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Sicarius: Worth it?

Brother Cassern

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He looks pretty solid to me, and I am sure a tankhunting melta/las tac squad has its virtues


A note though, he probly isnt the best choice to run with a comand squad as he already has feal no pain, so he doesnt get the main benifit of being in a comand squad.


I was thinking a MM\MG Tactical squad that Infiltrates in then you steal the turn for some early game tankbusting..

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He can be fairly cool. The thing you have to understand, is he's more of an army buff than he is a stand-alone beast like Lysander or Calgar. His points cost is a little too steep for me, but sometimes I bring him out if I am bored. Personally, I feel Cassius has quite a bit of upside and is very cheap. Mostly, I'd stick with a normal captain though. Sicarius isn't that great.
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You can make an Assault Cannon Razorback Outflank, and get a Heavy Weapons team a 6" Scout move.


Multi-Meltas with first turn melta shots are fun fun fun.

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I swear by Sicarious. He's tough as nails - 2+/4++/FNP, has a shot to kill virtually anything in one blow, and gives great army-wide buffs. He's the most tactical choice you can make as far as SC's go. There's at least a dozen great combinations to use with his Elite skill, a couple of which have already been mentioned. He makes your Heavy-toting Combat Squads LD 10 (instead of 9 where the Sarge is, and 8 for the other), which is very important if you have a Plasma Cannon squad sitting on an objective near the back edge. One bad run roll could loose you the unit, with Sicarious, this practically never happens. Also, don't underestimate both the real and psychological effect of going from a 1/6 chance to a 1/3 chance to Steal the Initiative.


Another great point I've seen made is that if you're in a Tournament setting, he's the only SC that allows you to legally re-configure your army for every game. For armor, take Tank Hunters, for hordes, take Counter-Attack, for objectives, take Scout on a transported unit, or Infiltrate on a walking Melta unit with a Teleport Homer for Termie drops.


If Calgar is a wicked machete, Sicarious is a 108-in-one folding multi-tool of HQ goodness for any army that is Tactical Squad based.


If you like to make Tacs shine like Elites choices, every point spent on Sicarious is a point well invested.

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I must amend my interest for why I want to use Sicarius; his survivability and killing prowess are commendable, which is to be expected at 200 points! But I'm really only interested in him for Rites of Battle, the special Tactics he can swap out on a Tactical Squad and his ability to reroll Sieze the Initiative, which I feel are all WAY more useful then most of the other characters or a regular Captain, who no longer has Rites of Battle ( the only reason I took one in 4th Edition.. :) ). In addition I think Combat Tactics are better then most of the other Tactics the Characters give, with exception to the Khan and maybe He'Stan.


I'm asking because I may be deluding myself into thinking he's worth it in the competitive tournament format that I'm going to play in soon, which is 1,500pts. 200pts. out of that is quite hefty.. but then again 5th Edition is the 'Era of Special Characters'. I may just opt to take a barebones Librarian for the Psychic Hood and Null Zone, to deal with Eldar\Daemons\Chaos Marines\etc, and leave Sicarius at home..

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200 of 1,500 does seem like a alot. But you really get so much from this character without him being used in combat. He is worth the points. Heck, he is the best bargain out of the Special Characters in the Codex ... maybe even in the game.


You will not regret using him in a tourny.

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THe price seems steep, but let's see if we can hash this out:


Captain with arty armor, pwep, and plasma pistol



So what do you get for those other 55 points?

-coup de grace

-veteran skills

-Rites of battle

-surprise attack



If we look to other codecii or to 4th ed C:SM, we can safely say that veteran skills are worth 3 ppm, so we only have 25 points left to deal with. Even leaving coup de grace out of it, wouldn't you pay 5 points for wargear that gave you Rites? How about 5 for surprise attack? no one would leave home without a 15 pt upgrade for FNP.


My point is that Cato is worth every point, as long as you can spare them.

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