun, Mark of the Wulfen, Rhino


7 Grey Hunters (Arjac and Ragnar go here)

Meltagun, Mark of the Wulfen, Drop Pod


Land Speeder Typhoon


Land Speeder Typhoon




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Excuse my ignorance but how much conversion went into that Ragnar? He looks stellar.... but I'm guessing ol' Ragnar never listened to his mom when she told him not to run with scissors. ;)


Personally what I like about your style on these marines is (unless I just can't see it) it doesn't look like you've gone to town on highlighting but instead you've used 'lowlighting' (is that Asurmen Blue) to add depth to the armour, and the battle damage to further detail it. The base armour doesn't look over worked with unrealistic highlighting... the figs look great.


++edit++ Caught the tutorial on page 4. Nice job.

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Excuse my ignorance but how much conversion went into that Ragnar? He looks stellar.... but I'm guessing ol' Ragnar never listened to his mom when she told him not to run with scissors. ;)


I dunno...I wouldn't qualify it as a fair amount, but that depends on your perspective I guess. Pre-paint shots:









The base model is Kor'sarro Khan. I repositioned the legs with a pair of pliers, and re-built all the joints (I had to cut/saw out the joints to get the legs to bend properly) I got rid of both of Kor'sarro's default shoulder pads, and sculpted my own. I took Kor'sarro's cape (which has the backpack attached) and replaced the ball vents with wolf heads (from the SW Accessory Sprue backpack). Minor conversion work to one of the new Space Wolf heads, added a girdle/belt-of-sheer-win, and made the rest of the pelt from the Wolf Guard pack and the SW Accessory Sprue wolf cape thing.


Personally what I like about your style on these marines is (unless I just can't see it) it doesn't look like you've gone to town on highlighting but instead you've used 'lowlighting' (is that Asurmen Blue) to add depth to the armour, and the battle damage to further detail it. The base armour doesn't look over worked with unrealistic highlighting... the figs look great.


I wouldn't really call it low-lighting. The armor goes up to Fortress Grey, so it's pretty bright. I've just upped the contrast by having lots of blues and purples in the shadows, subdued with browns, and I've stayed away from edge highlighting (which has this tendency to "pop").




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