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[Daemon review] Heavy Support

Captain Malachi

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Hummm, that's a good question.


Due to my fickle nature and absolute abundance of model (I have connection to borrow just about any CSM/Daemon model in the world), I constantly try out new stuff. Not so much in my troop section, but primarily in my heavy/HQ section.


I have, mostly, used 3 soul grinders and they work really well against anything out side of Nidzilla or a mech eldar army with buttloads of wraithlords led by an avatar. With 3 Grinders even the new guard (granted I only played 2 games against them) wont stop them from entering combat and mulch their troops. Technically, "they can be taken out in ONE shot", but let's not forget that technically, you can down a termie with a flashlight. I'd much rather trade that for the certainity to squish nearly anything in CC and wipe MEQs off the table by the handfuls.


With that said, I have had my grinders die horribly to ven. dreads tho.


My 1500pt list of what I've been running last few games:



1x Herald of Tzeentch, Chariot, We Are Legion, Bolt, Icon

1x Herald of Tzeentch, Chariot, We Are Legion, Bolt

1x Great Unclean One, Cloud of Flies


6x Fiends

3x Flamers


9x Horror, Changeling

9x Horror

Heavy Support

Grinder, Phlegm

Grinder, Phlegm

Grinder, Phlegm


It's a do-all-be-all list that mixes several key attributes:

Assault (Fiends, Grinders, GUO)

Durability (GUO, Grinder)

Dakka (Horror, Herald, Grinder, Flamer)

Anti-MEQ (Herald, Grinder, Flamer)

Anti-Horde (Grinder, Flamer, Fiend, Horror)

Anti-Walker (Fiend, Herald)

Anti-MC (Herald, GUO, Fiends)

Mobility (Grinder, Herald, Icon, Fiends)


Notice how grinders are like EVERYWHERE on that list.


I know they wont compete to a list that is tailored TO specifically address those attributes, I'm not going to out-assault a mono-khorne list, out-dakka a IG, out run DE or out MC nids, but I ensure that I have at least 2 units in my list that will excel in their given task. It's not as assaulty as a daemon list ought to be, but I guess I make do with what i have.

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Yeah, that really do kinda sums it up. If you're going to take something, take multiples of them. They might already excel in one task but having more than one of them just makes it even better.
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Taking lots of one thing allows a deep strike army to take advantage of someones weakness in contrast of the random deep strike they are always subject to. One thing you can rely on is the consistancy of the list. Perhaps that may be a better general explination of it? Daemons are easy to get rid of if there is very little of what the enemy truly is weak to inside the list. Like one unit of bloodletters against a marine army, they will shoot it and make sure it wont do anything. While utterly ignoring all the plaguebearers one may take, and wont care getting into melee with such units.
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