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Hi, I'm thinking of getting an Assault squad and converting them into Chaos Raptors. Only one problem:


I've NEVER used Jump Infantry in any of my previous armies. That's right, Daemons, Eldar and Tyranids and I've never used them.


They're going to be a 5 man squad with a Champion with twin Lightning Claws and Meltabombs, cheap and effective in my opinion.


Should I Deep Strike them? I have 5 Terminators in my army that are also going to Deep Strike.


Basically, how should I use them?

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Heya eyescrossed,


Most people tend to use their Raptors in two ways:


Anti infantry

- equipped with 2 flamers

- LC champion is optional but leave the meltabombs at home

- or champ w. combi-flamer/PW

- or no champ (in small units)


Anti armour

- equipped with 2 meltaguns

- LC champion is of no real use

- champion w. combi-melta & meltabombs

- or no champ (in small units)


Icons of use

- IoCG, comes in handy due to Ld rolls (if they flee, they flee hard)

- IoK, would only include this one for units over 7/8 models and if you are infantry hitting

- IoS, could be used in units of 6 and up and if you are infantry hitting

- IoN, way to exspensive for my taste

- IoT, to exspensive as well


Deep striking

Raptors are kinda quick enough and don't get nifty bonusses like assaulting after DS-ing. If you have a bad roll your special weapons & pistols don't make it & they are open for enemy fire. Best way to use them IMO is to advance behind cover and make sure you strike first.


My set-up

If I don't use my raptors often unless I've got more points to spend. Ussually for back-up and they really don't have a specialised role. I try to make them balanced so they are prepared for most eventualities. I know most players here will disagree and say that "there is no such thing as an allround raptorunit". I have to agree that in this way they don't excell in any particular role. But I like it them this way


8 Chaos Raptors

Aspiring champion w. Power weapon (or LC) & melta-bombs

1 Flamer, 1 Meltagun and IoK


I hope this was of any help.





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Have your Raptors follow your rhinos into battle. I use my rhinos as transports and don't have any upgrades. Rhinos provide good cover for the raptors, so move the rhinos, 12" every player turn. My Raptors run in small squad of 7 with meltaguns. I use a champ for LD, as they aren't fearless. Hope that helps.
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Have your Raptors follow your rhinos into battle. I use my rhinos as transports and don't have any upgrades. Rhinos provide good cover for the raptors, so move the rhinos, 12" every player turn. My Raptors run in small squad of 7 with meltaguns. I use a champ for LD, as they aren't fearless. Hope that helps.

It did - I was thinking of Deep Striking, but following my Berzerker's Rhino seems much safer...

I'm going to run them as 8 Raptors with 1 Meltagun and a Champion with 2 Lightning Claws.

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Anti infantry

- equipped with 2 flamers

- LC champion is optional but leave the meltabombs at home

- or champ w. combi-flamer/PW

- or no champ (in small units)


Anti armour

- equipped with 2 meltaguns

- LC champion is of no real use

- champion w. combi-melta & meltabombs

- or no champ (in small units)


Icons of use

- IoCG, comes in handy due to Ld rolls (if they flee, they flee hard)

- IoK, would only include this one for units over 7/8 models and if you are infantry hitting

- IoS, could be used in units of 6 and up and if you are infantry hitting

- IoN, way to exspensive for my taste

- IoT, to exspensive as well


This is some great advice honestly.


I would stress the fact that Champions are too expensive for 5-6 man squads but much more useful in 8-10 man units.


The two most frequent uses of Raptors are 5 Raptors/2 Flamers for anti-infantry burning and 5 Raptors/2 Meltaguns for busting tanks quickly.

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Deepstriking jump troops is generally a bad idea. They can't do anything but shoot pistols and assault weapons when they come in, and must weather a full round of your opponent's shooting before they can move. Sure, you could run them after a deepstrike, but there's not much point to it. Start them on the board, or in reserve and march them on from the edge. Deepstriking jump troops are pie plate bait.
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[b; background-image:url(http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/hq2.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 8px 2px; padding: 12px 8px 12px 8px; border: 1px solid #DDD; margin-left: 0 auto; text-align: left; color: #fff; text-indent:50px; font-size:130%; width:50%;">

Tactica Chaotica


By Mutt-Man.


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I use raptors as a bodyguard for my flying Lord/Sorceror. Give them a powerfist and some meltas and they can do damage to tanks while still keeping the nasty lord/sorceror alive.


Deepstriking is usually bad.


Raptors, like all jump infantry, have the issue of being targets. So you either need lots of them for target saturation, have stuff to hide behind (like rhinos or land raiders) or scarier targets (like berserkers can be, demon princes are) to help them stay alive.


I ahve horrid luck with leadership and raptors, so I always use Icon of chaos glory. Because when they run, they run fast and often leave the board.

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