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Painted Space Wolves


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I am also loving the tutorial. I'm shopping for my airbrush even as we speak. Is there any way I can download the files to my desktop? I'd like to make sure I have them, not just the link to them.



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I am also loving the tutorial. I'm shopping for my airbrush even as we speak. Is there any way I can download the files to my desktop? I'd like to make sure I have them, not just the link to them.




Hum, I downloaded them just left-clicking on.


The airbrush is a very useful tool: you will find yourself easy and quick painting vehicles, giving SM basecoats+highlights, terrain, bases, etc.


This tutorial is gonna be really helpful, meaning we are gonna be able to see exactly the way DV8 applies washes, feathers, etc.


Can´t wait... ;)

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I am also loving the tutorial. I'm shopping for my airbrush even as we speak. Is there any way I can download the files to my desktop? I'd like to make sure I have them, not just the link to them.




Hum, I downloaded them just left-clicking on.


The airbrush is a very useful tool: you will find yourself easy and quick painting vehicles, giving SM basecoats+highlights, terrain, bases, etc.


This tutorial is gonna be really helpful, meaning we are gonna be able to see exactly the way DV8 applies washes, feathers, etc.


Can´t wait... :)


I think I just have to figure out where my computer is putting them. I just switched to Firefox and the download procedure is a little different. They seem to be saved, but I'm having trouble moving them.

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Just a heads up. I have just finished recording the washes + feathering tutorial, however, it is 2 hours in length, and will take another 1.5-2 hours to import to my computer before I can break it down into 10 minute increments and upload to YouTube.


So it looks like y'all will have to wait till tomorrow for the next part of the tutorial.


@Grimfoe - Right click on the link, and select "save as".




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@Grimfoe - Right click on the link, and select "save as".





Yeah, the whole thing is a little squirrely since I switched it over. It actually reads, "Save Link As" when you right click and I didn't think that was saving the file, just the link. I finally figured it out though. Thanks, and I can't wait for the rest. I've not been through too many video tutorials before but this one is shaping up very nicely and seems well done.

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@Grimfoe - Right click on the link, and select "save as".





Yeah, the whole thing is a little squirrely since I switched it over. It actually reads, "Save Link As" when you right click and I didn't think that was saving the file, just the link. I finally figured it out though. Thanks, and I can't wait for the rest. I've not been through too many video tutorials before but this one is shaping up very nicely and seems well done.


It saves your download files in \My Documents\Downloads



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Great videos, I learn much better by seeing as opposed to reading and these are a big help. Very interesting idea having the paint bounce off the surface onto the bottom of the vehicles. I was surprised how quiet your compressor was, is it an airbrush specific one?
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Step 3: Washes and Feathering


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6


Unfortunately it's taking YouTube 40 minutes to upload each 10 minute clip, so I was only able to upload the first 6 parts tonight It's still an hour in length, should keep you entertained till tomorrow. I will give an eCookie to whoever can identify the movie I have playing in the background. :P




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MANY THANKS for these videos. They are very useful and very well done.

I have all my space wolves army black primed and ready to be painted following many of your advices, and of course keeping my own darker style.


I never think using the new washes like you do. First you apply a big spot and then you blur it with water. Thanks for that too... ;)


Of course, the film you are watching while you are painting is Alien vs predator 2.


Once again, thanks for your work and time for us.

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Thx for the sharing.

Though don't you think that a more watery (or solvent/medium/miso soup) lavis layered (not too sure about this word) in 2 or 3 steps could grant you the economy or re-painting the main areas but only the light-falling ones ? I mean for TT. The result is excellent but it takes quite a time.



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These are Space Wolves the way Space Wolves should be! Space marines with just a HINT of the barbarian, not the other way around!


I second this. Lovely models. :huh:


Thirded!! They look awesome! I just love it when people say " oooooh you can't have that, its not in the rule book" He's just painting them for God's sake!! Gah!

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Thx for the sharing.

Though don't you think that a more watery (or solvent/medium/miso soup) lavis layered (not too sure about this word) in 2 or 3 steps could grant you the economy or re-painting the main areas but only the light-falling ones ? I mean for TT. The result is excellent but it takes quite a time.




I could. The first few models I painted (5 Vanguard, 5 Sternguard), I spent a lot of time getting my purple + blue washes perfect, AND still did the feathering, and I ended up at a rate of 1 model every 2 days, which was far too slow for my tastes. What I'm going for is a cross between Tabletop and "Competition" quality, so I think the compromise in time to results is worth it. As it is, if not for doing other things (say this tutorial), I could finish 2 marines in a solid day of painting (say 7 to 8 hours).


Also, I'm pretty sure the movie is the first AVP


Your eCookie sir.


Part 7


I had set my computer to upload the last 6 (and it should've at least gotten through 4 by now), but evidently it hit an error (probably disconnected from the internet or some stupid thing), so only Part 7 is up for now.




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These are some exceptional tutorials.

There is a great mix of techniques for the novice and more accomplished painter alike.


VERY nicely done, I have picked up a couple of ideas while watching you work.

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You have made me splash out and get an airbrush :P


I probably can't afford it, but it gets such purty results!


I might also give the 'new' washes a looks-see. After watching these videos they do seem to live up to the hype they ere given.


Fantastic tutorials, and I finally know what feathering is! So man places try to explain it, but... it jut doesn't work till you see it.


Thanks so much!


EDIT: And the other tutorials are up on youtube by the looks of things.

I guess I aught to link...


Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

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