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The Black Hand (Discontinued)


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Good Evening fellow members of the Bolter and Chainsword, and welcome to what I hope to be my greatest work.


A few months ago, I put up a few photos of my up and coming Chapter: The Black Hand. It was supposed to be an introduction to my Counts-As Pedro Kantor that I was painting up. However, it didn't turn out how I'd wanted it. So the model has been scrubbed clean and put on the back burner for awhile, until I become a better painter and perfect my Chapter's colour scheme.


I'll post up my Army List a bit later, but for the moment I'll just post a few of my Tactical Marines. I'll be working on these five, plus another which has already been primed, in the next few days (or weeks, given how long I take with my models).


So without further ado, here are my first models, in their converted glory:


Marine 1



Marine 2



Marine 3



Marine 4 and Squad Standard Bearer



Sergeant with Counts-As Power Weapon




The idea behind my Chapter is that they are a small but highly-advanced force that are more tech-savvy than other Chapters. All my Marines will have Integrated Weaponry, and my Sergeants will be wielding quite Savage looking Wargear. I found that the new Ork Nobz box fitted the bill nicely. Would any of you guys have a problem with my Sergeant's weapon being treated as a Power Sword?



Any comments, criticism?



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Hey guys, thanks for the replies and praise. It means a lot to me.

I was hoping to insert more information about my Chapter, like some basic Fluff and reasons for looking the way they are (ie. More advanced), but I've run out of time.

Instead I'll just post my WIP colour scheme from the SM Painter:




When I say WIP Scheme, it's because I'm still working on the specifics. My main issue is the Shoulder colours. I like the Tan look, but it's too Templars to me (I also play BT), so the test model I'm working on has something more to my liking:




I'm pretty certain I'll keep the Stone colour, and I'll dirty it up a bit to keep the look I want.

I've also decided against flat Black for the basic Armour colour. It's hard to highlight well and it looks too flat. So I've gone with a very dark Grey, which was achieved by a 1:3 Skull White/Chaos Black mix.

The choice is now, how to highlight. I'm thinking either the conventional way (Layered), or Drybrushing.

Here is one of my Templars, drybrushed slightly with SW Grey:




I like the look of my Crusaders, but I'm looking for something different. There's also the issue of battle damage. The above Drybrushing helped achieve the 'battered' look, but having a more clean highlight might negate that.


Your thoughts?



Although this topic is not about my Templars (They're on the backburner ATM), I'll indulge you because I;m quite proud of the results :D

The Shoulders are just basecoated Scorched Brown, then worked up to Bleached Bone. This is something upwards of 5 thin layers combining SB and BB. Then I washed with very watered down Scorched Brown and Bestial Brown (There were no Citadel Washes at the time).

The Chest Aquila was just basecoated SB and then had many heavy drybrushes of BB. I was surprised it turned out so well.

As for the rest of the body, the entire model was drybrushed in either SW Grey or Boltgun Metal, depending on whether it was armour or metal, followed by either a wash of Scorched Brown ora slight drybrush of SB/BB.


I was always skeptical of drybrushing, as many people say it is either lazy or lacks the quality of more 'skilled' techniques. I found that if you pick the right colours and are very careful, the results are on par with other ways, but the end product has its own character.



  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the Double-Post, but I'm bumping this because I'm going to post my Call of the Imperium progress here.

I haven't got any updates yet, as my camera is charging at the moment, but my first Tactical Marine nears completion. I've just been trying different techniques on him.


Stay tuned. I'll update soon.




Wow! those marines looks awesome!


Tell me how you made those integrated weaponry, as I'm making a captain (inspired by the Space Marine Captain artwork by Kurgan (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.php?automodule=downloads&req=display&code=ss&full=1&id=27)) with an underslung Bolter...


Love to see how these turn out!


All the best


Your models look great!

Love the underslung weapons! Especially the plasma gun. I might have to pinch that idea :blink:

Would look great on a biker, I've always thought that bikers with special weapons would probably drop them at high speed!


Love your scheme too!



So true Domitian, as my 'Gets Hot!' rolls are quite horrible as well.

As to how I did it, it is quite remarkably simple. Is essentially just filing both the gun and the arm down to make it fit, whilst moving the Magazine to the side of the Bolter.

I'll try to get a tutorial up when I finish painting this segment of the squad. By then I;ll have to make a few more underslung Bolters anyway.



  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry about the DP, but I've got something to say.

While I have no progress (well, none that is worth posting anyway), I've decided that while this thread will be my main Black Hand Blog, I may be making another thread for my COI progress.


I'll be posting all main progress on my two COI items there, while keeping the nitty-gritty stuff here. I have quite a bit to post, when I get the chance to take photos, although not much of it relates to my COI sadly.

