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Painted Space Wolves


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The airbrushing is going well and will be moving on to the wash stage later today. There is only one problem do you just push the paperclips into the plastic of the backpacks or do you glue them on ?


I drill a small hole with a pin vice and glue it in (as if I were pinning something).


do you use any wolfguard terminators in your army? maybe a TDA lonewolf? would love to see some of your painted TDA space wolves (if you have any).


The only TDA model I use is Arjac Rockfist (converted from Njal Stormcaller).


I swears I'll get pictures tonight or tomorrow. I'm just so lazy I haven't bothered to sit down and snap them. That reminds me, I need to upload the last part of the Land Raider videos too...




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Bravo on the tutorials, DV8. That's a lot of time invested for the community.


I noticed in Step 2 that you're using a Master brand airbrush. Mind if I ask what model? I picked out the G44 for myself for my birthday next month, but was curious what model you had.

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My finished Great Company:




The roster:


Wolf Lord Ragnar Blackmane

Rune Priest Jormunrek Skallagrim

Arjac Rockfist, the Anvil of Fenris

Lone Wolf

44 Space Marines (5 Power Fists, 3 Combi-Meltas, 5 Meltaguns, 31 Bolters)

5 Skyclaws

2 Land Speeder Tornadoes

2 Land Speeder Typhoons

3 Rhinos (Munin, Roskva, Oseberg)

Land Raider Redeemer (Ragnarok)

Drop Pod


And because I know it'll come up, my army in its case.





I can fit my full 1500/1700 pt army in the one case, either using a Drop Pod or the Redeemer.


And some shots of me squaring off against my friend's Imperial Guard at the local GW (Scarborough Town Center)






I'll take close ups tomorrow.


@ShinyRhino - I have no idea what specific model. It came with the compressor I bought off eBay, and it works well enough for simple basecoats.




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Could you do a tutorial/ explanation of how you paint your tanks? I am really interested in your process, they look so good.



He did. Just read a little up. He just needs to upload it.


All the army now has a fantastic look. I would love to see close-ups too, specially Arjac and no-helmets wolves... :)

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  • 1 month later...
Fantastic looking army DV8, what store do you usually play at in Toronto?


GW Scarborough Town. I haven't been to the new Yonge and Lawrence "bunker" in over a year now, since it's just too much of a hassle to both get down there, and park there since it's all pay-parking (I also refuse to take the TTC on principle now).


AND better late than never, I suppose. I just hate editing photos...so much of a hassle T_T


Wolf Lord Ragnar Blackmane



Rune Priest Jormunrek Skallagrim



Wolf Guard Arjac Rockfist, the Anvil of Fenris



Lone Wolf



Wolf Guard



Grey Hunters, batch 1



Grey Hunters, batch 2



Grey Hunters, batch 3



Grey Hunters, batch 4



Grey Hunters, batch 5



Grey Hunters, batch 6



Grey Hunters, batch 7



Grey Hunters, batch 8



Sky Claws





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Rhino "Munin"



Rhino "Oseberg"



Rhino "Roskva"



Drop Pod



Land Speeder Tornado, #1



Land Speeder Tornado, #2



Land Speeder Typhoon, #1



Land Speeder Typhoon, #2



Land Raider "Ragnarok"




The monkey doubles as my Chooser of the Slain when I field my Rune Priest at 1000 pts.





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Can't get enough of seeing these. Love the variation and character you've maintained while keeping most of them helmeted and cohesive. Love the Arjac and other individual characters.


As someone new to SM and Wolves, what kits were most of your troops built from? All the slightly different pieces, some bolters with straps, the different versions armor and your poses really make them stand out even without the amazing paintjob. Thanks for putting these up.

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Wow that is quite an update. Are these for your own army or are they for a customer? I only ask because they have a much more weathered appearance than the rest of your army. There are too many pictures to even begin to comment on, but I love the wolf symbol on the chainsword of the converted sicarius model.
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So very sexy. One of my favorite space Wolves armies I've seen.


I'd honestly rather have you painting Space Wolves, screw the 'Eavy Metal team and their baby blue wolf barbarians! :P


Last comment: So many Grey Hunters (enacts fetal position now)

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Can't get enough of seeing these. Love the variation and character you've maintained while keeping most of them helmeted and cohesive. Love the Arjac and other individual characters.


As someone new to SM and Wolves, what kits were most of your troops built from? All the slightly different pieces, some bolters with straps, the different versions armor and your poses really make them stand out even without the amazing paintjob. Thanks for putting these up.


Just various kits: Tactical marines, Sternguard, the new Space Wolf Pack, and various individual minis, notably a couple pre-heresy models/variants, Space Marine Veterans, and Tyrannic War Veterans. Minimal conversion work was done in this army barring characters since my primary focus was getting this army painted and on the table.


Wow that is quite an update. Are these for your own army or are they for a customer? I only ask because they have a much more weathered appearance than the rest of your army. There are too many pictures to even begin to comment on, but I love the wolf symbol on the chainsword of the converted sicarius model.


This is my own personal army. It's actually the same models you've seen before, I've just added weathering to them to match the vehicles (since my marines before looked a little too clean beside my Rhinos).




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I love looking at this thread every day. Your army is very characterful and very well painted, to understate the obvious. The Arjac Rockfist conversion is so well done I didn't even realize that you used Njal until I was looking over some of your older posts.
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  • 4 weeks later...

I've attempted to look through all the tutelage you've provided and cannot seem to find anything on how you painted your Rhinos. Did I miss something? Or did you not make a tutorial about them?


Also, what did you use to make the antenna's on the Rhinos? That's brilliant and I've wanted to do that for quite some time now, but can't seem to find the right material to use for that application.


Thanks, and awesome work!

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