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Nurgle theme?


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Ok, so...I have to say I am sorry for the lack of a Tip of Thursday this week. I played my nemesis Ork friend this week. I am currently on a 6 game losing streak against him, because of cursed dice rolling. I should have beaten him the last 3 games I've played him, I've just had TERRIBLE dice rolls. My strategy was great, albeit, I used a pretty predictable Vulkan flamer spam list against him. Next week I'll get back into the swing of things. Right now I have another question...


So I am plotting my next army. Frankly, I do not like any of the other armies as much as I like marines. I am thinking about going traitor for my next army. I REALLY love how Plague Marines look, and I love their rules. It's insane to think they get a bolter, bp, AND CCW. I was putting a rough list together that I think I'd like to play at first before I branch out. I intend to base my army around a large plague marine presence with support units added to it. Tell me what you think, what good tactics tend to be for Nurgle-heavy armies and perhaps if the list could be tweaked better:


1-2 Daemon Princes: Probably mostly winged/lash at first, but I'll try out the other marks too eventually.

30 Plague Marines: I intend to make these 3x10 squads and each 10 having 2 plasma guns in them, all mounted in rhinos.

5 Nurgle Terminators: I intend to deep strike these in a way that can cause trouble to something my lash isn't dealing with. Not to mention...there's something about a 2+ armour save on a T5 model with FnP that makes me quake in my boots.

6 Obliterators: The obvious choice when using a lash setup.

Defiler: I like the battlecannon's range. Could help support the cause of the Terminators by dropping plates on lootas, dev squads, hammerheads, etc.


Kitted out the way it is, I am not sure how many points this would run, but it seems like a fun list. I think it has enough in it that if the princes die (which they will when my opponent knows they're lash princes) I still have enough of a supporting cast that can pull out a win. The fact that the plague marines are mounted means even if the princes die, I can still rush them forward to cap objectives/muck up my opponents movement plans.

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For your plague marines, you should go to legio morbidus and look at the 'stripey white' plague marine tutorial

On your plague marine build the optima build is plasma or flamer/melta/PF

I suggest painting your lash princes with slaanesh insignia but with a nurgle scheme.

Nurginators (my name for them) don't have FnP, only Typhus and plague marines get that.


Otherwise, go forth!

Get revenge for the plaguefather,

and show us painted pics meanwhile!!!!

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