Heres a list of the things I've been working on:


- Two Predators with TLLC Turrets and HB Sponsons, both with Extra Armour courtesy of Forge World (One Pred is completely built, minus Badges and Extras, while the other is about 75% done)

- A Dreadnought with Plasma Cannon and Chainsword, also courtesy of Forge World (Fully Built/Based, might add some more to it though)

- The remaining members of my Tactical Squad, plus a second Squad to boot (Neither squad is finished. I have all the Models based and standing, but many have no arms because I haven't made them yet)

- A Bike that I decided to impulse buy. I plan on collecting a separate Bike detachment somewhere down the track, but not yet

- A Terminator Librarian using parts from the Chaos Termi Lord and SM Terminator kits (Not done, but the main body is there)


Aside from them, I'm planning on making around 20-30 Sternguard models, with differing Wargear so I can take whatever I like. They will be heavily converted with lots of Bionics and special Equipment. I'm also rebuilding my Commander, who will be slightly magnetized to be used as either Pedro or Sicarius.


Anyway, I'm going to run off now and get to work. I've promised a lot so far but delivered virtually nothing. Peace




Sorry for the Triple Post, but I've finally taken a few photos of some of the stuff I've been working on. I feel quite ashamed at having to make a TP, and I also feel quite forgotten by the community *shakes fist*.


First of all, here's some images of my nearly-finished Dreadnought. I'm planning on adding quite a few more cables and wires to him, but other than that< hes pretty set:








Any thoughts on him? I've used both a Chaos Plasma Cannon and Chainfist (minus the arrows of course), and due to my lack of trimming ability at the time, I've shamelessly 'battle damaged' the arms to cover my shortcomings.


Up next is my impulse-buy-biker. I plan on fielding a fully mounted force led by a Counts-As Khan after I finish my initial 1500pt-2000pt Black Hand list (which I'll post soon):




I'm not really after any ideas for him, but any criticism is welcome.

I used a Scout bike as the base for him (the leg stands/pedals are a bit different though), as I don't quite like the 'chunky' aspect of the normal bikes. The majority of the army will have Scout bikes, while maybe some Sergeants can have the normal ones, to mix it up a little.


My next image is of one of my Predators. I didn't bother posting both, as at present they are virtually identical, but I'll later add more details, like cables, icons and a few other 'techy' things:






And last but not least, I'm showing you a sneak peak of one of my Black Disciples (Sternguard):




I want my entire army to look more utilitarian, so I'm skimping a bit on things like eagles, purity seals and parchments. Any sort of embellishment is being kept to a minimum.

In order to differentiate my Disciples for the rest of my Tacticals, I gave them the Devastator Missile Launcher backpacks. At the time it looked great, and combining that with their wrist-weapons and multiple bionics, they were different enough for me. But I've recently started disliking the backpacks. I want my army to look 'mobile', hence the majority of models are running, but the huge backpacks, while more 'techy' than others, are looking a bit bulky to me. What do you guys think. If your unsure, I'll try to post a group shot to emphasize my point.



Thanks for the feedback guys. I really appreciate it.


That was my thinking as well, Uncle Mel. I have a few boxes of Iron Hands bitz, most of which are being used for my Sergeants. I'm also spreading the shoulder pads around the army, combining them with the Imperial Fist ones, because they are quite similar.


How do you feel about me using a Chaos backpack (modded extensively, of course) for my Disciples?



The concept of integrated weaponary is not new, but by gum, your execution is excellent, especially the plasma gunner. That sergeant = savage.


How do you feel about me using a Chaos backpack (modded extensively, of course) for my Disciples?

That would be pretty distinctive, methinks.

The concept of integrated weaponary is not new, but by gum, your execution is excellent, especially the plasma gunner. That sergeant = savage.


Thanks man. I'm trying to do all my weaponry underslung or integrated in some other way. I even tried it with Heavy Weapons, but no cigar. They're all too big to be carried under-arm, and aiming a Lascannon or Missile Launcher without using your shoulder would be tricky, methinks.


That heavy flamer on the dreadnought is pretty cool!!!


My only criticism is that the non-plasma cannon arm on the dread looks i bit undersized in comparison w/ the plasma cannon.

The flamer is a standard one from Forge-world. It's shipped with the CCW Arm, along with a similar Storm Bolter.

I think it may just be the angle of the photo and how I've posed the Dreadnought, but the CCW Arm is evenly matched with the Plasma Cannon. It just doesn't have the bulkiness of the usual Power Claw variation.

And that is one AWESOME black templar.

Thanks man!


I've ripped the backpack off my Disciple Marine, and I'm dry fitting some Chaos backpacks to him. They look alright, but I need to remove the extended vents. They're too Chaos for me, which leaves me thinking of a substitute for that part of the pack. Any ideas guys?



[i've ripped the backpack off my Disciple Marine, and I'm dry fitting some Chaos backpacks to him. They look alright, but I need to remove the extended vents. They're too Chaos for me, which leaves me thinking of a substitute for that part of the pack. Any ideas guys?




could you not just shorten the extention? That might work.

could you not just shorten the extention? That might work.


That would be the simpler solution. But if I were to do that, using a regular SM one would look similar anyway.

Here is a photo showing what I plan to do:




The areas outlined in red would be removed. However, I want to maintain the ribbed cabling on the sides. I just need something to fill the gap the vents leave.

If I put shorter vents in there, the cable would lead right into the exhaust, and wouldn't look all that good. I was thinking of either a Melta barrel on either side, or something else that is cheap and easy to obtain.

What do you guys think? Any ideas of what would fit there and look decent?




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