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Painted Space Wolves


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I was surprised how quiet your compressor was, is it an airbrush specific one?


I realized I hadn't answered your question. Yes, it is an airbrush-specific one, and has a water filter and an air tank (which basically stores compressed air so the motor can shut off when it's full).


I left my computer on last night and uploaded the rest of the videos:




Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9


Finishing up:


Part 1

Part 2


These 11 segments come up to about an hour and a half. Unfortunately, the clips I've uploaded to YouTube (I'll eventually add the airbrush clips too) are rather big files (120-150 mb) so I won't be able to upload them to my webhost.




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This should keep me busy for awhile.


An issue I'm having though, is when I go back with water to feather my light grey, when it dries, it leaves a paint ring around where water was.


Can you take a picture of what you mean?




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Yeah, I can take a shot of it tonight after I get home from work.


How are you diluting your paints for the brush coat? are you using the same paint as you did for the airbrush? (IE, it has windex in it) or is it just paint and water?

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Yeah, I can take a shot of it tonight after I get home from work.


How are you diluting your paints for the brush coat? are you using the same paint as you did for the airbrush? (IE, it has windex in it) or is it just paint and water?


Just paint and water. I only add Windex for when I airbrush because it helps dilute AND pseudo-clean the airbrush as I work.




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I might have to do the windex thing sometime. I spend probably 25% of my airbrushing time keeping the needle clean.



I had heard of people using it in washes, to avoid the ring lines and pooling, and thought maybe you were doing that with the paint for the same reason.


I wonder if my problem is that I'm using a flow-aid instead of water to dilute the paint in the first place?

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Perhaps. The trick is to balance the amount of dilution with the amount of control you need (or you think you can manage). The more diluted it is, the more difficult it is to control, the less diluted, the easier it is, BUT you end up with chalkier/chunkier paint.


It takes a bit of experimenting to find that balance that suits you.




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Are you using two brushes or just one for your feathering? If you are using just one are you laying down some paint then wiping the excess off the brush on that paper towel so you can feather?


One brush (Raphael 8404, size 0)


Pretty much, although sometimes I'll visit the clean water jar to clean the brush and remoisturize it.


And for the record (since it'll probably crop up), I use a Winsor and Newton 7 Series Miniature brush, size 00 for detail work.




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DV8 - is there an airbrush you would recommend?


I was going to get one ages ago but could not find a reliable and impartial review of them for use on 40k scale minis.




Man, check out ebay. I picked up a cheap paasche DA with a bunch of extra accessories for around $40 a few years ago. I've got a campbell hausfeld air compresser from walmart I think for $60 around the same time. I'm very pleased with both.


One brush (Raphael 8404, size 0)


Pretty much, although sometimes I'll visit the clean water jar to clean the brush and remoisturize it.


And for the record (since it'll probably crop up), I use a Winsor and Newton 7 Series Miniature brush, size 00 for detail work.





Thanks! I've been meaning to pick up a couple series 7 brushes for years now!

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Thx alot for the tutorials DV8, loving it! I'm trying to adapt it for my ultras :). One question thought... is it me or did you feathered the codex grey directly from the pot at stage 3 part 4? I mean the paint doesn't look thick at all but also I've never seen you watering it down. Maybe you are doing it just like you did with the washes (directly from pot and then adding water over the miniature)? Also the last Wash with Devlan Mud was it directly from pot and that's it or did you water feather it as well? Thx alot for answers.
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Any chance of getting a few pics of the finished result of the two marines you painted in the video? :rolleyes:


I will when I re-photograph the entire army (I have my Redeemer and two Land Speeders to finish).


Thx alot for the tutorials DV8, loving it! I'm trying to adapt it for my ultras ;). One question thought... is it me or did you feathered the codex grey directly from the pot at stage 3 part 4? I mean the paint doesn't look thick at all but also I've never seen you watering it down. Maybe you are doing it just like you did with the washes (directly from pot and then adding water over the miniature)? Also the last Wash with Devlan Mud was it directly from pot and that's it or did you water feather it as well? Thx alot for answers.


Yes, it is straight from the pot, but my paint brush retains enough water and I only take a small amount that it's sufficient dilution for me. For rank and file infantry I'm not too concerned with perfection. If it were characters, I would dilute properly on a palette (and probably take 4 or 5 times the amount of time).


And yes the last Devlan Mud wash was also directly from the pot.


I'm not sure if this has been asked before, but do you sculpt some of the purity seals yourself? If so how do you do it?


Very awesome wolves by the way, they look amazing.


None of the purity seals were sculpted by me. They're stock on the models. Why do you ask?




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Great looking models, love the old school-ish feeling i get from them, and the greenstuff work is simply amazing.

Thanks alot for the tutorials aswell, im going to start painting SW soon and this is some great inspiration. :rolleyes:


I dont think ill be able to achieve your level however but ill just keep painting and hope ill reach it.....one day..... ;)







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I'm not sure if this has been asked before, but do you sculpt some of the purity seals yourself? If so how do you do it?


Very awesome wolves by the way, they look amazing.


None of the purity seals were sculpted by me. They're stock on the models. Why do you ask?





I used to sculpt purity seals by making a mold of the wax part with green stuff and using aluminum foil for the paper. They just looked kind of like the ones I used to do and I was wondering if you were doing something similar. I was interested to see if/ how you were doing it.


I am also wondering about using the colors of washes that you use on grey but with red instead. Like scab red or red gore, and then washing with leviathan purple, asurmen blue, touch up and then devlan mud. That might be cool.


Oh and one more question: how did you do the weathering/ scuff marks on the rhinos. They look awesome.

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When you airbrush is there a lot of spray that goes outside the painting area ?


It does, so make sure your painting area is properly ventilated. I airbrush in my gaming room, with a rather sub-par set up (open window, fan blows paint towards said window, and I make sure everything valuable is covered). Fortunately I don't airbrush much so it hasn't really been a messy issue thus far (although my terrain I will have to paint in my garage).


where do you buy your fine detail brush? michaels?


I order them online from DickBlick (www.dickblick.com). I use Raphael 8404's, size 0 and 1, for general painting, and Winsor & Newton 7 Series Size 00 for fine detail.


GW sells them


I wouldn't buy Games Workshop brushes no matter how cheap they were (and in fact I haven't for over 10 years). They're garbage and not worth the money you spend on them.




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If anyone is looking for airbrushes in the uk,


here is a good place to look:




They also do on with an air storage tank, but that one is £20 more, and I don't see it being a huge amount of use to me.


They do a very quick delivery, that is easy to track, and have a my vote!

The compressor is way quieter than I expected, and the brushes (in my none expert opinion) are pretty good. And for the price you can't really argue too much.


I also got it cos I want to have a go at airbrush painting on paper/canvass. Dunno how well it will go though.


One thing I can recommend, if you have any large cardboard boxes (the house moving sort) then it helps keep mess down by spraying in one of them.You still need to keep the area reasonably ventilated though.


DV8, you have been a fantastic inspiration, and have given me plenty of new ideas and techniques. Thank you so much for putting all this effort into giving away your secrets ;)

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